Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/0/asp.net-mvc/16.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Asp.net mvc MVC 5实体框架6执行存储过程_Asp.net Mvc_Stored Procedures_Entity Framework 6 - Fatal编程技术网

Asp.net mvc MVC 5实体框架6执行存储过程

Asp.net mvc MVC 5实体框架6执行存储过程,asp.net-mvc,stored-procedures,entity-framework-6,Asp.net Mvc,Stored Procedures,Entity Framework 6,我卡住了。我有一个现有的应用程序,它有一个非常大的数据库和大量的存储过程和函数库。我所要做的就是使用DbContext执行存储过程,并返回一组数据或映射到上下文中的一个实体。这是我在网上没有发现的神奇的东西吗?任何人,任何人,请帮忙。以下是我到目前为止得到的结果(它没有返回任何结果,结果是-1): 执行返回-1的。我也尝试了一些类似的方法,但没有成功: DbRawSqlQuery<Contact> data = db.Database.SqlQuery<Contact>



DbRawSqlQuery<Contact> data = db.Database.SqlQuery<Contact>
                                   ("EXEC Contact_Search @LastName, @FirstName",
DbRawSqlQuery data=db.Database.SqlQuery



var contacts = db.Database.SqlQuery<Contact>("Contact_Search @LastName, @FirstName",
var contacts=db.Database.SqlQuery(“Contact_Search@LastName,@FirstName”,


此代码比SqlQuery()好,因为SqlQuery()不识别[Column]属性。 这是一个银盘

public static class StoredProcedureExtensions {   
/// <summary>
/// Execute Stored Procedure and return result in an enumerable object.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TEntity">Type of enumerable object class to return.</typeparam>
/// <param name="commandText">SQL query.</param>
/// <param name="parameters">SQL parameters.</param>
/// <param name="readOnly">Determines whether to attach and track changes for saving. Defaults to true and entities will not be tracked and thus a faster call.</param>
/// <returns>IEnumerable of entity type.</returns>
public static IEnumerable<TEntity> GetStoredProcedureResults<TEntity>(this DbContext dbContext, string query, Dictionary<string, object> parameters, bool readOnly = true) where TEntity : class, new()
  SqlParameter[] sqlParameterArray = DbContextExtensions.DictionaryToSqlParameters(parameters);

  return dbContext.GetStoredProcedureResults<TEntity>(query, sqlParameterArray, readOnly);

/// <summary>
/// Execute Stored Procedure and return result in an enumerable object.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TEntity">Type of enumerable object class to return.</typeparam>
/// <param name="commandText">SQL query.</param>
/// <param name="parameters">SQL parameters.</param>
/// <param name="readOnly">Determines whether to attach and track changes for saving. Defaults to true and entities will not be tracked and thus a faster call.</param>
/// <returns>IEnumerable of entity type.</returns>
public static IEnumerable<TEntity> GetStoredProcedureResults<TEntity>(this DbContext dbContext, string commandText, SqlParameter[] sqlParameterArray = null, bool readOnly = true) where TEntity : class, new()
  string infoMsg = commandText;
    //---- For a better error message
    if (sqlParameterArray != null)
      foreach (SqlParameter p in sqlParameterArray)
        infoMsg += string.Format(" {0}={1}, ", p.ParameterName, p.Value == null ? "(null)" : p.Value.ToString());
      infoMsg = infoMsg.Trim().TrimEnd(',');

    var reader = GetReader(dbContext, commandText, sqlParameterArray, CommandType.StoredProcedure);

    List<TEntity> results = GetListFromDataReader<TEntity>(reader);

    if(readOnly == false)
      DbSet entitySet = dbContext.Set<TEntity>(); // For attaching the entities so EF can track changes
      results.ForEach(n => entitySet.Attach(n));  // Add tracking to each entity

    return results.AsEnumerable();
  catch (Exception ex)
    throw new Exception("An error occurred while executing GetStoredProcedureResults(). " + infoMsg + ". Check the inner exception for more details.\r\n" + ex.Message, ex);

