Vbscript .vbs文件是否可以是计划脚本?

Vbscript .vbs文件是否可以是计划脚本?,vbscript,scheduled-tasks,windows-shell,wsh,Vbscript,Scheduled Tasks,Windows Shell,Wsh,我编写了一个.vbs脚本,目前由用户手动运行。第一次手动执行此脚本时,如何在Windows XP和Windows 7上的Task Scheduler(每天在固定时间自动运行)中对其进行调度 编辑 Option Explicit Dim oShell : Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") Dim FSO : set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObje

我编写了一个.vbs脚本,目前由用户手动运行。第一次手动执行此脚本时,如何在Windows XP和Windows 7上的Task Scheduler(每天在固定时间自动运行)中对其进行调度


    Option Explicit

    Dim oShell : Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
    Dim FSO : set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
    Dim StartTime,Elapsed 

    'MsgBox(FSO.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName).ParentFolder )
    oShell.CurrentDirectory = FSO.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName).ParentFolder

    StartTime = Timer

    oShell.run "ParentChildLinkFinal.vbs", 1, True
    oShell.run "Parent_Child_Merge_final.vbs", 1, True
    oShell.run "CycleTime.vbs", 1, True
    oShell.run "Baddata.vbs", 1, True
    oShell.run "Matrixrefresh.vbs", 1, True

    Elapsed = Timer - StartTime

    MsgBox("Total time taken to finish this task:" & Elapsed & "in Seconds")



c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe PATH_TO_YOUR_VBS




X=MsgBox("Take the Quiz!")


q1=inputbox("Question 1 - How many days are there in a leap Year?")

q2=inputbox("Question 2 - How many Suns does Neptune have?")

q3=inputbox("Question 3 - What is your name?")

q4=inputbox("Question 4 - What did one computer say to the other?")

q5=inputbox("Question 5 - Why did the chicken cross the road?")


msgbox("Q1 - How many days are there in a leap Year?, you answered ") + q1 + (" ,the correct answer is 366")

msgbox("Q2 - How many Suns does Neptune have?, you answered ") + q2 + (" ,the correct answere is one, our sun.")

msgbox("Q3 - What is your name?, you answered ") + q3 + (", the correct answer is ") + name + (" or is it?")

msgbox("Q4 - What did one computer say to the other?, you answered ") + q4 + (", the correct answer is, 011100110111010101110000 (Binary code for sup)")

msgbox("Q5 - Why did the chicken cross the road?, you answered ") + q5 + (", the correct answer is To get to the other side")

msgbox("Well done, ") + name + (" you have completed the quiz")

在Windows 8上:如果Windows任务是在真正登录到计算机的同一用户下运行的,并且如果Windows任务配置为“仅在用户登录时运行”,则触发具有消息框的VBScript的Windows任务将仅显示消息框
我认为这在windows 8上发生了变化,就像在windows 7上一样,我不必以那种方式配置任务
