Scala swing GUI编译器指出我的反应块中的某些情况是不可访问的?

Scala swing GUI编译器指出我的反应块中的某些情况是不可访问的?,swing,scala,user-interface,Swing,Scala,User Interface,这是从大量代码中摘录的,为了简洁起见,删除了不相关的代码。我已经单独测试了下面的代码(作为新项目中的单个类),并验证了同样的问题仍然存在。所以我知道这个问题是特定于这里包含的代码的 object HumanGUI extends SimpleGUIApplication with Logs { PropertyConfigurator.configure("") def top = new MainFrame { title = "BJ GUI


object HumanGUI extends SimpleGUIApplication with Logs {


  def top = new MainFrame {
    title = "BJ GUI"

  val PlayPanel = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
    val hitButton = new Button("Hit")
    val stayButton = new Button("Stay")
    val doubleButton = new Button("Double")
    val quitButton = new Button("Quit")

    contents += hitButton
    contents += stayButton
    contents += doubleButton
    contents += quitButton

    listenTo(hitButton, stayButton, doubleButton, quitButton)
    reactions += {
      case ButtonClicked(hitButton) =>
        debug("Clicked Hit!")
      case ButtonClicked(stayButton) =>
        debug("Clicked Stay!")
      case ButtonClicked(doubleButton) =>
        debug("Clicked Double!")
      case ButtonClicked(quitButton) =>
        debug("Clicked Quit!")

    contents = new BoxPanel(Orientation.Vertical) {
      contents += playPanel

    listenTo(hitButton, stayButton, doubleButton, quitButton)
    reactions += {
      case ButtonClicked(hitButton) =>
        debug("Clicked Hit!")
      case ButtonClicked(stayButton) =>
        debug("Clicked Stay!")
      case ButtonClicked(doubleButton) =>
        debug("Clicked Double!")
      case ButtonClicked(quitButton) =>
        debug("Clicked Quit!")



listenTo(hitButton, stayButton, doubleButton, quitButton)
    reactions += {
      case ButtonClicked(`hitButton`) =>
        debug("Clicked Hit!")
      case ButtonClicked(`stayButton`) =>
        debug("Clicked Stay!")
      case ButtonClicked(`doubleButton`) =>
        debug("Clicked Double!")
      case ButtonClicked(`quitButton`) =>
        debug("Clicked Quit!")