//========================================= Private methods
#region Private Methods

private static DbDataReader GetReader(DbContext dbContext, string commandText, SqlParameter[] sqlParameterArray, CommandType commandType)
  var command = dbContext.Database.Connection.CreateCommand();
  command.CommandText = commandText;
  command.CommandType = commandType;
  if (sqlParameterArray != null) command.Parameters.AddRange(sqlParameterArray);

  var reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
  return reader;

private static List<TEntity> GetListFromDataReader<TEntity>(DbDataReader reader) where TEntity : class, new()
  PropertyInfo[]                entityProperties = typeof(TEntity).GetProperties();
  IEnumerable<string>           readerColumnNames = (reader.GetSchemaTable().Select()).Select(r => r.ItemArray[0].ToString().ToUpper()); // uppercase reader column names. 
  List<MappingPropertyToColumn> propertyToColumnMappings = GetPropertyToColumnMappings<TEntity>(); // Maps the entity property names to the corresponding names of the columns in the reader

  var entityList = new List<TEntity>(); // Fill this
  while (reader.Read())
    var element = Activator.CreateInstance<TEntity>();
    foreach (var entityProperty in entityProperties)
      MappingPropertyToColumn mapping = propertyToColumnMappings._Find(entityProperty.Name);
      if (mapping == null) // This property has a [Not Mapped] attribute
        continue; // Skip this one

      var o = (object)reader[mapping.ColumnName]; // mapping must match all mapped properties to columns. If result set does not contain a column, then throw error like EF would.

      bool hasValue = o.GetType() != typeof(DBNull);

      if (mapping.IsEnum && hasValue) // Enum
        entityProperty.SetValue(element, Enum.Parse(mapping.UnderlyingType, o.ToString()));
        if (hasValue)
          entityProperty.SetValue(element, ChangeType(o, entityProperty.PropertyType)); 

  return entityList;

public static object ChangeType(object value, Type conversion)
  var t = conversion;

  if (t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>)))
    if (value == null)
      return null;

    t = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(t);

  return Convert.ChangeType(value, t);

private static List<MappingPropertyToColumn> GetPropertyToColumnMappings<TEntity>() where TEntity : new()
  var type = typeof(TEntity);
  List<MappingPropertyToColumn> databaseMappings = new List<MappingPropertyToColumn>();

  foreach (var entityProperty in type.GetProperties())
    bool isEnum = entityProperty.PropertyType.IsEnum;

    // [Not Mapped] Not Mapped Attribute
    var notMapped = entityProperty.GetCustomAttributes(false).FirstOrDefault(attribute => attribute is NotMappedAttribute);
    if (notMapped != null) // This property has a [Not Mapped] attribute
      continue; // Skip this property 

    // Determine if property is an enum
    Type underlyingType = null;
    if (entityProperty.PropertyType.IsGenericType && entityProperty.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>)))
      underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(entityProperty.PropertyType); ;
      if (underlyingType != null && underlyingType.IsEnum)
        isEnum = true;

    // [Column("tbl_columnname")] Column Name Attribute for mapping
    var columnMapping = entityProperty.GetCustomAttributes(false).FirstOrDefault(attribute => attribute is ColumnAttribute);

    if (columnMapping != null)
      databaseMappings.Add(new MappingPropertyToColumn { PropertyName = entityProperty.Name, ColumnName = ((ColumnAttribute)columnMapping).Name.ToUpper(), IsEnum = isEnum, UnderlyingType = underlyingType }); // SQL case insensitive
      databaseMappings._AddProperty(entityProperty.Name, entityProperty.Name, isEnum); // C# case sensitive

  return databaseMappings;

