Windows 7 无法在64位Windows 7上安装SQL Server 2014

Windows 7 无法在64位Windows 7上安装SQL Server 2014,windows-7,sql-server-2014,Windows 7,Sql Server 2014,在Windows 7 64位上安装SQL Server 2014 Developer edition时遇到问题;我收到一条消息,说明安装已完成,但出现以下错误: 功能:数据库引擎服务(状态:失败) 功能:数据质量服务(状态:失败) 功能:搜索全文和语义提取(状态:失败) 功能:SQL Server复制(状态:失败) 功能:Reporting Services-本机(状态:失败) 我估计我已卸载并重新安装SQL Server 2014至少三次。在每次卸载过程中,我使用“Revo卸载程序”从系统中删

在Windows 7 64位上安装SQL Server 2014 Developer edition时遇到问题;我收到一条消息,说明安装已完成,但出现以下错误: 功能:数据库引擎服务(状态:失败) 功能:数据质量服务(状态:失败) 功能:搜索全文和语义提取(状态:失败) 功能:SQL Server复制(状态:失败) 功能:Reporting Services-本机(状态:失败)

我估计我已卸载并重新安装SQL Server 2014至少三次。在每次卸载过程中,我使用“Revo卸载程序”从系统中删除了所有SQL Server引用。此外,我安装了“”中描述的更新版本。在上次安装期间,我以管理员身份执行了“setup.exe”文件;更新后以及以管理员身份运行“setup.exe”时,安装失败,出现相同问题。最后,我按照“”中描述的说明进行操作:

解决方案1: -停止“SQL Server(SQLEXPRESS)”和“SQL Server VSS编写器”服务,并将其启动类型设置为“手动”。 -重新启动电脑。 -运行修复过程。 -将启动类型更改回“自动”,然后重新启动服务

解决方案2: -停止“SQL Server(SQLEXPRESS)”和“SQL Server VSS编写器”服务,并将其启动类型设置为“已禁用”。 -重新启动电脑。 -运行删除过程以完全卸载SQL Server Express(实例+共享组件)。 -重新启动电脑。 -[可选]运行您喜爱的注册表清理程序,如CCleaner。 -安装SQL Server Express(除非您的目标只是卸载它)

上次安装尝试的输出如下所示: 总体总结: 最终结果:失败:请参阅下面的详细信息 退出代码(十进制):-2068578302 开始时间:2016-04-18 09:34:00 结束时间:2016-04-18 09:36:21 请求的操作:修复 安装程序已完成,功能需要执行的操作已完成。 有关这些功能的疑难解答信息: SQLEngine的下一步:使用以下信息解决错误,然后重试安装过程。 DQ的下一步:使用以下信息解决错误,然后重试设置过程。 全文的下一步:使用以下信息解决错误,然后重试安装过程。 复制的下一步:使用以下信息解决错误,然后重试安装过程。 RS的下一步:使用以下信息解决错误,然后重试安装过程。 机器属性: 计算机名称:******* 机器处理器计数:8 操作系统版本:Windows7 操作系统服务包:服务包1 OS地区:美国 操作系统语言:英语(美国) 操作系统架构:x64 进程架构:64位 操作系统群集:没有 发现的产品功能: 产品实例实例ID功能语言版本群集配置 SQL Server 2014 MSSQLSERVER MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER数据库引擎服务1033开发者版12.1.4100.1否是 SQL Server 2014 MSSQLSERVER MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER SQL Server复制1033开发人员版本12.1.4100.1否是 SQL Server 2014 MSSQLSERVER MSSQLS12.MSSQLSERVER搜索全文和语义提取1033开发者版12.0.2000.8否是 SQL Server 2014 MSSQLSERVER MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER数据质量服务1033开发者版12.1.4100.1否是 SQL Server 2014 MSSQLSERVER MSAS12.MSSQLSERVER分析服务1033开发者版12.1.4100.1否是 SQL Server 2014 MSSQLSERVER MSRS12.MSSQLSERVER Reporting Services-本机1033开发人员版本12.1.4100.1否是 SQL Server 2014管理工具-基本1033开发人员版12.1.4100.1否是 SQL Server 2014管理工具-完整的1033开发人员版本12.1.4100.1否是 包属性: 说明:Microsoft SQL Server 2014 产品名称:SQL Server 2014 类型:RTM 版本:12 SPLevel:0 安装位置:F:\x64\setup\ 安装版本:开发者 用户输入设置: 行动:修理 AGTDOMAIN集团: AGTSV账户: AGTSVCPASSWORD: AGTSVCSTARTUPTYPE:手动 ASCONFIGDIR:Config 助理帐户:NT服务\MSSQLServerOLAPService 密码: CLTSTARTUPTYPE:0 CLTSV帐户: CLTSVCPASSWORD: 配置文件:C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20160418\U 093359\CONFIGURATIONFILE.ini CTLRSTARTUPTYPE:0 CTLRSVCC帐户: CTLRSVC密码: 是的 故障过聚类器
Output from the last installation attempt is listed below:
Overall summary:
  Final result:                  Failed: see details below
  Exit code (Decimal):           -2068578302
  Start time:                    2016-04-18 09:34:00
  End time:                      2016-04-18 09:36:21
  Requested action:              Repair

Setup completed with required actions for features.
Troubleshooting information for those features:
  Next step for SQLEngine:       Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
  Next step for DQ:              Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
  Next step for FullText:        Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
  Next step for Replication:     Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
  Next step for RS:              Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.

