
Angular2:验证表单而不在每次输入时定义错误消息?,angular,Angular,我想在angular2中验证表单。我学习了一些文档,它的定义如下: It will show following messages If field is empty : Field is mandatory If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as eas


    It will show following messages
        If field is empty : Field is mandatory
        If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)


    It will show following messages
        If field is empty : Field is mandatory
        If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

    It will show following messages
        If field is empty : Field is mandatory
        If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

    It will show following messages
        If field is empty : Field is mandatory
        If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

    It will show following messages
        If field is empty : Field is mandatory
        If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

    It will show following messages
        If field is empty : Field is mandatory
        If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)


    It will show following messages
        If field is empty : Field is mandatory
        If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

    It will show following messages
        If field is empty : Field is mandatory
        If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

    It will show following messages
        If field is empty : Field is mandatory
        If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)


export const errorConfiguration = {
    'alphaNum': {
        'regex': /^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$/,
        'msg': 'LABEL should contain only alpaha numeric values'
    'email': {
        'regex': /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$/,
        'msg': 'LABEL is not valid email'
    It will show following messages
        If field is empty : Field is mandatory
        If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)
import { Directive, ElementRef, forwardRef, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { Validator, AbstractControl, NG_VALIDATORS } from '@angular/forms';
import { errorConfiguration } from './error-configurations';    // use configuration file

    selector: '[easyValidate]',
    providers: [
        { provide: NG_VALIDATORS, useExisting: forwardRef(() => EasyValidatorDirective), multi: true }
export class EasyValidatorDirective implements Validator {
    @Input('easyValidate') easyValidate: string;
    @Input('easyLabel') easyLabel;
    private isRequired: boolean;
    private patternName: string;
    private master;
    public easyConfig;
        public el: ElementRef
    ) {
        this.easyConfig = errorConfiguration;
        this.easyConfig['REQ'] = {'msg' : 'LABEL is mandatory'};

        if (!('remove' in Element.prototype)) {
            Element.prototype.remove = function () {
                if (this.parentNode) {
    validate(control: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: any } {
        let val = control.value;
        let temp_arr = this.easyValidate.split('|');
        this.isRequired = temp_arr[0] === 'REQ';
        this.patternName = temp_arr.length > 0 ? temp_arr[1] : '';
        if (this.isRequired) {
            this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('blur', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);

            if (val == '' || val == null || val.toString().trim() == '') {
                return {
                    msoValidateRequired: false 
        if (this.patternName !== '' && ((val != '' && val != null))) {
            this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('blur', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);
            this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('keydown', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);
            this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('change', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);

            if (this.getRegEx(this.patternName)) {
                let pattern: RegExp = this.getRegEx(this.patternName);
                if (pattern && !pattern.test(val) && val != '') {
                    return {
                        msoValidatePattern: false


        return null;

    private showErrorMsg(msgKey: string) {
        this.getErrorMsgElement().innerHTML = this.getErrorMsg(msgKey);
    private getErrorMsgElement() {
        let errorElementList = this.el.nativeElement.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('error-span');
        return errorElementList.length ? errorElementList[0] : this.createErrorElement();

    private createErrorElement() {
        let errorSpan = document.createElement('span');
        errorSpan.setAttribute('class', 'text-danger error-span hide');
        return this.el.nativeElement.parentNode.appendChild(errorSpan);
    private removeErrorMsgElement() {
    private getErrorMsg(msgKey: string) {
        let errMsg: string = this.getConfigMsg(msgKey) ? this.getConfigMsg(msgKey) : 'Invalid Value';

        errMsg = errMsg.replace('LABEL', (this.easyLabel ? this.easyLabel : 'Field'));
        return errMsg;

    getRegEx(regKey: string) {
        if (typeof this.easyConfig[regKey] !== 'undefined') {
            return this.easyConfig[regKey]['regex'];
        return false;

    getConfigMsg(regKey: string) {
        if (typeof this.easyConfig[regKey] !== 'undefined') {
            return this.easyConfig[regKey]['msg'];
        return false;
  declarations: [
    AppComponent, .... , EasyValidatorDirective
  imports: [    ...  ],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }


ng content

    It will show following messages
        If field is empty : Field is mandatory
        If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

    It will show following messages
        If field is empty : Field is mandatory
        If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

