Actionscript 3 我只想将TransformGestureEvent.手势滑动添加到我的movieclip Rec_mc实例中,而不是stage,但它不起作用

Actionscript 3 我只想将TransformGestureEvent.手势滑动添加到我的movieclip Rec_mc实例中,而不是stage,但它不起作用,actionscript-3,flash,Actionscript 3,Flash,手势事件不会局限于舞台上的特定MC,因为手势可能占据整个屏幕或传感器的尺寸。因此,做一个好的程序员,将侦听器注册到stage,并根据应用程序的当前状态解析手势 /* Swipe Event Swiping the stage executes a function containing your custom code. You can use this event to scroll text in a TextField or change states in your applicatio


/* Swipe Event
Swiping the stage executes a function containing your custom code. You can use this event to scroll text in a TextField or change states in your application.

1. Add your custom code on a new line after the lines that say "// Start your custom code" below.

Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.GESTURE;

Rec_mc.addEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, fl_SwipeHandler);

function fl_SwipeHandler(event:TransformGestureEvent):void


            // swiped right
            case 1:

                // Start your custom code
                // This example code moves the selected object 20 pixels to the right.
                Rec_mc.x += 20;
                trace("swipe right");
                // End your custom code

            // swiped left
            case -1:

                // Start your custom code
                // This example code moves the selected object 20 pixels to the left.
                Rec_mc.x -= 20;
                trace("swipe left");
                // End your custom code




            // swiped down
            case 1:

                // Start your custom code
                // This example code moves the selected object 20 pixels down.
                Rec_mc.y += 20;
                trace("swipe down");
                // End your custom code

            // swiped up
            case -1:

                // Start your custom code
                // This example code moves the selected object 20 pixels up.
                Rec_mc.y -= 20;
                trace("swipe up");
                // End your custom code



if (stage) init(); else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE,init);
function init(e:Event=null):void {
    stage.addEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, fl_SwipeHandler);