Sapui5 生成应用程序时出现SAP WEB IDE错误

Sapui5 生成应用程序时出现SAP WEB IDE错误,sapui5,sap-web-ide,Sapui5,Sap Web Ide,在SAP WEB IDE中,我正在构建我的项目(右Clck+Build)。 这是正确的工作,但现在它的错误与: 4​:43:07 PM (Build) Build started. 4:43:10 PM (DIBuild) Build of /rsa-complete-survey in progress 4:43:11 PM (DIBuild) [INFO] Retrieving source code [INFO] Preparing node environment [INFO] pac

在SAP WEB IDE中,我正在构建我的项目(右Clck+Build)。 这是正确的工作,但现在它的错误与:

4​:43:07 PM (Build) Build started. 4:43:10 PM (DIBuild) Build of /rsa-complete-survey in progress 4:43:11 PM (DIBuild) [INFO] Retrieving source code

[INFO] Preparing node environment
[INFO] package.json not modified, skipping npm installation
[INFO] Using recently cached node_modules
[INFO] Node environment ready
4:43:15 PM (DIBuild) grunt-cli: The grunt command line interface (v1.2.0)

Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt.

If you're seeing this message, grunt hasn't been installed locally to
your project. For more information about installing and configuring grunt,
please see the Getting Started guide:
[INFO] Build finished in 4 seconds



根据SAP的说法,修复程序现在已部署。重新启动Web IDE并重试。是的,它现在已排序。谢谢