Sed 如何在文件中搜索位置12处的字符,如果找到,则从所有行中删除该字符和接下来的5个字符?

Sed 如何在文件中搜索位置12处的字符,如果找到,则从所有行中删除该字符和接下来的5个字符?,sed,cut,Sed,Cut,我试图解析RSS提要并压缩行上的信息,这样我仍然有条目的日期和时间,但没有百万分之一秒或浪费空间,因为我将文件提供给限制在可读屏幕宽度上的xscreensaver文本爬网。我可以修改我的代码,在文本格式化之前不添加两行标题行,如果这样做更容易的话。谢谢你的建议 The input file at this point looks like this: ABC World News Feed RSS Data retrieved from


The input file at this point looks like this:

ABC World News Feed
RSS Data retrieved from
05-24 18:48:16    Truckers' strike leads to fuel shortages in Brazil
05-24 18:48:16    The marathon atop the world's deepest lake
           Remove these character positions starting from 12 to 17 
           from each title line, with colon in 12 but not from the heading lines

So the result should look like:

ABC World News Feed
RSS Data retrieved from
05-24 18:48 Truckers' strike leads to fuel shortages in Brazil
05-24 18:48 The marathon atop the world's deepest lake


$ sed 's/:[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]  */ /' file
ABC World News Feed
RSS Data retrieved from
05-24 18:48 Truckers' strike leads to fuel shortages in Brazil
05-24 18:48 The marathon atop the world's deepest lake

$ sed 's/^\(..-.. ..:..\):[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]  */\1 /' file
ABC World News Feed
RSS Data retrieved from
05-24 18:48 Truckers' strike leads to fuel shortages in Brazil
05-24 18:48 The marathon atop the world's deepest lake

awk '$2 ~ /[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+/{sub(/:[0-9]+ +/,OFS)} 1'  Input_file
若要将输出保存到输入文件本身,请在上述命令中附加>temp\u file&&mv temp\u file Input\u file


awk '
$2 ~ /[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+/{ ##Checking condition here if 2nd field is matching digit colon digit colon digit pattern then do following.
  sub(/:[0-9]+ +/,OFS)       ##Using substitute function of awk to substitute colon digit(s) then space with OFS whose default value is space in current line.
1                            ##awk works on method of condition and then action, so making condition TRUE here and not mentioning action so print will happen.
' Input_file                 ##Mentioning Input_file name here.
