Vba 如何基于多个条件获取行?

Vba 如何基于多个条件获取行?,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,我试图在工作表中搜索前3列中的值与一组3个条件匹配的行。我使用的是线性搜索: Function findRow(pName as string,fNo as string,mType as string) As Long Dim rowCtr As Long rowCtr = 2 While Not rowMatchesCriteria(rowCtr, pName,fNo,mType) rowCtr = rowCtr + 1 Wend findRow=rowCtr End Func


Function findRow(pName as string,fNo as string,mType as string) As Long

Dim rowCtr As Long

rowCtr = 2
While Not rowMatchesCriteria(rowCtr, pName,fNo,mType)
    rowCtr = rowCtr + 1

End Function

Function rowMatchesCriteria(row As Long, pName As String, fNo As String, mType As String) As Boolean

rowMatchesCriteria = dSheet.Cells(row,1)=pName _
                        And dSheet.Cells(row,2)=fNo _
                        And dSheet.Cells(row,3)=mType

End Function


Sub makeUpdate(c1 as string,c2 as string,c3 as string)

Dim result as long

result = findRow(c1,c2,c3)

dSheet.Cells(result,updateColumn) = someUpdateValue

End Sub





Sub FindMatches()

    Dim d As Object, rw As Range, k, t
    Dim arr, arrOut, nR, n

    t = Timer

    'create the row map (40k rows)
    Set d = GetRowLookup(Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2:C40001"))

    Debug.Print Timer - t, "map"
    t = Timer

    'run lookups on the row map
    '(same values I used to create the map, but randomly-sorted)
    For Each rw In Sheets("sheet2").Range("A2:C480000").Rows
        k = GetKey(rw)
        If d.exists(k) Then rw.Cells(3).Offset(0, 1).Value = d(k)
    Next rw

    Debug.Print Timer - t, "slow version"
    t = Timer

    'run lookups again - faster version
    arr = Sheets("sheet2").Range("A2:C480000").Value
    nR = UBound(arr, 1)
    ReDim arrOut(1 To nR, 1 To 1)
    For n = 1 To nR
        k = arr(n, 1) & Chr(0) & arr(n, 2) & Chr(0) & arr(n, 3)
        If d.exists(k) Then arrOut(n, 1) = d(k)
    Next n
    Sheets("sheet2").Range("D2").Resize(nR, 1).Value = arrOut

    Debug.Print Timer - t, "fast version"

End Sub  

'create a dictionary lookup based on three column values
Function GetRowLookup(rng As Range)
    Dim d As Object, k, rw As Range
    Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each rw In rng.Rows
        k = GetKey(rw)
        d.Add k, rw.Cells(1).Row 'not checking for duplicates!
    Next rw
    Set GetRowLookup = d
End Function

'create a key from a given row
Function GetKey(rw As Range)
    GetKey = rw.Cells(1).Value & Chr(0) & rw.Cells(2).Value & _
              Chr(0) & rw.Cells(3).Value
End Function

一个简单的解决方案是使用excel函数匹配作为数组公式。 每个循环都没有,所以我想这可能运行得很快




'create a dictionary lookup based on three column values
Function GetRowLookup(rng As Range)
    Dim d As Object, k, rw As Range
    Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each rw In rng.Rows
        k = GetKey(rw)
        if not d.exists(k) then
            d.Add k, rw.Cells(1).Row 'checking for duplicates!
        end if
    Next rw
    Set GetRowLookup = d
End Function

Option Explicit

Private Const FORMULA_TEMPLATE As String = _

Private Const EXACT_MATCH = 0

Sub test()
    Dim result
    result = findRow("A", "B", "C")
    Debug.Print "A,B,C was found on row : [" & result & "]"
End Sub

Function findRow(pName As String, fNo As String, mType As String) As Long

    On Error GoTo Err_Handler

    Dim originalReferenceStyle
    originalReferenceStyle = Application.ReferenceStyle
    Application.ReferenceStyle = xlR1C1

    Dim data As Range
    Set data = ActiveSheet.UsedRange

    Dim formula As String

    ' Add criteria
    formula = Replace(FORMULA_TEMPLATE, "CRITERIA_1", pName)
    formula = Replace(formula, "CRITERIA_2", fNo)
    formula = Replace(formula, "CRITERIA_3", mType)

    ' Add ranges where search
    formula = Replace(formula, "RANGE_1", data.Columns(1).Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1))
    formula = Replace(formula, "RANGE_2", data.Columns(2).Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1))
    formula = Replace(formula, "RANGE_3", data.Columns(3).Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1))

    ' Add match type
    formula = Replace(formula, "MATCH_TYPE", EXACT_MATCH)

    ' Get formula result
    findRow = Application.Evaluate(formula)

    ' Set reference style back
    Application.ReferenceStyle = originalReferenceStyle

End Function
'create a dictionary lookup based on three column values
Function GetRowLookup(rng As Range)
    Dim d As Object, k, rw As Range
    Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
    For Each rw In rng.Rows
        k = GetKey(rw)
        if not d.exists(k) then
            d.Add k, rw.Cells(1).Row 'checking for duplicates!
        end if
    Next rw
    Set GetRowLookup = d
End Function