//====================================== Class for holding column mappings and other info for each property
private class MappingPropertyToColumn
  private string _propertyName;
  public string PropertyName
    get { return _propertyName; }
    set { _propertyName = value; }

  private string _columnName;
  public string ColumnName
    get { return _columnName; }
    set { _columnName = value; }

  private bool _isNullableEnum;
  public bool IsEnum
    get { return _isNullableEnum; }
    set { _isNullableEnum = value; }

  private Type _underlyingType;
  public Type UnderlyingType
    get { return _underlyingType; }
    set { _underlyingType = value; }


//======================================================= List<MappingPropertyToColumn> Extension methods
#region List<MappingPropertyToColumn> Extension methods
private static bool _ContainsKey<T>(this List<T> list, string key) where T : MappingPropertyToColumn
  return list.Any(x => x.PropertyName == key);
private static MappingPropertyToColumn _Find<T>(this List<T> list, string key) where T : MappingPropertyToColumn
  return list.Where(x => x.PropertyName == key).FirstOrDefault();
private static void _AddProperty<T>(this List<T> list, string propertyName, string columnName, bool isEnum, Type underlyingType = null) where T : MappingPropertyToColumn
  list.Add((T)new MappingPropertyToColumn { PropertyName = propertyName, ColumnName = columnName, IsEnum = isEnum, UnderlyingType = underlyingType }); // C# case sensitive

#endregion  }
公共静态IEnumerable GetStoredProcedureResults(此DbContext DbContext,字符串查询,字典参数,bool readOnly=true),其中TEntity:class,new()
公共静态IEnumerable GetStoredProcedureResults(此DbContext DbContext,string commandText,SqlParameter[]sqlParameterArray=null,bool readOnly=true),其中tenty:class,new()
var reader=GetReader(dbContext、commandText、sqlParameterArray、CommandType.StoredProcess);
DbSet entitySet=dbContext.Set();//用于附加实体,以便EF可以跟踪更改
私有静态DbDataReader GetReader(DbContext DbContext,string commandText,SqlParameter[]sqlParameterArray,CommandType CommandType)
var command=dbContext.Database.Connection.CreateCommand();
var reader=command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
私有静态列表GetListFromDataReader(DbDataReader reader),其中tenty:class,new()
IEnumerable readerColumnNames=(reader.GetSchemaTable().Select()).Select(r=>r.ItemArray[0].ToString().ToUpper());//大写的阅读器列名。
List propertyToColumnMappings=GetPropertyToColumnMappings();//将实体属性名称映射到读取器中相应列的名称
var entityList=new List();//填写此
var element=Activator.CreateInstance();
foreach(entityProperty中的var entityProperty)
MappingPropertyToColumnMapping=propertyToColumnMappings.\u Find(entityProperty.Name);
var o=(对象)读取器[mapping.ColumnName];//映射必须将所有映射属性匹配到列。如果结果集不包含列,则会像EF一样抛出错误。
bool hasValue=o.GetType()!=typeof(DBNull);
public static class StoredProcedureExtensions {   
/// <summary>
/// Execute Stored Procedure and return result in an enumerable object.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TEntity">Type of enumerable object class to return.</typeparam>
/// <param name="commandText">SQL query.</param>
/// <param name="parameters">SQL parameters.</param>
/// <param name="readOnly">Determines whether to attach and track changes for saving. Defaults to true and entities will not be tracked and thus a faster call.</param>
/// <returns>IEnumerable of entity type.</returns>
public static IEnumerable<TEntity> GetStoredProcedureResults<TEntity>(this DbContext dbContext, string query, Dictionary<string, object> parameters, bool readOnly = true) where TEntity : class, new()
  SqlParameter[] sqlParameterArray = DbContextExtensions.DictionaryToSqlParameters(parameters);

  return dbContext.GetStoredProcedureResults<TEntity>(query, sqlParameterArray, readOnly);

