
Android源代码函数的特殊名称,android,function,Android,Function,Android源代码中的许多函数都有以LI、LPw、LPr结尾的特殊名称。有人知道这些首字母缩略词是什么意思吗?因为理解函数名及其用途会更有帮助 例如: PackageManagerService.installPackageLI() PackageManagerService.updatePermissionsLPw() Settings.peek-packagelpr() 谢谢。看起来您正在查看一些奇怪的源代码。你知道吗?看第234行: 234 // Lock for state u







234     // Lock for state used when installing and doing other long running
235     // operations.  Methods that must be called with this lock held have
236     // the prefix "LI".
237     final Object mInstallLock = new Object();


最终HashMap mPackages=



1) **mPackages** is used to guard all in-memory parsed package details
   and other related state. It is a fine-grained lock that should only be 
   held momentarily, as it's one of the most contended locks in the system.

2) **mInstallLock** is used to guard all installd access, whose
   operations typically involve heavy lifting of application data on disk. 
   Since installd is single-threaded, and it's operations can often be slow,
   this lock should never be acquired while already holding mPackages . 
   Conversely, it's safe to acquire mPackages momentarily while already
   holding mInstallLock.

Many internal methods rely on the caller to hold the appropriate locks, and
this contract is expressed through method name suffixes:

fooLI():  the caller must hold mInstallLock
fooLIF(): the caller must hold mInstallLock and the package being modified 
          must be frozen
fooLPr(): the caller must hold mPackages for reading
fooLPw(): the caller must hold mPackages for writing

你有什么具体的例子吗?@TylerTreat请看编辑后的问题,举一个@Tyler Treat所说的例子
1) **mPackages** is used to guard all in-memory parsed package details
   and other related state. It is a fine-grained lock that should only be 
   held momentarily, as it's one of the most contended locks in the system.

2) **mInstallLock** is used to guard all installd access, whose
   operations typically involve heavy lifting of application data on disk. 
   Since installd is single-threaded, and it's operations can often be slow,
   this lock should never be acquired while already holding mPackages . 
   Conversely, it's safe to acquire mPackages momentarily while already
   holding mInstallLock.

Many internal methods rely on the caller to hold the appropriate locks, and
this contract is expressed through method name suffixes:

fooLI():  the caller must hold mInstallLock
fooLIF(): the caller must hold mInstallLock and the package being modified 
          must be frozen
fooLPr(): the caller must hold mPackages for reading
fooLPw(): the caller must hold mPackages for writing