Artificial intelligence 在搜索算法中使用极线查找两幅相机图像中的对应点

Artificial intelligence 在搜索算法中使用极线查找两幅相机图像中的对应点,artificial-intelligence,computer-science,computer-vision,Artificial Intelligence,Computer Science,Computer Vision,在计算机视觉中,特别是在计算立体中,我们可以很容易地编写一个算法,在两幅相机图像中找到对应的点。该算法可以用如下伪代码编写: Repeat for each feature point in the left image { calculate the epipolar line in the right image if the epipolar line intersects only one feature point then match those points


Repeat for each feature point in the left image {
   calculate the epipolar line in the right image 
   if the epipolar line intersects only one feature point 
   then match those points and remove them from the lists
Until no feature point can be matched uniquely



一旦在两幅图像之间有了一对匹配的特征点,您就可以确定剩余图像中这些极线的交点,并以这种方式确定最后一个特征。 因此,您可以为“第一个和第三个”以及“第二个和第三个”相机对重复伪代码:

Repeat for each feature point in the first image {
   calculate the epipolar line in the second image 
   calculate the epipolar line in the third image
   if the epipolar line in either image intersects only one feature point {
     calculate epipolar line for matching feature point in the other image. 
     Intersection with epipolar line from first image gives the third point.
     remove triplet from the list
Until no feature point can be matched uniquely.

Repeat for each feature point in the second image {
   calculate the epipolar line in the third image
   if the epipolar line intersects only one feature point {
     calculate epipolar line for matching feature point in the first image. 
     Intersection with epipolar line from second image gives the third point.
     remove triplet from the list
Until no feature point can be matched uniquely starting from the second image.