Sql 从字符串中拆分特定的数字链

Sql 从字符串中拆分特定的数字链,sql,regex,postgresql,regex-greedy,Sql,Regex,Postgresql,Regex Greedy,下面有一个称为数据的表格: row comments 1 Fortune favors https://something.aaa.org/show_screen.cgi?id=548545 the 23 bold 2 No man 87485 is id# 548522 an island 65654. 3 125 Better id NEWLINE #546654 late than 5875565 never. 4 555 Bet


row    comments
  1    Fortune favors https://something.aaa.org/show_screen.cgi?id=548545 the 23 bold
  2    No man 87485 is id# 548522 an island 65654.       
  3    125 Better id NEWLINE #546654 late than 5875565 never.
  4    555 Better id546654 late than 565 never

select row, substring(substring(comments::text, '((id|ID) [0-9]+)'), '[0-9]+') as id 
from data 
where comments::text ~* 'id [0-9]+';

row   id
 4    546654


SELECT c.rownr
        , regexp_replace (c.comments, e'.*[Ii][Dd][^0-9]*([0-9]+).*', '\1' ) AS the_id
        , c.comments AS comments
FROM comments c
*匹配初始垃圾 `[Ii][Dd]匹配Id字符串,大小写不重要 [^0-9]*使用所有非数字字符 [0-9]+匹配所需的数字字符串 *匹配任何尾随字符 第3个参数中的“\1”表示希望第一个参数中的内容匹配 结果:

 rownr | the_id |                         comments                                    
     1 | 548545 | Fortune favors https://something.aaa.org/show_screen.cgi?id=548545 the 23 bold
     2 | 548522 | No man 87485 is id# 548522 an island 65654.       
     3 | 546654 | 125 Better id NEWLINE #546654 late than 5875565 never.
     4 | 546654 | 555 Better id546654 late than 565 never
(4 rows)