Sqlmap在WindowsXP中不适用于TOR Vidalia

Sqlmap在WindowsXP中不适用于TOR Vidalia,windows,tor,sqlmap,Windows,Tor,Sqlmap,[关键]无法与Tor代理建立连接。 Vidalia Tor已安装并运行 如何使用TOR?TOR监听的端口是什么?我认为sqlmap使用9050作为默认值。如果您的url不是这样,您可以使用--tor port=TORPORT。您忘了为url添加引号。“”。 尝试使用D:\path\u to\sqlmap>sqlmap.py-u“www.mail.ru”--tor 如果不是你,这篇文章可能对访问者有用@Dmitrij Holkin始终提供所有这些:--tor--check tor--tor typ

[关键]无法与Tor代理建立连接。 Vidalia Tor已安装并运行


TOR监听的端口是什么?我认为sqlmap使用9050作为默认值。如果您的url不是这样,您可以使用--tor port=TORPORT。


D:\path\u to\sqlmap>sqlmap.py-u“www.mail.ru”--tor

如果不是你,这篇文章可能对访问者有用@Dmitrij Holkin始终提供所有这些:
--tor--check tor--tor type=SOCKS5--tor port=9150



我使用tor key sqlmap.py-u“”的完整描述找到方法--tor--tor type=SOCKS5--tor port=9050
D:\Python27>python sqlmap\sqlmap.py -u www.mail.ru --tor

    sqlmap/1.0-dev - automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool

[!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual
 consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable
local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not respon
sible for any misuse or damage caused by this program

[*] starting at 22:28:49

[22:28:49] [WARNING] increasing default value for option '--time-sec' to 10 beca
use switch '--tor' was provided
[22:28:49] [INFO] setting Tor HTTP proxy settings
[22:28:52] [CRITICAL] can't establish connection with the Tor proxy. Please make
 sure that you have Vidalia, Privoxy or Polipo bundle installed for you to be ab
le to successfully use switch '--tor' (e.g. https://www.torproject.org/projects/

[*] shutting down at 22:28:52