InDesign CS6中的Applescript对话框:如何限制输入中的数字范围?

InDesign CS6中的Applescript对话框:如何限制输入中的数字范围?,applescript,adobe-indesign,Applescript,Adobe Indesign,我有一个用于InDesign CS6的applescript对话框,它返回输入到三个文本字段中的值。下面是相关的片段 set userResponse to show myDialog if userResponse is true then set docWidth to edit contents of myWidth as string set docHeight to edit contents of myHeight as string set docBleed

我有一个用于InDesign CS6的applescript对话框,它返回输入到三个文本字段中的值。下面是相关的片段

set userResponse to show myDialog
if userResponse is true then
    set docWidth to edit contents of myWidth as string
    set docHeight to edit contents of myHeight as string
    set docBleed to edit contents of myBleed as string
    destroy myDialog
    destroy myDialog
    error number -128
end if

if 2160 < docWidth or docHeight then
    beep 1
    display alert "Document cannot be larger than 2160 inches in either dimension." buttons ["Try again"] default button 1
end if



set myWidth to make integer editboxes with properties {edit contents:"", min width:60, maximum value:2159, minimum value:1}
set myHeight to make integer editboxes with properties {edit contents:"", min width:60, maximum value:2159, minimum value:1}
set myBleed to make integer editboxes with properties {edit contents:"", min width:60, maximum value:2159, minimum value:1}
set myWidth to make real editboxes with properties {edit contents:"", min width:60, maximum value:2159, minimum value:1}
set myHeight to make real editboxes with properties {edit contents:"", min width:60, maximum value:2159, minimum value:1}
set myBleed to make real editboxes with properties {edit contents:"", min width:60, maximum value:2159, minimum value:1}

set myWidth to make integer editboxes with properties {edit contents:"", min width:60, maximum value:2159, minimum value:1}
set myHeight to make integer editboxes with properties {edit contents:"", min width:60, maximum value:2159, minimum value:1}
set myBleed to make integer editboxes with properties {edit contents:"", min width:60, maximum value:2159, minimum value:1}
set myWidth to make real editboxes with properties {edit contents:"", min width:60, maximum value:2159, minimum value:1}
set myHeight to make real editboxes with properties {edit contents:"", min width:60, maximum value:2159, minimum value:1}
set myBleed to make real editboxes with properties {edit contents:"", min width:60, maximum value:2159, minimum value:1}

