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Vb.net 蛇游戏重置按钮不工作?_Vb.net_Visual Studio - Fatal编程技术网

Vb.net 蛇游戏重置按钮不工作?

Vb.net 蛇游戏重置按钮不工作?,vb.net,visual-studio,Vb.net,Visual Studio,在Visual Basic中创建蛇游戏作为学校作业。我几乎完成了,但在主屏幕窗体与游戏/操场窗体以及“你死了”窗体的交互方面遇到了一些问题。我能通过一轮蛇行。我的“你死了”屏幕弹出,但当我单击“重试”时,它会以我离开表单或崩溃的状态重新加载表单。同样的事情也会发生,如果我点击我的主页按钮重新打开主屏幕,然后我再次点击播放,它会带我回到我死去的地方。 frmPlayField Public Class frmPlayfield Public PFSize As Integer = SnakeH

在Visual Basic中创建蛇游戏作为学校作业。我几乎完成了,但在主屏幕窗体与游戏/操场窗体以及“你死了”窗体的交互方面遇到了一些问题。我能通过一轮蛇行。我的“你死了”屏幕弹出,但当我单击“重试”时,它会以我离开表单或崩溃的状态重新加载表单。同样的事情也会发生,如果我点击我的主页按钮重新打开主屏幕,然后我再次点击播放,它会带我回到我死去的地方。 frmPlayField

Public Class frmPlayfield

Public PFSize As Integer = SnakeHS.myPFSize 'To change the size of the play field depending on what difficulty the user selects.
Public PfPbSize As Integer = SnakeHS.myPfPbSize
Public tmrDiff As Integer = SnakeHS.mytmrDiff 'To change the interval of the timer depending on what difficulty the user selects.
Public scorePos As Integer = SnakeHS.myscorePos
'Food Creating and Grow Snake Variables
Dim randF As New Random

    Dim foodPointX As Integer = randF.Next(0, PFSize)
    Dim foodPointY As Integer = randF.Next(0, PFSize)

    'Play Field Variables
    Dim playMaxWidth As Integer = PFSize
    Dim playMaxHeight As Integer = PFSize
    Dim boxSize As Integer = PfPbSize                             'Size of PictureBox
Dim boxArray(,) As PictureBox 'PictureBox Array
Dim scoreSnake As New Label
'Snake Stuff Variable
Public playerScore As Integer = 0
Dim snake(0) As Point                                      'Snake array
Dim direction As New Point(1, 0)                           'Direction for snake movement

Public Sub Reset()
End Sub
Private Sub frmPlayfield_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    ReDim boxArray(playMaxWidth, playMaxHeight)
    For x As Integer = 0 To playMaxWidth
        For y As Integer = 0 To playMaxHeight
            boxArray(x, y) = New PictureBox
            boxArray(x, y).Width = boxSize
            boxArray(x, y).Height = boxSize
            boxArray(x, y).Top = y * boxSize
            boxArray(x, y).Left = x * boxSize
            boxArray(x, y).Visible = True
            boxArray(x, y).BackColor = Color.White
            boxArray(x, y).BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
            Me.Controls.Add(boxArray(x, y))
    Me.ClientSize = New Size((playMaxWidth + 10) * boxSize, (playMaxHeight + 1) * boxSize)

    scoreSnake.AutoSize = False
    scoreSnake.Width = 120
    scoreSnake.Height = 40
    scoreSnake.ForeColor = Color.Red
    scoreSnake.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
    scoreSnake.Visible = True
    scoreSnake.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    scoreSnake.Location = New Point(20, 20)
    scoreSnake.Text = 0
    scoreSnake.Name = "lblScore"
    scoreSnake.Font = New Font("Papyrus", 16, FontStyle.Bold)
    scoreSnake.Left = playMaxWidth + scorePos
    scoreSnake.Top = 10


    snake(0) = New Point(1, 1) 'Creates snake head
    boxArray(foodPointX, foodPointY).BackColor = Color.Red
    timGameTick.Interval = tmrDiff
    timGameTick.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Function createBox(x As Integer, y As Integer, bSize As Integer) As PictureBox
    Dim tempBox As New PictureBox With {
        .Width = bSize,
        .Height = bSize,
        .Top = y * bSize,
        .Left = x * bSize,
        .Visible = True,
        .BackColor = Color.White,
        .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    Return tempBox
End Function

