Android 启动Intent时,将位图作为额外的\u流参数传入

Android 启动Intent时,将位图作为额外的\u流参数传入,android,android-intent,Android,Android Intent,在JavaDoc中,启动intent时的EXTRA_STREAM参数需要是一个URI。 如何传递通过启动android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION\u IMAGE\u捕获意图获得的位图对象 /** * A content: URI holding a stream of data associated with the Intent, * used with {@link #ACTION_SEND} to supply the data being

在JavaDoc中,启动intent时的EXTRA_STREAM参数需要是一个URI。 如何传递通过启动android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION\u IMAGE\u捕获意图获得的位图对象

     * A content: URI holding a stream of data associated with the Intent,
     * used with {@link #ACTION_SEND} to supply the data being sent.
    public static final String EXTRA_STREAM = "android.intent.extra.STREAM";
