Visual studio 2015 VS2015无法打开性能驱动程序,访问被拒绝 我试图通过Windows 10上的VS2015运行C++应用程序的配置文件剖析,但是它没有通过这个警告: Warning VSP2347: The monitor was unable to open the VS performance driver. Access is denied. Consider using the /Admin:Security option of VSPerfCmd from an elevated environment. Performance counter data and detection of kernel mode execution is disabled.

Visual studio 2015 VS2015无法打开性能驱动程序,访问被拒绝 我试图通过Windows 10上的VS2015运行C++应用程序的配置文件剖析,但是它没有通过这个警告: Warning VSP2347: The monitor was unable to open the VS performance driver. Access is denied. Consider using the /Admin:Security option of VSPerfCmd from an elevated environment. Performance counter data and detection of kernel mode execution is disabled.,visual-studio-2015,profiling,windows-10,instrumentation,Visual Studio 2015,Profiling,Windows 10,Instrumentation,我使用的是管理员帐户,并且已经按照使用管理命令控制台列出的说明进行了操作 我已验证分析服务管理器和内核模式驱动程序是否已安装并正在运行: vsperfcmd /admin:security,list Microsoft (R) VSPerf Command Version 14.0.23107 x86 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. security,list VSPerfSrv Profiling Service Mana



vsperfcmd /admin:security,list
Microsoft (R) VSPerf Command Version 14.0.23107 x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.

VSPerfSrv Profiling Service Manager Status:
VSPerfSrv is installed and running.
VSPerfDrv Kernel Mode Driver Status:
VSPerfDrv140 is installed and running.
Authorized Profiler Users:
  BUILTIN\Administrators Allowed: FullAccess
  NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM Allowed: FullAccess


您是否尝试过彻底清理编译目录?或者运行干净的解决方案?只是尝试了一下,但没有什么不同。就像你遇到了从Windows 8开始就存在的限制,也就是说在Windows 10上。那是什么限制?这种联系现在已经消失了。