Android 使用数据库中的项目符号设置多行文字格式

Android 使用数据库中的项目符号设置多行文字格式,android,android-layout,textview,android-database,Android,Android Layout,Textview,Android Database,我有一个文本视图,其中显示数据库中的文本,其中可以包括要点: 我的文本视图位于带有线性布局的滚动视图中,没有任何特殊内容: <TextView android:id="@+id/textview_quiz_infotext" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_c



            tools:text="- This is the text" />

当文本超过一行时,我想添加与第一行相同的间距。 看起来是这样的:



我在我的旧项目中成功地解决了这个问题。我们的想法是首先对文本进行一些预处理,以便在文本中只包含项目符号分隔符,假设根据上面的文本,项目符号分隔符是“-”。然后提取每个项目符号线并使用项目符号span()进行渲染,或者如果您需要更多自定义来渲染您自己的项目符号,您可以使用引线边距span(),它为您提供了使用引线边距方法绘制自定义项目符号点的灵活性。在我的例子中,我创建了以下Bullet Util类:

public class BulletUtil {

    public enum BulletStyle{

        Style1("•", "\u2022"),
        Style2("●", "\u25CF"),
        Style3("○", "\u25CB"),
        Style4("▪", "\u25AA"),
        Style5("■", "\u25A0"),
        Style6("□", "\u25A1"),
        Style7("►", "\u25BA");
        private String symbol;
        private String code;
        private BulletStyle(String symbol, String code){
            this.symbol = symbol;
            this.code = code;
        public String getCode() {
            return code;

     * Creates Leading Margin Spans {@link LeadingMarginSpan} based on a gap width and a color integer.*
     * @param originText the original Text
     * @param bulletDelimiter the bullet delimiter
     * @param bulletGapWidth the distance, in pixels, between the bullet point and the paragraph.
     * @param bulletColor  the bullet point color, as a color integer.
     * @param bulletStyle the bullet style
     * @return CharSequence with BulletSpans
    public static CharSequence addLeadingBullets(String originText, String bulletDelimiter, int bulletGapWidth, @ColorInt int bulletColor, BulletStyle bulletStyle) {
        return createLeadingMarginSpans(bulletGapWidth, bulletColor, getBulletList(originText, bulletDelimiter), bulletStyle);

     * Creates Bullet Spans {@link BulletSpan} based on a gap width and a color integer.*
     * @param originText the original Text
     * @param bulletDelimiter the bullet delimiter
     * @param bulletGapWidth the distance, in pixels, between the bullet point and the paragraph.
     * @param bulletColor  the bullet point color, as a color integer.
     * @return CharSequence with BulletSpans
    public static CharSequence addBullets(String originText, String bulletDelimiter, int bulletGapWidth, @ColorInt int bulletColor) {
        return createBulletSpans(bulletGapWidth, bulletColor, getBulletList(originText, bulletDelimiter));

     * Retrieves Bullet List based on a Bullet Delimiter
     * @param text the Text
     * @param bulletDelimiter the bullet delimiter
     * @return List<String> the bullet List
    public static List<String> getBulletList(String text, String bulletDelimiter){

        List<String> bulletLines = Arrays.asList(text.split(bulletDelimiter));
        List<String> bulletList = new ArrayList<>();
        if(bulletLines!=null && bulletLines.size()>0){
            for(int i=0; i<bulletLines.size(); i++){
                String bulletLine = bulletLines.get(i);
        return bulletList;

     * Creates Bullet Spans {@link BulletSpan} based on a gap width and a color integer.
     * @param bulletGapWidth     the distance, in pixels, between the bullet point and the paragraph.
     * @param bulletColor        the bullet point color, as a color integer.
     * @param bulletList         the bullet List lines
    public static CharSequence createBulletSpans(int bulletGapWidth, @ColorInt int bulletColor, @NonNull List<String> bulletList) {

        SpannableStringBuilder sbb = new SpannableStringBuilder();
        for(int i=0; i<bulletList.size(); i++){
            CharSequence bulletLine = bulletList.get(i) + (i < bulletList.size()-1 ? "\n" : "");
            Spannable spannable = new SpannableString(bulletLine);
            BulletSpan bulletSpan = new BulletSpan(bulletGapWidth, bulletColor);
            spannable.setSpan(bulletSpan, 0, spannable.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
        return sbb;

     * Creates Bullet LeadingMarginSpans {@link LeadingMarginSpan} based on a gap width and a color integer.
     * @param bulletGapWidth     the distance, in pixels, between the bullet point and the paragraph.
     * @param bulletColor        the bullet point color, as a color integer.
     * @param bulletList         the bullet List lines
     * @param bulletStyle        the bullet enum Style
    public static CharSequence createLeadingMarginSpans(int bulletGapWidth, @ColorInt int bulletColor, @NonNull List<String> bulletList, BulletStyle bulletStyle) {

        SpannableStringBuilder sbb = new SpannableStringBuilder();
        for(int i=0; i<bulletList.size(); i++){
            CharSequence bulletLine = bulletList.get(i) + (i < bulletList.size()-1 ? "\n" : "");
            Spannable spannable = new SpannableString(bulletLine);
            String bulletPointStyle = bulletStyle.getCode();
            LeadingMarginSpan bulletLeadingMarginSpan = new LeadingMarginSpan()
                public int getLeadingMargin(boolean first) {
                    return bulletPointStyle.length()*bulletGapWidth;
                public void drawLeadingMargin(Canvas c, Paint p, int x, int dir, int top, int baseline, int bottom, CharSequence text, int start, int end, boolean first, Layout layout) {
                   if (first) {
                        Paint.Style orgStyle = p.getStyle();
                        c.drawText(bulletPointStyle + " ", 0, bottom - p.descent(), p);
            spannable.setSpan(bulletLeadingMarginSpan, 0, spannable.length(), Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
        return sbb;

String text = "- Enhanced base performance. - Lightweight headband enhances comfort and adds durability - Easy to adjust headband ensures optimum fit and comfort - 2 metre-long cable";
        bulletTextView.setText(BulletUtil.addBullets(text, "- ", 100, getResources().getColor(android.R.color.holo_red_dark)));
String text = "- Enhanced base performance. - Lightweight headband enhances comfort and adds durability - Easy to adjust headband ensures optimum fit and comfort - 2 metre-long cable";
        bulletTextView.setText(BulletUtil.addLeadingBullets(text, "- ", 100, getResources().getColor(, BulletUtil.BulletStyle.Style2));

