Asp classic Windows Server 2003上的经典ASP

Asp classic Windows Server 2003上的经典ASP,asp-classic,windows-server-2003,createobject,Asp Classic,Windows Server 2003,Createobject,在新安装的虚拟服务器上配置所有内容(IIS、网站、权限)后,在运行default.asp文件时出现此错误 Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' Server.CreateObject Failed /default.asp, line 30 我觉得这篇文章很有用。但我似乎无法解决它。它给出了这样的解决方案 A: This error means "Invalid class string" -- in other words the call


Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3'

Server.CreateObject Failed

/default.asp, line 30

A: This error means "Invalid class string" -- in other words the call to CreateObject failed because the name object cannot be found by the OLE sub-system. Causes include:

1. You really didn't run regsvr32 on the server after all.
2. You ran regsvr32 but it reported an error.
3. Someone modified security on part of the registry that's preventing the OLE subsystem from reading all or part of the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT tree.
4. The name of the object you are trying to create was mispelled or is incorrect.
5. Determine if it's a permissions problem
6. Determine if it is a file permissions problem:
7. Check registry permissions
我必须注册哪项服务?安装IIS时,ASP不是自动安装在Server 2003上吗?如果不是,我需要更改什么设置?这是新安装的虚拟Windows Server 2003



Set BACSE = Server.CreateObject("NAICSCodeSE2_1_0.Engine")
If Session("DEBUG") = "TRUE" then Response.Write "BACSE Debug="&BACSE.SetDebugMode(True)&"<BR>"
Set BACSE=Server.CreateObject(“NAICCODES2\u 1\u 0.Engine”)
如果Session(“DEBUG”)=“TRUE”,则响应。写入“BACSE DEBUG=”&BACSE.SetDebugMode(TRUE)&“


regsvr32 yourcomdllfile.dll

在default.asp的第30行有什么内容?向我们展示代码。您试图创建的对象是什么?我们需要在回答之前查看您的代码。`Set BACSE=Server.CreateObject(“naiccodes2\u 1\u 0.Engine”)'添加到代码中我不知道DLLYou在哪里。您应该询问原始开发人员或在正在工作的旧服务器中找到它。旧服务器崩溃,旧开发人员也离开了。@Thecrocodilehunter您可以使用该脚本获取dll位置,并将CLSID作为参数传递。(
NAICCODES2\u 1\u 0.引擎