Sql 计算百分比值

Sql 计算百分比值,sql,oracle,oracle11g,Sql,Oracle,Oracle11g,我有如下数据 count ID ---------------------- 10 1 20 2 30 4 如何实现oracle中计算百分比的第三列 count ID % ------------------------------------- 10 1 10/(10+20+30) 20


count              ID
10                 1
20                 2
30                 4

count              ID   %
10                 1    10/(10+20+30)
20                 2    20/(10+20+30)
30                 4    30/(10+20+30)


with your_table(count_, id_) as (
  select 10,1 from dual union all
  select 20,2 from dual union all
  select 30,4 from dual
select count_, id_,
ratio_to_report(count_) over () as percentage
from your_table
| COUNT_ | ID_ |          PERCENTAGE |
|     10 |   1 | 0.16666666666666666 |
|     20 |   2 |  0.3333333333333333 |
|     30 |   4 |                 0.5 |

with your_table(count_, id_) as (
  select 10,1 from dual union all
  select 20,2 from dual union all
  select 30,4 from dual
select count_, id_,
ratio_to_report(count_) over () as percentage
from your_table
| COUNT_ | ID_ |          PERCENTAGE |
|     10 |   1 | 0.16666666666666666 |
|     20 |   2 |  0.3333333333333333 |
|     30 |   4 |                 0.5 |


select id
      ,sum(count(*)) over () as CountOfAll
      ,(1.0 * count(*)) / sum(count(*)) over () as Pct
from some_table
group by id

select id
  ,sum(count(*)) over () as CountOfAll
  ,case when sum(count(*)) over () = 0 
      then 0 
      else (1.0 * count(*)) / sum(count(*)) over () 
   end as Pct
from some_table
group by id

