Vba 函数调用另一个函数,但得到;";

Vba 函数调用另一个函数,但得到;";,vba,excel,excel-2010,user-defined-functions,Vba,Excel,Excel 2010,User Defined Functions,我偶尔做VBA程序员,只是为了好玩(不是我的工作) 我在MS Excel 2010中有一系列VBA模块。不知道我做错了什么。这个程序奏效了,然后我改变了一些事情,它停止了工作。我做的一件事是将代码从一个函数拆分为两个模块中的两个函数。我想在我把它一分为二之后,它工作了一段时间,但现在我不记得这是不是真的,因为我已经尝试了很多方法使它再次工作。幸运的是,我在一个函数中保存了旧版本的所有代码,它仍然可以工作。它向电子表格返回一个大数组 基本上,我有一个调用函数的工作表。该函数调用另一个函数。将调试切


我在MS Excel 2010中有一系列VBA模块。不知道我做错了什么。这个程序奏效了,然后我改变了一些事情,它停止了工作。我做的一件事是将代码从一个函数拆分为两个模块中的两个函数。我想在我把它一分为二之后,它工作了一段时间,但现在我不记得这是不是真的,因为我已经尝试了很多方法使它再次工作。幸运的是,我在一个函数中保存了旧版本的所有代码,它仍然可以工作。它向电子表格返回一个大数组

基本上,我有一个调用函数的工作表。该函数调用另一个函数。将调试切换断点与一些MsgBox调用结合使用,我发现第一个函数一直运行到调用第二个函数为止。然后第二个函数运行到“End function”命令。此时,工作表顶部的名称会闪烁几次……什么也没有。调试时,程序似乎不会返回到第一个函数。应该在第一个函数中填充的数组用#值填充





Option Explicit 'forces all variables to be explicitly declared

Function InputOutputDVL(InData As Variant)

Dim g, p, ng, np, ns, ID, count As Integer
Dim ngmax, npmax, nsmax, namax, nxmax, nymax As Integer
Dim row As Integer
Dim panelmax As Integer
Dim TLstyle As Integer
Dim Group(), Part(), Section(), Airfoil() As Variant
Dim ABP(), TV() As Double

ngmax = 20
npmax = 100
nsmax = 1000
namax = 10

ReDim Group(1 To ngmax, 1 To 4)
ReDim Part(1 To npmax, 1 To 6)
ReDim Section(1 To nsmax, 1 To 17)
ReDim Airfoil(0 To 100, 0 To 2 * namax + 1)

'missing code here

MsgBox ng & " " & np 'This msgbox works correctly and give the right value for np

ABP = Section2VL(nxmax, nymax, ns, panelmax, Group, Part, Section, Airfoil)

MsgBox "Completed Section2VL"  'The code never gets to this msgbox

InputOutputDVL = ABP 'I've tried setting this to = 1234 assuming there was a problem with 
                     'ABP, but the cells on the spreadsheet are still #Value

End Function
Option Explicit 'forces all variables to be explicitly declared

Function Section2VL(nxmax as integer, nymax as integer... ) as Variant

Dim Scoord(), ABP() As Double 'This was already correctly declaring ABP as Double Array, but
                              'now I realize Scoord was incorrectly a Variant Array, but it
                              'wasn't actually causing a problem with my code.
                              'I fixed this in my own code, but left here as example of what
                              'not to do!

ReDim ABP(1 To panelmax, 1 To 32)

'Code removed here

'return ABP vector
Section2VL = ABP 

End Function

Option Explicit 'forces all variables to be explicitly declared

Function Section2VL(nxmax, nymax, ns, panelmax, Group, Part, Section, Airfoil)

Dim i, j, k, l, c1, c2 As Integer
Dim g, p, s, ng, np, chord, span, panel, ID, count As Integer
Dim NX, NY As Integer
Dim station, panelID, panelIDref As Integer
Dim pi, Xstyle, Ystyle As Double
Dim angle, dist As Double
Dim sx(), sy() As Double
Dim Scoord(), ABP() As Double

ns = 6
nxmax = 12
nymax = 12
panelmax = 300

ReDim sx(0 To nxmax), sy(0 To nymax)
ReDim Scoord(1 To ns, 0 To nxmax, 1 To 3), ABP(1 To panelmax, 1 To 32)

MsgBox ABP(panelmax, 5) 'This call works, and provides the proper value in the msgbox

'return ABP vector
Section2VL = ABP 
    'I've also tried just returning an integer thinking there was something wrong with the
    'ABP array, like 987, but that doesn't work either 

End Function  'This is where it stops when debugging.  Doesn't return to first function




Dim ABP() As Double

Dim ABP() As Double



Dim i, j, k, l, c1, c2 As Integer






首先,我忘记了VBA要求在每个变量后面加上“as Integer”或“as Double”,而不仅仅是在行的末尾。很多变量都是变量,而不是整数、双精度等。再次感谢Chris


Dim ABP(), TV() as Double




Option Explicit 'forces all variables to be explicitly declared

Function InputOutputDVL(InData As Variant) as Variant

Dim ABP() as Double, TV() As Double 'This ABP was a variant array - which was incompatible

'code removed here

ABP = Section2VL(nxmax, nymax, ns, panelmax, Group, Part, Section, Airfoil)

InputOutputDVL = ABP 

End Function

Option Explicit 'forces all variables to be explicitly declared

Function InputOutputDVL(InData As Variant)

Dim g, p, ng, np, ns, ID, count As Integer
Dim ngmax, npmax, nsmax, namax, nxmax, nymax As Integer
Dim row As Integer
Dim panelmax As Integer
Dim TLstyle As Integer
Dim Group(), Part(), Section(), Airfoil() As Variant
Dim ABP(), TV() As Double

ngmax = 20
npmax = 100
nsmax = 1000
namax = 10

ReDim Group(1 To ngmax, 1 To 4)
ReDim Part(1 To npmax, 1 To 6)
ReDim Section(1 To nsmax, 1 To 17)
ReDim Airfoil(0 To 100, 0 To 2 * namax + 1)

'missing code here

MsgBox ng & " " & np 'This msgbox works correctly and give the right value for np

ABP = Section2VL(nxmax, nymax, ns, panelmax, Group, Part, Section, Airfoil)

MsgBox "Completed Section2VL"  'The code never gets to this msgbox

InputOutputDVL = ABP 'I've tried setting this to = 1234 assuming there was a problem with 
                     'ABP, but the cells on the spreadsheet are still #Value

End Function
Option Explicit 'forces all variables to be explicitly declared

Function Section2VL(nxmax as integer, nymax as integer... ) as Variant

Dim Scoord(), ABP() As Double 'This was already correctly declaring ABP as Double Array, but
                              'now I realize Scoord was incorrectly a Variant Array, but it
                              'wasn't actually causing a problem with my code.
                              'I fixed this in my own code, but left here as example of what
                              'not to do!

ReDim ABP(1 To panelmax, 1 To 32)

'Code removed here

'return ABP vector
Section2VL = ABP 

End Function