Applescript InDesign:尝试以脚本标签为目标…无骰子

Applescript InDesign:尝试以脚本标签为目标…无骰子,applescript,adobe-indesign,Applescript,Adobe Indesign,我正在使用InDesign CS6 我有一个嵌套在组中的表。该组使用InDesign的脚本标签标记为slug。我正在尝试将信息插入该表的单元格中 如果我的目标是第1组,我可以不使用标签,但如果布局中有其他组,这就不起作用了,显然不好 这是我的密码。请注意,我在第7行的目标群体尝试失败。有什么想法吗 tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6" set myDoc to active document set c

我正在使用InDesign CS6




    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
            set myDoc to active document
            set colorMode to blending space of transparency preferences of myDoc
            set docBleed to document bleed top offset of document preferences of myDoc
            set docWidth to page width of document preferences of myDoc
            set docHeight to page height of document preferences of myDoc

            set slugGroup to (group whose label is "slug")
            tell table 1 of text frame 1 of slugGroup of myDoc
                set contents of cell 1 of row 2 to colorMode
                set contents of cell 2 of row 1 to docWidth & " x " & docHeight
                set contents of cell 2 of row 2 to docBleed
            end tell
    end tell


tell myDoc
    tell table 1 of text frame 1 of (first group whose label is "slug")