<div class="form-group form-group-sm" [ngClass]="{'has-error':state && !state.valid}">
  <label for="for"
    class="col-sm-3 control-label”>{{label}}</label>
  <div class="col-sm-8">
    <ng-content ></ng-content>
    <p *ngIf="state.pending">Fetching data from the server...</p>

    <div *ngIf="state.dirty && !state.valid && !state.pending">
      <p *ngIf="state.errors.required">Field is required.</p>
      <p *ngIf="state.errors.startsWithNumber">Your field can't start with a number</p>
      <p *ngIf="state.errors.usernameTaken">This field is taken</p>
    It will show following messages
        If field is empty : Field is mandatory
        If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

<form [ngFormModel]="form">
  <field label="Name">
    <input type="text" [ngFormControl]="form.controls.username" />

  <button (click)="submitData()" [disabled]="!form.valid" class="btn btn-primary">Sumbit data</button>
    It will show following messages
        If field is empty : Field is mandatory
        If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)


    It will show following messages
        If field is empty : Field is mandatory
        If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

    • 我希望现在回答这个问题已经太晚了,但这可能会帮助其他人。 为了克服这个问题,我创建了以下指令。该指令适用于模板驱动和反应式表单

          It will show following messages
              If field is empty : Field is mandatory
              If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

          It will show following messages
              If field is empty : Field is mandatory
              If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)
    • 基于正则表达式的验证(强制和强制) 非必填字段)
    • 显示针对的配置错误消息 正则表达式
    • 也可以选择将字段名传递给 使您的错误消息更加用户友好
    • 适用于文本输入、选择和文本区域元素(&textarea)
    • 如何使用:

          It will show following messages
              If field is empty : Field is mandatory
              If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

          It will show following messages
              If field is empty : Field is mandatory
              If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

      export const errorConfiguration = {
          'alphaNum': {
              'regex': /^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$/,
              'msg': 'LABEL should contain only alpaha numeric values'
          'email': {
              'regex': /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$/,
              'msg': 'LABEL is not valid email'
          It will show following messages
              If field is empty : Field is mandatory
              If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)
      import { Directive, ElementRef, forwardRef, Input } from '@angular/core';
      import { Validator, AbstractControl, NG_VALIDATORS } from '@angular/forms';
      import { errorConfiguration } from './error-configurations';    // use configuration file
          selector: '[easyValidate]',
          providers: [
              { provide: NG_VALIDATORS, useExisting: forwardRef(() => EasyValidatorDirective), multi: true }
      export class EasyValidatorDirective implements Validator {
          @Input('easyValidate') easyValidate: string;
          @Input('easyLabel') easyLabel;
          private isRequired: boolean;
          private patternName: string;
          private master;
          public easyConfig;
              public el: ElementRef
          ) {
              this.easyConfig = errorConfiguration;
              this.easyConfig['REQ'] = {'msg' : 'LABEL is mandatory'};
              if (!('remove' in Element.prototype)) {
                  Element.prototype.remove = function () {
                      if (this.parentNode) {
          validate(control: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: any } {
              let val = control.value;
              let temp_arr = this.easyValidate.split('|');
              this.isRequired = temp_arr[0] === 'REQ';
              this.patternName = temp_arr.length > 0 ? temp_arr[1] : '';
              if (this.isRequired) {
                  this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('blur', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);
                  if (val == '' || val == null || val.toString().trim() == '') {
                      return {
                          msoValidateRequired: false 
              if (this.patternName !== '' && ((val != '' && val != null))) {
                  this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('blur', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);
                  this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('keydown', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);
                  this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('change', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);
                  if (this.getRegEx(this.patternName)) {
                      let pattern: RegExp = this.getRegEx(this.patternName);
                      if (pattern && !pattern.test(val) && val != '') {
                          return {
                              msoValidatePattern: false
              return null;
          private showErrorMsg(msgKey: string) {
              this.getErrorMsgElement().innerHTML = this.getErrorMsg(msgKey);
          private getErrorMsgElement() {
              let errorElementList = this.el.nativeElement.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('error-span');
              return errorElementList.length ? errorElementList[0] : this.createErrorElement();
          private createErrorElement() {
              let errorSpan = document.createElement('span');
              errorSpan.setAttribute('class', 'text-danger error-span hide');
              return this.el.nativeElement.parentNode.appendChild(errorSpan);
          private removeErrorMsgElement() {
          private getErrorMsg(msgKey: string) {
              let errMsg: string = this.getConfigMsg(msgKey) ? this.getConfigMsg(msgKey) : 'Invalid Value';
              errMsg = errMsg.replace('LABEL', (this.easyLabel ? this.easyLabel : 'Field'));
              return errMsg;
          getRegEx(regKey: string) {
              if (typeof this.easyConfig[regKey] !== 'undefined') {
                  return this.easyConfig[regKey]['regex'];
              return false;
          getConfigMsg(regKey: string) {
              if (typeof this.easyConfig[regKey] !== 'undefined') {
                  return this.easyConfig[regKey]['msg'];
              return false;
        declarations: [
          AppComponent, .... , EasyValidatorDirective
        imports: [    ...  ],
        bootstrap: [AppComponent]
      export class AppModule { }

