Vba 基于下拉选择填充列表

Vba 基于下拉选择填充列表,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,我正在尝试根据下拉菜单中选择的路由代码填充端口列表。下拉列表位于范围BASE\u RouteCode('Schedule Tool'!$F$8)中,路线代码存储在动态范围RouteCodes(=Routes!$B$2:INDEX(Routes!$B$2:$B$27,COUNTA(Routes!$B$2:$B$27))),端口列表沿路由报告中每个路由代码的行存储(=Routes!$B$2:INDEX(Routes!$B$2:$AZ$27,COUNTA(Routes!$B$2:$AZ$27))) 其

我正在尝试根据下拉菜单中选择的路由代码填充端口列表。下拉列表位于范围BASE\u RouteCode
'Schedule Tool'!$F$8


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim KeyCells As Range
    Set KeyCells = Range("BASE_RouteCode")
    Call PopulatePortList
End Sub

Sub PopulatePortList()

Dim iCol As Integer, iRow As Integer
If IsNumeric(WorksheetFunction.Match(Range("BASE_RouteCode").Value, Range("Routecodes"), 0)) Then
    iRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(Range("BASE_RouteCode").Value, Range("Routecodes"), 0) + 1

    ' Testing code
    MsgBox "Row number for route " & Range("BASE_RouteCode").Value & " is " & iRow
    Worksheets("Schedule Tool").Cells(8, 9).Value = iRow

    ' FOR ... WHILE loop (through iCol values) to populate list goes here

    MsgBox "Please select a valid route code."
End If
End Sub


  • 我不确定关键单元是否应与目标相同;那个 是从我在别处找到的一个例子中复制出来的,但两个例子似乎都不是 工作
  • 如果我尝试手动运行PopulatePortList,我会得到一个1004 输入IF子句时出错



如果是这种情况,那么我认为您不需要工作表更改事件。如果只使用“窗体”组合(开发人员功能区、控件组、插入,然后在“窗体”类别中选择该组合),则可以右键单击该组合并为其指定宏。当用户更改组合时,将触发此宏。通过右键单击并选择format control(格式控制),然后放入输入范围,可以填充此组合框。您还可以指定一个单元格,该单元格将填充所选内容的索引(单元格链接)


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    'The following line makes sure that this event will only continue if
    '   "BASE_RouteCode" has been changed and not if ANY of the other
    '   cells on this sheet have been changed.
    If Intersect(Target, Range("BASE_RouteCode")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    'Unless there is a global variable called "KeyCells" there is not need
    '   for the following two lines
    'Dim KeyCells As Range
    'Set KeyCells = Range("BASE_RouteCode")

    'The following line makes sure than any changes to the sheet
    '   (while the code is running) will not trigger another
    '   Worksheet change event. Otherwise, this will result in
    '   an endless loop and might crash Excel
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Call PopulatePortList
    'Enable Events again before exiting. Otherwise this event will not work anymore.
    Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Sub PopulatePortList()

Dim iRow As Long
Dim rngFound As Range

Set rngFound = Worksheets("Routes").Range("Routecodes").Find(Worksheets("Schedule Tool").Range("BASE_RouteCode").Value, , xlValues, xlWhole)
If Not rngFound Is Nothing Then
    iRow = rngFound.Row + 1

    ' Testing code
    MsgBox "Row number for route is " & rngFound.Row & ", " & _
        Chr(10) & "iRow is set to " & iRow & _
        Chr(10) & "and the value of BASE_RouteCode is " & rngFound.Value
    Worksheets("Schedule Tool").Cells(8, 9).Value = iRow

    ' FOR ... WHILE loop (through iCol values) to populate list goes here

    MsgBox "Please select a valid route code."
End If

End Sub

