Applescript 如何使用apple脚本单步浏览我的apple邮箱并查看是否存在地址

Applescript 如何使用apple脚本单步浏览我的apple邮箱并查看是否存在地址,applescript,apple-mail,Applescript,Apple Mail,我对苹果的脚本非常陌生,老实说,我不是一个太多的程序员。我想做一些非常类似的事情: 除了我想查看我的所有电子邮件,并搜索特定地址(我有一个csv/excel/numbers格式的数千个列表),以查看是否存在任何电子邮件通信。我知道如何浏览我的列表和搜索,但不知道如何返回邮件是否存在。我经常向人们发送两封电子邮件,向他们发送营销材料,我宁愿不这样做。下面是我的基本搜索脚本,它是从数字中提取的,只需要弄清楚如何在运行每个电子邮件搜索之后询问邮件应用程序是否存在邮件项目 set {eAddress}

我对苹果的脚本非常陌生,老实说,我不是一个太多的程序员。我想做一些非常类似的事情: 除了我想查看我的所有电子邮件,并搜索特定地址(我有一个csv/excel/numbers格式的数千个列表),以查看是否存在任何电子邮件通信。我知道如何浏览我的列表和搜索,但不知道如何返回邮件是否存在。我经常向人们发送两封电子邮件,向他们发送营销材料,我宁愿不这样做。下面是我的基本搜索脚本,它是从数字中提取的,只需要弄清楚如何在运行每个电子邮件搜索之后询问邮件应用程序是否存在邮件项目

set {eAddress} to getData()

repeat with i from 1 to 4
    activate application "Mail"

    tell application "System Events"

        tell process "Mail"

            tell window 1

                keystroke "f" using {command down, option down}

                keystroke {item i of eAddress} as string

            end tell

        end tell
    end tell
end repeat

on getData()
    set colA to {}
    tell application "Numbers"

        tell table 1 of sheet 1 of document 1
            #set lastRow to 4
            set lastRow to row count
            #first row index of (get end (last cell of column 1) direction toward the top)

            repeat with i from 2 to lastRow
                set end of colA to (value of cell i of column "A")
            end repeat
        end tell
    end tell

    return {colA}
end getData


set eAddresses to getData()

tell application "Mail"
    repeat with thisAddress in eAddresses
        if ((count of (messages of inbox whose sender contains thisAddress)) > 0) then
            -- there are messages from this address, so do something
            -- there are no messages from this address, so do something else 
        end if
    end repeat
end tell

on getData()
    set colA to {}
    tell application "Numbers"

        tell table 1 of sheet 1 of document 1
            #set lastRow to 4
            set lastRow to row count
            #first row index of (get end (last cell of column 1) direction toward the top)

            repeat with i from 2 to lastRow
                set end of colA to (value of cell i of column "A")
            end repeat
        end tell
    end tell

    return colA
end getData

