Android xml文件的这段代码有什么问题?

Android xml文件的这段代码有什么问题?,android,Android,几乎没有错误&我不知道如何摆脱它 不幸的是,我的应用程序正在停止此错误发生 Overlapping items in RelativeLayout @id/userEmailId can overlap @id/backToLoginBtn if @string/back, @string/submit grow due to localized text expansion If relative layout has text or button items aligned to le



Overlapping items in RelativeLayout
  @id/userEmailId can overlap @id/backToLoginBtn if @string/back, @string/submit grow due to localized text expansion  If relative layout has text or button items aligned to left and right sides they can overlap each other due to localized text expansion unless they have mutual constraints like toEndOf/toStartOf.  Issue id: RelativeOverlap

Attribute unused on older version
  Attribute autofillHints is only used in API level 26 and higher (current min is 22)  This check finds attributes set in XML files that were introduced in a version newer than the oldest version targeted by your application (with the minSdkVersion attribute).  This is not an error; the application will simply ignore the attribute. However, if the attribute is important to the appearance or functionality of your application, you should consider finding an alternative way to achieve the same result with only available attributes, and then you can optionally create a copy of the layout in a layout-vNN folder which will be used on API NN or higher where you can take advantage of the newer attribute.  Note: This check does not only apply to attributes. For example, some tags can be unused too, such as the new <tag> element in layouts introduced in API 21.  Issue id: UnusedAttribute

Render Problems
<item> tag requires a 'drawable' attribute or child tag defining a drawable   Tip: Try to refresh the layout.
属性AutoFillHitts仅在API级别26及更高级别(当前最小值为22)中使用。此检查查找XML文件中设置的属性,这些属性是在比应用程序所针对的最旧版本(具有minSdkVersion属性)更新的版本中引入的。这不是一个错误;应用程序将忽略该属性。但是,如果属性对应用程序的外观或功能很重要,则应该考虑找到另一种方法,仅用可用的属性实现相同的结果,然后,您可以选择在布局vNN文件夹中创建布局的副本,该文件夹将用于API NN或更高版本,您可以利用更新的属性。注意:此检查不仅适用于属性。例如,一些标记也可以不使用,例如API 21中引入的布局中的新元素。问题编号:联合国大学

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