Angular 如何设置角度方向堆栈中两个模态叠加的z索引?

Angular 如何设置角度方向堆栈中两个模态叠加的z索引?,angular,modal-dialog,overlay,Angular,Modal Dialog,Overlay,同一页面中有两个模式,一个在另一个上,但当我单击overlay时,打开的第一个模式关闭。我想要的是通过按堆栈方式单击overlay来打开和关闭模式 when you open a modal the overlay gets created, so if you have two modal, when you open both one after the other, two overlays will be created, now if you are getting the abo


when you open a modal the overlay gets created, so if you have two modal, when you 
open both one after the other, two overlays will be created, now if you are getting 
the above issue follow.

1. Open the modals in your component.ts via click method.
2. after writing the $("#yourmodal").modal('open'); 
   set the z-index manually.
   write $(".modal-overlay:eq(1)").css( "z-index", "1018");
3. Check you modal overlays z-index and set according to your need.
