Virtualbox 流浪者,虚拟箱内置或没有?

Virtualbox 流浪者,虚拟箱内置或没有?,virtualbox,vagrant,Virtualbox,Vagrant,试图与Vagrant建立关系,但出现错误: The "VBoxManage" command or one of its dependencies could not be found. Please verify VirtualBox is properly installed. You can verify everything is okay by running "VBoxManage --version" and verifying that the VirtualBox ver


The "VBoxManage" command or one of its dependencies could not be found. 
Please verify VirtualBox is properly installed. You can verify everything 
is okay by running "VBoxManage --version" and verifying that the VirtualBox 
version is outputted.

“入门指南将使用Vagrant with VirtualBox,因为它是免费的,可在每个主要平台上使用,并且内置于Vagrant中。”

我不想单独安装VirtualBox,如果我安装Vagrant时应该包括它的话。运行OSX 10.8,如果相关的话,我猜我只需要安装VirtualBox?如果是这样,他们在文档中说它是“内置的”是什么意思?



我收到了这条信息,但我的问题不同了。我使用Vmware_fusion作为提供程序。Vagrant无法检测到我正在使用的提供商。它假定我正在使用VirtualBox。已通过调用vagrant up provider标志修复此问题。这是完整的命令

   vagrant up --provider vmware_fusion