Vba 使用Excel宏的多行摊销计划

Vba 使用Excel宏的多行摊销计划,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,我是Excel VBA新手,正在寻求有关编辑宏的帮助 我有三列7328行的批准金额、使用期限和利率 我已经有了一个工作的VBA脚本(如下所示)来计算摊销计划,但我希望它从3列中获取输入,计算7328行(而不是手动输入),并将值附加到彼此下面 我请求更改下面的脚本以获取3列中的值 Sub one() Dim intRate, loanLife, initLoan, payment As Double Dim yearBegBal, intComp, prinComp, yearEndBal,

我是Excel VBA新手,正在寻求有关编辑宏的帮助




Sub one()

Dim intRate, loanLife, initLoan, payment As Double
Dim yearBegBal, intComp, prinComp, yearEndBal, intTot, prinTot, fvloan As Currency


intRateYrs = InputBox("Input Interest rate (Annual):")
loanLifeYrs = InputBox("Input Loan life (Years):")
initLoan = InputBox("Input Loan amount:")

Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

intRateMths = (intRateYrs / 100) / 12
loanLifeMths = loanLifeYrs * 12

Cells(4, 2).Value = Format(intRateYrs, "#.##") & " %"
Cells(4, 3).Value = Format(intRateMths, "Percent")
Cells(5, 2).Value = loanLifeYrs
Cells(5, 3).Value = loanLifeMths
Cells(6, 2).Value = Format(initLoan, "Currency")

payment = Pmt(intRateMths, loanLifeMths, -initLoan)
Cells(7, 2).Value = Format(payment, "Currency")

outRow = 10
intTot = 0
prinTot = 0
fvloan = 0

Cells(10, 2).Value = "Beginning Balance"
Cells(10, 3).Value = "Payment"
Cells(10, 4).Value = "Interest"
Cells(10, 5).Value = "Principal"
Cells(10, 6).Value = "End Balance"
Cells(10, 7).Value = "Total Interest"
Cells(10, 8).Value = "Total Principal"
Cells(10, 9).Value = "Total Repaid"
yearBegBal = initLoan

For rowNum = 1 To loanLifeMths
    intComp = yearBegBal * intRateMths
    prinComp = payment - intComp
    yearEndBal = yearBegBal - prinComp

    intTot = intTot + intComp
    prinTot = prinTot + prinComp
    fvloan = intTot + prinTot

    Cells(outRow + rowNum, 1).Value = rowNum
    Cells(outRow + rowNum, 2).Value = Format(yearBegBal, "Currency")
    Cells(outRow + rowNum, 3).Value = Format(payment, "Currency")
    Cells(outRow + rowNum, 4).Value = Format(intComp, "Currency")
    Cells(outRow + rowNum, 5).Value = Format(prinComp, "Currency")
    Cells(outRow + rowNum, 6).Value = Format(yearEndBal, "Currency")
    Cells(outRow + rowNum, 7).Value = Format(intTot, "Currency")
    Cells(outRow + rowNum, 8).Value = Format(prinTot, "Currency")
    Cells(outRow + rowNum, 9).Value = Format(fvloan, "Currency")

    yearBegBal = yearEndBal
Next rowNum

ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

End Sub

Sub one()

Dim intRate, loanLife, initLoan, payment As Double
Dim yearBegBal, intComp, prinComp, yearEndBal, intTot, prinTot, fvloan As Currency
Dim cell As Range

For Each cell In ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("B2:B2001")

    'intRateYrs = InputBox("Input Interest rate (Annual):")
    'loanLifeYrs = InputBox("Input Loan life (Years):")
    'initLoan = InputBox("Input Loan amount:")

    intRateYrs = cell.Offset(0, 1).Value
    loanLifeYrs = cell.Value
    initLoan = cell.Offset(0, 2).Value

    lrow = Sheets(2).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    intRateMths = (intRateYrs / 100) / 12
    loanLifeMths = loanLifeYrs * 12
    With Sheets(2)
    Cells(lrow + 4, 2).Value = Format(intRateYrs, "#.##") & " %"
    Cells(lrow + 4, 3).Value = Format(intRateMths, "Percent")
    Cells(lrow + 5, 2).Value = loanLifeYrs
    Cells(lrow + 5, 3).Value = loanLifeMths
    Cells(lrow + 6, 2).Value = Format(initLoan, "Currency")

    payment = Pmt(intRateMths, loanLifeMths, -initLoan)
    Cells(lrow + 7, 2).Value = Format(payment, "Currency")

    outRow = lrow + 10
    intTot = 0
    prinTot = 0
    fvloan = 0

    Cells(lrow + 10, 2).Value = "Beginning Balance"
    Cells(lrow + 10, 3).Value = "Payment"
    Cells(lrow + 10, 4).Value = "Interest"
    Cells(lrow + 10, 5).Value = "Principal"
    Cells(lrow + 10, 6).Value = "End Balance"
    Cells(lrow + 10, 7).Value = "Total Interest"
    Cells(lrow + 10, 8).Value = "Total Principal"
    Cells(lrow + 10, 9).Value = "Total Repaid"
    yearBegBal = initLoan

    For rowNum = 1 To loanLifeMths
        intComp = yearBegBal * intRateMths
        prinComp = payment - intComp
        yearEndBal = yearBegBal - prinComp

        intTot = intTot + intComp
        prinTot = prinTot + prinComp
        fvloan = intTot + prinTot

        Cells(outRow + rowNum, 1).Value = rowNum
        Cells(outRow + rowNum, 2).Value = Format(yearBegBal, "Currency")
        Cells(outRow + rowNum, 3).Value = Format(payment, "Currency")
        Cells(outRow + rowNum, 4).Value = Format(intComp, "Currency")
        Cells(outRow + rowNum, 5).Value = Format(prinComp, "Currency")
        Cells(outRow + rowNum, 6).Value = Format(yearEndBal, "Currency")
        Cells(outRow + rowNum, 7).Value = Format(intTot, "Currency")
        Cells(outRow + rowNum, 8).Value = Format(prinTot, "Currency")
        Cells(outRow + rowNum, 9).Value = Format(fvloan, "Currency")

        yearBegBal = yearEndBal
    Next rowNum

    ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
    End With
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Next cell

End Sub