
如何使用Applescript在所有子文件夹中创建相同的新文件?,applescript,Applescript,我希望在每个不存在.DS_存储文件的文件夹和子文件夹中创建一个.DS_存储文件(Mac),然后锁定每个新写入和已存在的.DS_存储文件,然后将每个文件夹的修改日期设置为其中最新的项目 我已经编写了以下代码,这当然不起作用。如果能帮我把这件事做好,我将不胜感激 set MyFolder to "Macintosh Backup:Design Photos" tell application "Finder" set SubFolders to ev



set MyFolder to "Macintosh Backup:Design Photos"

tell application "Finder"
    set SubFolders to every folder of entire contents of MyFolder
    repeat with xFolder in SubFolders
        set myFile to path of xFolder & ":.DS_Store"
        if not (exists myFile) then
            make new file at xFolder with properties {name:".DS_Store"}
        end if
        set locked of myFile to true
    end repeat
end tell

基本上,Finder不知道不可见的文件,除非Finder pref文件中的
set myFolder to "Macintosh Backup:Design Photos"

tell application "Finder"
    set subFolders to every folder of entire contents of folder myFolder
    repeat with xFolder in subFolders
        try -- avoids error if no files exist
            set modificationDate to modification date of last item of ¬
                (sort (get files of xFolder) by modification date)
        end try
        set myFile to ((xFolder as text) & ".DS_Store") 
        if not (exists alias myFile) then
            set myFile to make new file at xFolder ¬
                with properties {name:".DS_Store"}
            set locked of myFile to true
            set locked of alias myFile to true
        end if
        try -- avoids error if no files exist
            set modification date of xFolder to modificationDate
        end try
    end repeat
end tell