
默认情况下未实现VMware,vmware,Vmware,我有VMware Workstation和Windows 10。当我在VM中工作时,可能会出现如下错误消息: VMware Workstation unrecoverable error: (vthread-8) NOT_IMPLEMENTED bora\lib\pollDefault\pollDefault.c:3914 A log file is available in "...path_to_log...\vmware-ui-10708.1og". You can request sup

我有VMware Workstation和Windows 10。当我在VM中工作时,可能会出现如下错误消息:

VMware Workstation unrecoverable error: (vthread-8) NOT_IMPLEMENTED bora\lib\pollDefault\pollDefault.c:3914 A log file is available in "...path_to_log...\vmware-ui-10708.1og". You can request support. 
    To collect data to submit to VMware support, choose "Collect Support Data" from the Help menu. You can also run the "vm-support" script in the Workstation folder directly. We will respond on the basis of your support entitlement.





2016-02-21T15:01:06.737+03:00| vthread-5| I125: POLL could not signal socket thread (fd 728, ret -1, err 10053)
2016-02-21T15:01:06.737+03:00| vmui| I125: SOCKET 2 (2400) recv error 10054: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
2016-02-21T15:01:06.740+03:00| vthread-8| W115: POLL Failed to read from the signal socket 1704, return -1, error 10054/An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
2016-02-21T15:01:06.740+03:00| vmui| I125: Detected automation socket close for VM

2016-02-21T15:01:06.740+03:00| vmui| I125: POLL could not signal socket thread (fd 728, ret -1, err 10053)
2016-02-21T15:01:06.740+03:00| vthread-8| W115: POLL Failed to read from the signal socket 1704, return -1, error 10054/An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
2016-02-21T15:01:06.740+03:00| vthread-8| W115: POLL Failed to read from the signal socket 1704, return -1, error 10054/An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
2016-02-21T15:01:06.740+03:00| vthread-8| W115: POLL Failed to read from the signal socket 1704, return -1, error 10054/An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
2016-02-21T15:01:06.740+03:00| vthread-8| W115: POLL Failed to read from the signal socket 1704, return -1, error 10054/An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
2016-02-21T15:01:06.740+03:00| vthread-8| W115: POLL Failed to read from the signal socket 1704, return -1, error 10054/An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
2016-02-21T15:01:06.740+03:00| vthread-8| W115: POLL Failed to read from the signal socket 1704, return -1, error 10054/An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
2016-02-21T15:01:06.740+03:00| vthread-8| W115: POLL Failed to read from the signal socket 1704, return -1, error 10054/An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
2016-02-21T15:01:06.740+03:00| vthread-8| W115: POLL Failed to read from the signal socket 1704, return -1, error 10054/An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
2016-02-21T15:01:06.740+03:00| vthread-8| W115: POLL Failed to read from the signal socket 1704, return -1, error 10054/An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
2016-02-21T15:01:06.740+03:00| vthread-8| W115: POLL Failed to read from the signal socket 1704, return -1, error 10054/An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
2016-02-21T15:01:06.740+03:00| vthread-8| W115: POLL Failed to read from the signal socket 1704, return -1, error 10054/An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
2016-02-21T15:01:06.740+03:00| vthread-8| W115: POLL Failed to read from the signal socket 1704, return -1, error 10054/An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

我的VMware Workstation 12运行在Windows 10 Pro上,有3个虚拟机和不同的SO。 有时,VMware具有您和我所描述的相同行为,但我在VMware和web中都没有找到解决方案。

更好的解决方案: 在弹出窗口中单击“确定”,然后转到您的虚拟机目录。 删除“*.lck”文件夹,但不删除“*vmem.lck”文件夹。 重新启动VMware和虚拟机。它将处于关闭弹出窗口时的状态