Private Sub Died()
    If snake.Length > 1 Then
        For f = 1 To snake.GetUpperBound(0)
            If snake(0).X = snake(f).X And snake(0).Y = snake(f).Y Then
                My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.Game_Over, AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete)

                timGameTick.Enabled = False

                Call GameMusic()
                Call Reset() 'removes all the controls on the form

            End If

    End If

End Sub

Private Sub GameMusic()

    My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.Pause_Music, AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop)
End Sub

Private Sub Food()
    For i As Integer = snake.GetLowerBound(0) To snake.GetUpperBound(0)
        If snake(i).X = foodPointX And snake(i).Y = foodPointY Then
            ReDim Preserve snake(snake.Length)
            foodPointX = randF.Next(0, PFSize)
            foodPointY = randF.Next(0, PFSize)
            boxArray(foodPointX, foodPointY).BackColor = Color.Red
            playerScore += 10

        End If

    scoreSnake.Text = playerScore
End Sub

Private Sub CheckBoundsAndMovement()
        For i As Integer = 0 To snake.GetUpperBound(0)
        boxArray(snake(i).X, snake(i).Y).BackColor = Color.White 'Loop to change the whole snake white
        boxArray(snake(i).X, snake(i).Y).Update()
        If snake.Length > 1 Then
            For i As Integer = snake.GetUpperBound(0) To 1 Step -1
                snake(i) = snake(i - 1)
        End If
    snake(0) = snake(0) + direction

    If snake(0).X > playMaxWidth Then
            snake(0).X -= (playMaxWidth + 1)
        End If
        If snake(0).X < 0 Then
            snake(0).X += (playMaxWidth + 1)
        End If                                                       'Four If statements to check if the snake has gone outside the play area.
        If snake(0).Y > playMaxWidth Then
            snake(0).Y -= (playMaxWidth + 1)
        End If
    If snake(0).Y < 0 Then
        snake(0).Y += (playMaxWidth + 1)
    End If

    For k As Integer = 0 To snake.GetUpperBound(0)
        boxArray(snake(k).X, snake(k).Y).BackColor = Color.Black 'Loop to make the whole snake black


End Sub

Private Sub timGameTick_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles timGameTick.Tick
End Sub

Private Sub frmPlayfield_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown 'Subroutine for direction
    Select Case (e.KeyCode)
        Case Keys.Up
            direction = New Point(0, -1)
        Case Keys.Down
            direction = New Point(0, 1)
        Case Keys.Left
            direction = New Point(-1, 0)
        Case Keys.Right
            direction = New Point(1, 0)
    End Select
End Sub

End Class

Public Class SnakeHS
Public myPFSize As Integer
Public myPfPbSize As Integer
Public mytmrDiff As Integer
Public myscorePos As Integer
Private Sub btnPlay_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPlay.Click
    If rbEasy.Checked Then
        myPFSize = 32
        myPfPbSize = 16
        mytmrDiff = 110
        myscorePos = 500
    End If
    If rbMedium.Checked Then
        myPFSize = 22
        myPfPbSize = 16
        mytmrDiff = 80
        myscorePos = 350
    End If
    If rbHard.Checked Then
        myPFSize = 12
        myPfPbSize = 16
        mytmrDiff = 50
        myscorePos = 200
    End If

    frmPlayfield.PfPbSize = myPfPbSize
    frmPlayfield.PFSize = myPFSize
    frmPlayfield.tmrDiff = mytmrDiff
    frmPlayfield.scorePos = myscorePos


End Sub

Private Sub SnakeHS_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    rbEasy.Checked = True
End Sub
End Class
Public Class You_Died
Private Sub btnHome_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnHome.Click

End Sub

Private Sub btnSaveScore_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnSaveScore.Click

End Sub

Private Sub btnRetry_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnRetry.Click

    Call frmPlayfield.Reset()

End Sub

Private Sub You_Died_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    lblScore.Text = frmPlayfield.playerScore

End Sub
End Class