          It will show following messages
              If field is empty : Field is mandatory
              If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

          It will show following messages
              If field is empty : Field is mandatory
              If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

          It will show following messages
              If field is empty : Field is mandatory
              If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

          It will show following messages
              If field is empty : Field is mandatory
              If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

          It will show following messages
              If field is empty : Field is mandatory
              If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)
      指令文件:easy validator.Directive.ts

      export const errorConfiguration = {
          'alphaNum': {
              'regex': /^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$/,
              'msg': 'LABEL should contain only alpaha numeric values'
          'email': {
              'regex': /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$/,
              'msg': 'LABEL is not valid email'
          It will show following messages
              If field is empty : Field is mandatory
              If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)
      import { Directive, ElementRef, forwardRef, Input } from '@angular/core';
      import { Validator, AbstractControl, NG_VALIDATORS } from '@angular/forms';
      import { errorConfiguration } from './error-configurations';    // use configuration file
          selector: '[easyValidate]',
          providers: [
              { provide: NG_VALIDATORS, useExisting: forwardRef(() => EasyValidatorDirective), multi: true }
      export class EasyValidatorDirective implements Validator {
          @Input('easyValidate') easyValidate: string;
          @Input('easyLabel') easyLabel;
          private isRequired: boolean;
          private patternName: string;
          private master;
          public easyConfig;
              public el: ElementRef
          ) {
              this.easyConfig = errorConfiguration;
              this.easyConfig['REQ'] = {'msg' : 'LABEL is mandatory'};
              if (!('remove' in Element.prototype)) {
                  Element.prototype.remove = function () {
                      if (this.parentNode) {
          validate(control: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: any } {
              let val = control.value;
              let temp_arr = this.easyValidate.split('|');
              this.isRequired = temp_arr[0] === 'REQ';
              this.patternName = temp_arr.length > 0 ? temp_arr[1] : '';
              if (this.isRequired) {
                  this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('blur', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);
                  if (val == '' || val == null || val.toString().trim() == '') {
                      return {
                          msoValidateRequired: false 
              if (this.patternName !== '' && ((val != '' && val != null))) {
                  this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('blur', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);
                  this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('keydown', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);
                  this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('change', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);
                  if (this.getRegEx(this.patternName)) {
                      let pattern: RegExp = this.getRegEx(this.patternName);
                      if (pattern && !pattern.test(val) && val != '') {
                          return {
                              msoValidatePattern: false
              return null;
          private showErrorMsg(msgKey: string) {
              this.getErrorMsgElement().innerHTML = this.getErrorMsg(msgKey);
          private getErrorMsgElement() {
              let errorElementList = this.el.nativeElement.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('error-span');
              return errorElementList.length ? errorElementList[0] : this.createErrorElement();
          private createErrorElement() {
              let errorSpan = document.createElement('span');
              errorSpan.setAttribute('class', 'text-danger error-span hide');
              return this.el.nativeElement.parentNode.appendChild(errorSpan);
          private removeErrorMsgElement() {
          private getErrorMsg(msgKey: string) {
              let errMsg: string = this.getConfigMsg(msgKey) ? this.getConfigMsg(msgKey) : 'Invalid Value';
              errMsg = errMsg.replace('LABEL', (this.easyLabel ? this.easyLabel : 'Field'));
              return errMsg;
          getRegEx(regKey: string) {
              if (typeof this.easyConfig[regKey] !== 'undefined') {
                  return this.easyConfig[regKey]['regex'];
              return false;
          getConfigMsg(regKey: string) {
              if (typeof this.easyConfig[regKey] !== 'undefined') {
                  return this.easyConfig[regKey]['msg'];
              return false;
        declarations: [
          AppComponent, .... , EasyValidatorDirective
        imports: [    ...  ],
        bootstrap: [AppComponent]
      export class AppModule { }