Machine Properties:
  Machine name:                  *******
  Machine processor count:       8
  OS version:                    Windows 7
  OS service pack:               Service Pack 1
  OS region:                     United States
  OS language:                   English (United States)
  OS architecture:               x64
  Process architecture:          64 Bit
  OS clustered:                  No

Product features discovered:
  Product              Instance             Instance ID                    Feature                                  Language             Edition              Version         Clustered  Configured
  SQL Server 2014      MSSQLSERVER          MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER            Database Engine Services                 1033                 Developer Edition    12.1.4100.1     No         Yes       
  SQL Server 2014      MSSQLSERVER          MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER            SQL Server Replication                   1033                 Developer Edition    12.1.4100.1     No         Yes       
  SQL Server 2014      MSSQLSERVER          MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER            Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search 1033                 Developer Edition    12.0.2000.8     No         Yes       
  SQL Server 2014      MSSQLSERVER          MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER            Data Quality Services                    1033                 Developer Edition    12.1.4100.1     No         Yes       
  SQL Server 2014      MSSQLSERVER          MSAS12.MSSQLSERVER             Analysis Services                        1033                 Developer Edition    12.1.4100.1     No         Yes       
  SQL Server 2014      MSSQLSERVER          MSRS12.MSSQLSERVER             Reporting Services - Native              1033                 Developer Edition    12.1.4100.1     No         Yes       
  SQL Server 2014                                                          Management Tools - Basic                 1033                 Developer Edition    12.1.4100.1     No         Yes       
  SQL Server 2014                                                          Management Tools - Complete              1033                 Developer Edition    12.1.4100.1     No         Yes       

Package properties:
  Description:                   Microsoft SQL Server 2014 
  ProductName:                   SQL Server 2014
  Type:                          RTM
  Version:                       12
  SPLevel:                       0
  Installation location:         F:\x64\setup\
  Installation edition:          Developer

User Input Settings:
  ACTION:                        Repair
  AGTDOMAINGROUP:                <empty>
  AGTSVCACCOUNT:                 <empty>
  AGTSVCPASSWORD:                <empty>
  AGTSVCSTARTUPTYPE:             Manual
  ASCONFIGDIR:                   Config
  ASSVCACCOUNT:                  NT Service\MSSQLServerOLAPService
  ASSVCPASSWORD:                 <empty>
  CLTSTARTUPTYPE:                0
  CLTSVCACCOUNT:                 <empty>
  CLTSVCPASSWORD:                <empty>
  CONFIGURATIONFILE:             C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20160418_093359\ConfigurationFile.ini
  CTLRSTARTUPTYPE:               0
  CTLRSVCACCOUNT:                <empty>
  CTLRSVCPASSWORD:               <empty>
  ENU:                           true
  FAILOVERCLUSTERGROUP:          <empty>
  FTSVCACCOUNT:                  NT Service\MSSQLFDLauncher
  FTSVCPASSWORD:                 <empty>
  HELP:                          false
  INDICATEPROGRESS:              false
  ISSVCACCOUNT:                  NT AUTHORITY\Network Service
  ISSVCPASSWORD:                 <empty>
  ISSVCSTARTUPTYPE:              Automatic
  QUIET:                         false
  QUIETSIMPLE:                   false
  SQLSVCACCOUNT:                 NT Service\MSSQLSERVER
  SQLSVCPASSWORD:                <empty>
  UIMODE:                        Normal
  X86:                           false

  Configuration file:            C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20160418_093359\ConfigurationFile.ini

Detailed results:
  Feature:                       Management Tools - Complete
  Status:                        Passed

  Feature:                       Management Tools - Basic
  Status:                        Passed

  Feature:                       Database Engine Services
  Status:                        Failed: see logs for details
  Reason for failure:            An error occurred during the setup process of the feature.
  Next Step:                     Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
  Component name:                SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
  Component error code:          0x84B40002
  Error description:             The SQL Server feature 'SQL_Engine_Core_Inst' is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
  Error help link:     

  Feature:                       Data Quality Services
  Status:                        Failed: see logs for details
  Reason for failure:            An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail.
  Next Step:                     Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
  Component name:                SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
  Component error code:          0x84B40002
  Error description:             The SQL Server feature 'SQL_Engine_Core_Inst' is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
  Error help link:     

  Feature:                       Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search
  Status:                        Failed: see logs for details
  Reason for failure:            An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail.
  Next Step:                     Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
  Component name:                SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
  Component error code:          0x84B40002
  Error description:             The SQL Server feature 'SQL_Engine_Core_Inst' is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
  Error help link:     

  Feature:                       SQL Server Replication
  Status:                        Failed: see logs for details
  Reason for failure:            An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail.
  Next Step:                     Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
  Component name:                SQL Server Database Engine Services Instance Features
  Component error code:          0x84B40002
  Error description:             The SQL Server feature 'SQL_Engine_Core_Inst' is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
  Error help link:     

  Feature:                       Reporting Services - Native
  Status:                        Failed: see logs for details
  Reason for failure:            An error occurred during the setup process of the feature.
  Next Step:                     Use the following information to resolve the error, and then try the setup process again.
  Component name:                SQL Server Reporting Services
  Component error code:          0x84B40002
  Error description:             The SQL Server feature 'RS_Server_Adv' is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
  Error help link:     

  Feature:                       Analysis Services
  Status:                        Passed

  Feature:                       SQL Browser
  Status:                        Passed

  Feature:                       SQL Writer
  Status:                        Passed

  Feature:                       SQL Client Connectivity
  Status:                        Passed

  Feature:                       SQL Client Connectivity SDK
  Status:                        Passed

  Feature:                       Setup Support Files
  Status:                        Passed

Rules with failures:

Global rules:

There are no scenario-specific rules.

Rules report file:               C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20160418_093359\SystemConfigurationCheck_Report.htm
