
获取制表位或空白的数量,并在Applescript(插入项目符号的智能换行脚本)中连接,applescript,bbedit,Applescript,Bbedit,我的最终目标是创建一个applescript,当我按下Alt+Enter键时,它可以智能地为我自动插入一个项目符号。我正试图在BBEdit中实现这一点,以下是我从BBEdit论坛上获取的苹果脚本: tell application "BBEdit" try tell text of front text window set lineOfInsertionPoint to line (startLine of selection)


tell application "BBEdit"
        tell text of front text window
            set lineOfInsertionPoint to line (startLine of selection)
            set findReco to find "^\\s*\\d+\\." searching in lineOfInsertionPoint options {search mode:grep}
            if found of findReco = true then
                set leadingNumber to text 1 thru -2 of (found text of findReco)
                set text of selection to return & (leadingNumber + 1) & ". "
                select insertion point after selection
            else if found of findReco = false then
                set findReco to find "^\\s*\\* " searching in lineOfInsertionPoint options {search mode:grep}
                if found of findReco = true then
                    set text of selection to return & "* "
                    select insertion point after selection
                    set findReco to find "^\\s*\\+" searching in lineOfInsertionPoint options {search mode:grep}
                    if found of findReco = true then

                        set text of selection to return & tab & "+ "
                        select insertion point after selection
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        end tell
    on error errMsg number errNum
        set sep to "=============================="
        set e to sep & return & "Error: " & errMsg & return & sep & return ¬
            & "Error Number: " & errNum & return & sep
        display dialog e
    end try
end tell



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