Vb.net 当RadEditor-Telerik Toolbar模式在chrome浏览器中设置为默认问题时

Vb.net 当RadEditor-Telerik Toolbar模式在chrome浏览器中设置为默认问题时,vb.net,google-chrome,telerik,radeditor,Vb.net,Google Chrome,Telerik,Radeditor,我正在使用RadEditor-Telerik 当Toolbarmode设置为默认时,工具不会显示在chrome浏览器中,在IE和firefox中工作正常 我不明白为什么chrome会出现这个问题 这是我的密码 Private Function GetNewEditorControl(ByVal sField As String, ByVal iWidth As Integer, _ ByVal iHeight





   Private Function GetNewEditorControl(ByVal sField As String, ByVal iWidth As Integer, _
                                        ByVal iHeight As Integer, ByVal bUnique As Boolean, ByVal iColFldWidth As Integer, _
                                        ByVal iColSpan As Integer) As Telerik.Web.UI.RadEditor
    Dim sProc As String = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name & "::" & System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name

    Dim iUltimateWidth As Integer
    Select Case iWidth
        Case 0
            iUltimateWidth = iColFldWidth
            If iColSpan > 1 Then iUltimateWidth = iUltimateWidth + ((iColSpan - 1) * 4)
        Case Else
            iUltimateWidth = iWidth
    End Select

    Dim oEditor As New Telerik.Web.UI.RadEditor()
    oEditor.ID = sField
    If bUnique = False Then oEditor.ID = sField & "[" & GetNextSeqNo.ToString & "]"
    oEditor.Height = iHeight * 20
    oEditor.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(iUltimateWidth)


    Return oEditor

End Function

'V_T:2/23/2015 MMR Change
Private Sub SetEditorProperties(ByVal oEditor As Telerik.Web.UI.RadEditor)

    oEditor.ToolbarMode = EditorToolbarMode.Default    
    oEditor.EditModes = EditModes.Design
    oEditor.NewLineMode = EditorNewLineModes.Br

    Dim uploadImages As String() = New String() {"~/Temp/MMRImages"}

    oEditor.ImageManager.ViewPaths = uploadImages
    oEditor.ImageManager.UploadPaths = uploadImages
    oEditor.ImageManager.MaxUploadFileSize = 2000000
    oEditor.ImageManager.AllowMultipleSelection = False
    oEditor.ImageManager.EnableAsyncUpload = True
    oEditor.ImageManager.EnableImageEditor = False


    'to remove the Image context menu in the editor content area
    Dim imgTag As Telerik.Web.UI.EditorContextMenu = oEditor.ContextMenus.FindByTagName("IMG")
    imgTag.Enabled = False

