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Amazon web services 使用AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider更改密码_Amazon Web Services_Login_Access Token_Amazon Cognito - Fatal编程技术网

Amazon web services 使用AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider更改密码

Amazon web services 使用AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider更改密码,amazon-web-services,login,access-token,amazon-cognito,Amazon Web Services,Login,Access Token,Amazon Cognito,我正在试图找出如何使用AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider的 我需要将以下内容作为参数传递: { PreviousPassword: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */ ProposedPassword: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */ AccessToken: 'STRING_VALUE' } 我在Lambda函数中使用它,那么如何获得访问令牌呢?我有cognitoIdentityPoolId



  PreviousPassword: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  ProposedPassword: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
  AccessToken: 'STRING_VALUE'


标识池id和标识id是Cognito概念,而ChangePassword API是一个。它们是两种不同的服务——将用户池视为身份池的身份提供者


因为没有管理员版本的changePassword,您必须首先作为您试图影响的用户进行身份验证,然后才能调用changePassword例程。我花了很长时间才弄明白这一点,而且似乎没有其他文章涉及到使用管理员调用和用户池运行NodeJS lambda函数的情况,在这种情况下,您希望支持“admin”更改用户密码。我的(当前工作)代码如下。注:我认为防止管理员更改用户密码是AWS深思熟虑的设计决定,因此我不确定下面的解决方法将持续有效多长时间

const cognitoidentityserviceprovider = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider();

// Accept a POST with a JSON structure containing the
// refresh token provided during the original user login, 
// and an old and new password.
function changeUserPassword(event, context, callback) {
  // Extract relevant JSON into a request dict (This is my own utility code)
  let requiredFields = ['old_password','new_password','refresh_token'];
  let request = Utils.extractJSON(event['body'], requiredFields);
  if (request == false) {
    Utils.errorResponse("Invalid JSON or missing required fields", context.awsRequestId, callback);
    return; // Abort here

  // This function can NOT be handled by admin APIs, so we need to
  // authenticate the user (not the admin) and use that
  // authentication instead.
  let refreshToken = request['refresh_token']

  // Authenticate as the user first, so we can call user version
  // of the ChangePassword API
    AuthFlow: 'REFRESH_TOKEN',
    ClientId: Config.ClientId,
    UserPoolId: Config.UserPoolId,
    AuthParameters: {
      'REFRESH_TOKEN': refreshToken
    ContextData: getContextData(event)
  }, function(err, data) {
      Utils.errorResponse(err['message'], context.awsRequestId, callback);
      return // Abort here
    } else {
      // Now authenticated as user, change the password
      let accessToken = data['AuthenticationResult']['AccessToken'] // Returned from auth - diff signature than Authorization header
      let oldPass = request['old_password']
      let newPass = request['new_password']
      let params = {
        AccessToken: accessToken, /* required */
        PreviousPassword: oldPass, /* required */
        ProposedPassword: newPass /* required */

      // At this point, really just a pass through
      cognitoidentityserviceprovider.changePassword(params, function(err2, data2) {
          let message = {
            err_message: err2['message'],
            access_token: accessToken
          Utils.errorResponse(message, context.awsRequestId, callback);
        } else {
          let response = {
            'success': 'OK',
            'response_data': data2 // Always seems to be empty


在使用AWS Lambda时,您无需担心访问令牌,只需将用户名和密码以及poolID传递给Cognoto函数adminSetUserPassword()。此函数将轻松更新密码

const updateCognitoPassword = async(user_name, password) => {
    try {
        var changePasswordParams = {
            Password: password,
            Permanent: true,
            Username: user_name.trim(),
            UserPoolId: constants.user_pool_id
        let data = await cognitoidentityserviceprovider.adminSetUserPassword(changePasswordParams).promise();
        return data;
    catch (err) {
        throw new Error(err);

如何从API调用执行登录?在我的例子中,我将cognito与AWS ALB一起使用。所以我在标题或JWT中都没有得到刷新令牌。建议您从AWS文档开始。这是服务器端的问题/答案,而不是客户端。请参阅:虽然此代码片段可能会解决此问题,但它没有解释为什么或如何回答此问题。请,因为这确实有助于提高你的文章质量。请记住,您将在将来回答读者的问题,这些人可能不知道您的代码建议的原因。您可以使用该按钮改进此答案,以获得更多选票和声誉!谢谢,编辑了更多的解释