
Typescript:对象的typesafety必须具有数组值中的所有键,typescript,Typescript,在Typescript ^3.8中,给定此接口 接口IEndpoint{method:'get'|'put'|'post'|'patch'|'delete',path:string} 这个常数 const endpoint={method'get',path:'/first/:firstId/second/:secondId'} 请注意:firstId和:secondId是将在运行时动态提供的路径参数。我有一个函数,它将获取端点和带有param值的对象,并返回url 函数buildEndpoin

在Typescript ^3.8中,给定此接口

接口IEndpoint{method:'get'|'put'|'post'|'patch'|'delete',path:string} 这个常数

const endpoint={method'get',path:'/first/:firstId/second/:secondId'} 请注意:firstId和:secondId是将在运行时动态提供的路径参数。我有一个函数,它将获取端点和带有param值的对象,并返回url

函数buildEndpointUrlendpoint:IEndpoint,映射:{[key:string]:string}:string; 例如:

//将url设置为“/first/123/second/456” constURL=buildEndpointUrlendpoint,{firstId:'123',secondId:'456'}; 我面临的挑战是编译器将允许垃圾作为第二个参数传递:如何定义IEndpoint和buildEndpointUrl,以便在作为第二个参数提供的对象缺少必需的键时编译器抛出错误


接口IEndpoint{ 方法:“获取”|“放置”|“发布”|“补丁”|“删除”, 路径:字符串 } 常量端点:IEndpoint={…}; 函数buildEndpointUrl 端点:IEndpointConfig, 映射:{[key:T[number]]:string}//编译器错误 ; 最后一行抛出编译器错误:




type EndpointParams = ReadonlyArray<string>;

interface IEndpoint<T extends EndpointParams> { 
  method: 'get'|'put'|'post'|'patch'|'delete', 
  path: string

function buildEndpointUrl<T extends EndpointParams>(
  endpoint: IEndpoint<T>, 
  map: {[key in T[number]]: string} // In your case it should be mapped, not just indexed
) {}

const endpoint: IEndpoint<['first', 'second']> = {
    method: "get",
    path: "",

buildEndpointUrl(endpoint, { // failed
    first: "v1",
    p2: "v2",

buildEndpointUrl(endpoint, { // passed
    first: "v1",
    second: "v2",

type EndpointParams = ReadonlyArray<string>;

interface IEndpoint<T extends EndpointParams> { 
  method: 'get'|'put'|'post'|'patch'|'delete', 
  path: string

function buildEndpointUrl<T extends EndpointParams>(
  endpoint: IEndpoint<T>, 
  map: {[key in T[number]]: string} // In your case it should be mapped, not just indexed
) {}

const endpoint: IEndpoint<['first', 'second']> = {
    method: "get",
    path: "",

buildEndpointUrl(endpoint, { // failed
    first: "v1",
    p2: "v2",

buildEndpointUrl(endpoint, { // passed
    first: "v1",
    second: "v2",


export interface IEndpoint<T extends ReadonlyArray<string>> { 
  method: 'get'|'put'|'post'|'patch'|'delete', 
  path: string

const endpoint: IEndpoint<['firstId', 'secondId']> =  { method: 'get', path: '/first/:firstId/second/:secondId' };

declare function buildEndpointUrl<T extends ReadonlyArray<string>>(
  endpoint: IEndpoint<T>, 
  map: Record<T[number],string> // compiler error
): void;

const b = buildEndpointUrl(endpoint, { firstId: "", secondId:"", test: "" })


export interface IEndpoint<T extends string> { 
  method: 'get'|'put'|'post'|'patch'|'delete', 
  path: T

type ExtractParameters<T extends string> = 
  T extends `${infer Prefix}/:${infer Param}/${infer Suffix}` ? Record<Param, string> & ExtractParameters<Suffix> & [Prefix, Suffix, Param] :
  T extends `${infer Prefix}/:${infer Param}` ? Record<Param, string>  :
  T extends `:${infer Param}`? Record<Param, string> :
  { T: T}

type X = "second/:secondId" extends `${infer Prefix}/:${infer Param}/${infer Suffix}` ? [Prefix, Param, Suffix] : "";
type Y = ExtractParameters<"/first/:firstId/second/:secondId">

const endpoint =  { method: 'get', path: '/first/:firstId/second/:secondId' } as const

declare function buildEndpointUrl<T extends string>(
  endpoint: IEndpoint<T>, 
  map: ExtractParameters<T>
): void;

const b = buildEndpointUrl(endpoint, { firstId: "", secondId:"", test: "" })


export interface IEndpoint<T extends ReadonlyArray<string>> { 
  method: 'get'|'put'|'post'|'patch'|'delete', 
  path: string

const endpoint: IEndpoint<['firstId', 'secondId']> =  { method: 'get', path: '/first/:firstId/second/:secondId' };

declare function buildEndpointUrl<T extends ReadonlyArray<string>>(
  endpoint: IEndpoint<T>, 
  map: Record<T[number],string> // compiler error
): void;

const b = buildEndpointUrl(endpoint, { firstId: "", secondId:"", test: "" })


export interface IEndpoint<T extends string> { 
  method: 'get'|'put'|'post'|'patch'|'delete', 
  path: T

type ExtractParameters<T extends string> = 
  T extends `${infer Prefix}/:${infer Param}/${infer Suffix}` ? Record<Param, string> & ExtractParameters<Suffix> & [Prefix, Suffix, Param] :
  T extends `${infer Prefix}/:${infer Param}` ? Record<Param, string>  :
  T extends `:${infer Param}`? Record<Param, string> :
  { T: T}

type X = "second/:secondId" extends `${infer Prefix}/:${infer Param}/${infer Suffix}` ? [Prefix, Param, Suffix] : "";
type Y = ExtractParameters<"/first/:firstId/second/:secondId">

const endpoint =  { method: 'get', path: '/first/:firstId/second/:secondId' } as const

declare function buildEndpointUrl<T extends string>(
  endpoint: IEndpoint<T>, 
  map: ExtractParameters<T>
): void;

const b = buildEndpointUrl(endpoint, { firstId: "", secondId:"", test: "" })
