Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/4/webpack/2.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Webpack ng build-w#忽略非代码基编译错误_Webpack_Angular Cli_Webpack Dev Server_Webpack 2_Angular5 - Fatal编程技术网

Webpack ng build-w#忽略非代码基编译错误

Webpack ng build-w#忽略非代码基编译错误,webpack,angular-cli,webpack-dev-server,webpack-2,angular5,Webpack,Angular Cli,Webpack Dev Server,Webpack 2,Angular5,我使用的是AngularCLI(ng)版本1.6.7。我从我无法控制的内部库中获得一些编译,例如: 您应该安装@angular的正确版本/cdk@5.1.1. 请参见。我在“帮助”列表中没有看到相关选项。必须有一种方法可以忽略源自节点\u模块的错误?这是typescript编译器抱怨的问题,Angular CLI正在后台使用它。我怀疑您是否可以“忽略”错误,但您必须查看tsc选项,而不是ng build选项才能找到类似的内容。只想找到错误的来源可能会更容易@angular/material是一




我在“帮助”列表中没有看到相关选项。必须有一种方法可以忽略源自节点\u模块的错误?这是typescript编译器抱怨的问题,Angular CLI正在后台使用它。我怀疑您是否可以“忽略”错误,但您必须查看
ng build
ERROR in node_modules/@angular/material/expansion/typings/expansion-panel.d.ts(36,14): error TS2314: Generic type 'TemplatePortal<C>' requires 1 type argument(s).
node_modules/@angular/material/tabs/typings/tab-body.d.ts(62,15): error TS2314: Generic type 'TemplatePortal<C>' requires 1 type argument(s).
node_modules/@angular/material/tabs/typings/tab.d.ts(28,23): error TS2314: Generic type 'TemplatePortal<C>' requires 1 type argument(s).
ng build --help
ng build <options...>
  Builds your app and places it into the output path (dist/ by default).
  aliases: b
  --target (String) (Default: development) Defines the build target.
    aliases: -t <value>, -dev (--target=development), -prod (--target=production), --target <value>
  --environment (String) Defines the build environment.
    aliases: -e <value>, --environment <value>
  --output-path (Path) Path where output will be placed.
    aliases: -op <value>, --outputPath <value>
  --aot (Boolean) Build using Ahead of Time compilation.
    aliases: -aot
  --sourcemaps (Boolean) Output sourcemaps.
    aliases: -sm, --sourcemap, --sourcemaps
  --vendor-chunk (Boolean) Use a separate bundle containing only vendor libraries.
    aliases: -vc, --vendorChunk
  --common-chunk (Boolean) (Default: true) Use a separate bundle containing code used across multiple bundles.
    aliases: -cc, --commonChunk
  --base-href (String) Base url for the application being built.
    aliases: -bh <value>, --baseHref <value>
  --deploy-url (String) URL where files will be deployed.
    aliases: -d <value>, --deployUrl <value>
  --verbose (Boolean) (Default: false) Adds more details to output logging.
    aliases: -v, --verbose
  --progress (Boolean) (Default: true) Log progress to the console while building.
    aliases: -pr, --progress
  --i18n-file (String) Localization file to use for i18n.
    aliases: --i18nFile <value>
  --i18n-format (String) Format of the localization file specified with --i18n-file.
    aliases: --i18nFormat <value>
  --locale (String) Locale to use for i18n.
    aliases: --locale <value>
  --missing-translation (String) How to handle missing translations for i18n.
    aliases: --missingTranslation <value>
  --extract-css (Boolean) Extract css from global styles onto css files instead of js ones.
    aliases: -ec, --extractCss
  --watch (Boolean) (Default: false) Run build when files change.
    aliases: -w, --watch
  --output-hashing=none|all|media|bundles (String) Define the output filename cache-busting hashing mode.
    aliases: -oh <value>, --outputHashing <value>
  --poll (Number) Enable and define the file watching poll time period (milliseconds).
    aliases: -poll <value>
  --app (String) Specifies app name or index to use.
    aliases: -a <value>, -app <value>
  --delete-output-path (Boolean) (Default: true) Delete output path before build.
    aliases: -dop, --deleteOutputPath
  --preserve-symlinks (Boolean) (Default: false) Do not use the real path when resolving modules.
    aliases: --preserveSymlinks
  --extract-licenses (Boolean) (Default: true) Extract all licenses in a separate file, in the case of production builds only.
    aliases: --extractLicenses
  --show-circular-dependencies (Boolean) (Default: true) Show circular dependency warnings on builds.
    aliases: -scd, --showCircularDependencies
  --build-optimizer (Boolean) Enables @angular-devkit/build-optimizer optimizations when using `--aot`.
    aliases: --buildOptimizer
  --named-chunks (Boolean) Use file name for lazy loaded chunks.
    aliases: -nc, --namedChunks
  --subresource-integrity (Boolean) (Default: false) Enables the use of subresource integrity validation.
    aliases: -sri, --subresourceIntegrity
  --bundle-dependencies (none, all) (Default: none) Available on server platform only. Which external dependencies to bundle into the module. By default, all of node_modules will be kept as requires.
    aliases: --bundleDependencies <value>
  --service-worker (Boolean) (Default: true) Generates a service worker config for production builds, if the app has service worker enabled.
    aliases: -sw, --serviceWorker
  --skip-app-shell (Boolean) (Default: false) Flag to prevent building an app shell
    aliases: --skipAppShell
  --stats-json (Boolean) (Default: false) Generates a `stats.json` file which can be analyzed using tools such as: `webpack-bundle-analyzer` or https://webpack.github.io/analyse.
    aliases: --statsJson