          It will show following messages
              If field is empty : Field is mandatory
              If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)

      export const errorConfiguration = {
          'alphaNum': {
              'regex': /^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$/,
              'msg': 'LABEL should contain only alpaha numeric values'
          'email': {
              'regex': /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)\.([a-zA-Z]{2,5})$/,
              'msg': 'LABEL is not valid email'
          It will show following messages
              If field is empty : Field is mandatory
              If field is invalid email : Field is not valid demail ( this is from configuartion file LABEL is replaced with "Field" as easyLabel is not specified.)
      import { Directive, ElementRef, forwardRef, Input } from '@angular/core';
      import { Validator, AbstractControl, NG_VALIDATORS } from '@angular/forms';
      import { errorConfiguration } from './error-configurations';    // use configuration file
          selector: '[easyValidate]',
          providers: [
              { provide: NG_VALIDATORS, useExisting: forwardRef(() => EasyValidatorDirective), multi: true }
      export class EasyValidatorDirective implements Validator {
          @Input('easyValidate') easyValidate: string;
          @Input('easyLabel') easyLabel;
          private isRequired: boolean;
          private patternName: string;
          private master;
          public easyConfig;
              public el: ElementRef
          ) {
              this.easyConfig = errorConfiguration;
              this.easyConfig['REQ'] = {'msg' : 'LABEL is mandatory'};
              if (!('remove' in Element.prototype)) {
                  Element.prototype.remove = function () {
                      if (this.parentNode) {
          validate(control: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: any } {
              let val = control.value;
              let temp_arr = this.easyValidate.split('|');
              this.isRequired = temp_arr[0] === 'REQ';
              this.patternName = temp_arr.length > 0 ? temp_arr[1] : '';
              if (this.isRequired) {
                  this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('blur', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);
                  if (val == '' || val == null || val.toString().trim() == '') {
                      return {
                          msoValidateRequired: false 
              if (this.patternName !== '' && ((val != '' && val != null))) {
                  this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('blur', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);
                  this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('keydown', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);
                  this.el.nativeElement.addEventListener('change', () => this.getErrorMsgElement().classList.remove('hide'), false);
                  if (this.getRegEx(this.patternName)) {
                      let pattern: RegExp = this.getRegEx(this.patternName);
                      if (pattern && !pattern.test(val) && val != '') {
                          return {
                              msoValidatePattern: false
              return null;
          private showErrorMsg(msgKey: string) {
              this.getErrorMsgElement().innerHTML = this.getErrorMsg(msgKey);
          private getErrorMsgElement() {
              let errorElementList = this.el.nativeElement.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('error-span');
              return errorElementList.length ? errorElementList[0] : this.createErrorElement();
          private createErrorElement() {
              let errorSpan = document.createElement('span');
              errorSpan.setAttribute('class', 'text-danger error-span hide');
              return this.el.nativeElement.parentNode.appendChild(errorSpan);
          private removeErrorMsgElement() {
          private getErrorMsg(msgKey: string) {
              let errMsg: string = this.getConfigMsg(msgKey) ? this.getConfigMsg(msgKey) : 'Invalid Value';
              errMsg = errMsg.replace('LABEL', (this.easyLabel ? this.easyLabel : 'Field'));
              return errMsg;
          getRegEx(regKey: string) {
              if (typeof this.easyConfig[regKey] !== 'undefined') {
                  return this.easyConfig[regKey]['regex'];
              return false;
          getConfigMsg(regKey: string) {
              if (typeof this.easyConfig[regKey] !== 'undefined') {
                  return this.easyConfig[regKey]['msg'];
              return false;
        declarations: [
          AppComponent, .... , EasyValidatorDirective
        imports: [    ...  ],
        bootstrap: [AppComponent]
      export class AppModule { }

      您可以创建自定义验证器或指令来生成所需的错误消息。我希望物质元素更加固执己见,并在默认情况下提供这样做的东西。我不知道jQuery,因此不清楚您到底想要什么。@GünterZöchbauer OP想要一个插件式的功能,您不必为每次验证编写