/// <summary>
/// Execute Stored Procedure and return result in an enumerable object.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TEntity">Type of enumerable object class to return.</typeparam>
/// <param name="commandText">SQL query.</param>
/// <param name="parameters">SQL parameters.</param>
/// <param name="readOnly">Determines whether to attach and track changes for saving. Defaults to true and entities will not be tracked and thus a faster call.</param>
/// <returns>IEnumerable of entity type.</returns>
public static IEnumerable<TEntity> GetStoredProcedureResults<TEntity>(this DbContext dbContext, string commandText, SqlParameter[] sqlParameterArray = null, bool readOnly = true) where TEntity : class, new()
  string infoMsg = commandText;
    //---- For a better error message
    if (sqlParameterArray != null)
      foreach (SqlParameter p in sqlParameterArray)
        infoMsg += string.Format(" {0}={1}, ", p.ParameterName, p.Value == null ? "(null)" : p.Value.ToString());
      infoMsg = infoMsg.Trim().TrimEnd(',');

    var reader = GetReader(dbContext, commandText, sqlParameterArray, CommandType.StoredProcedure);

    List<TEntity> results = GetListFromDataReader<TEntity>(reader);

    if(readOnly == false)
      DbSet entitySet = dbContext.Set<TEntity>(); // For attaching the entities so EF can track changes
      results.ForEach(n => entitySet.Attach(n));  // Add tracking to each entity

    return results.AsEnumerable();
  catch (Exception ex)
    throw new Exception("An error occurred while executing GetStoredProcedureResults(). " + infoMsg + ". Check the inner exception for more details.\r\n" + ex.Message, ex);

//========================================= Private methods
#region Private Methods

private static DbDataReader GetReader(DbContext dbContext, string commandText, SqlParameter[] sqlParameterArray, CommandType commandType)
  var command = dbContext.Database.Connection.CreateCommand();
  command.CommandText = commandText;
  command.CommandType = commandType;
  if (sqlParameterArray != null) command.Parameters.AddRange(sqlParameterArray);

  var reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
  return reader;

private static List<TEntity> GetListFromDataReader<TEntity>(DbDataReader reader) where TEntity : class, new()
  PropertyInfo[]                entityProperties = typeof(TEntity).GetProperties();
  IEnumerable<string>           readerColumnNames = (reader.GetSchemaTable().Select()).Select(r => r.ItemArray[0].ToString().ToUpper()); // uppercase reader column names. 
  List<MappingPropertyToColumn> propertyToColumnMappings = GetPropertyToColumnMappings<TEntity>(); // Maps the entity property names to the corresponding names of the columns in the reader

  var entityList = new List<TEntity>(); // Fill this
  while (reader.Read())
    var element = Activator.CreateInstance<TEntity>();
    foreach (var entityProperty in entityProperties)
      MappingPropertyToColumn mapping = propertyToColumnMappings._Find(entityProperty.Name);
      if (mapping == null) // This property has a [Not Mapped] attribute
        continue; // Skip this one

      var o = (object)reader[mapping.ColumnName]; // mapping must match all mapped properties to columns. If result set does not contain a column, then throw error like EF would.

      bool hasValue = o.GetType() != typeof(DBNull);

      if (mapping.IsEnum && hasValue) // Enum
        entityProperty.SetValue(element, Enum.Parse(mapping.UnderlyingType, o.ToString()));
        if (hasValue)
          entityProperty.SetValue(element, ChangeType(o, entityProperty.PropertyType)); 

  return entityList;

public static object ChangeType(object value, Type conversion)
  var t = conversion;

  if (t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>)))
    if (value == null)
      return null;

    t = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(t);

  return Convert.ChangeType(value, t);

private static List<MappingPropertyToColumn> GetPropertyToColumnMappings<TEntity>() where TEntity : new()
  var type = typeof(TEntity);
  List<MappingPropertyToColumn> databaseMappings = new List<MappingPropertyToColumn>();

  foreach (var entityProperty in type.GetProperties())
    bool isEnum = entityProperty.PropertyType.IsEnum;

    // [Not Mapped] Not Mapped Attribute
    var notMapped = entityProperty.GetCustomAttributes(false).FirstOrDefault(attribute => attribute is NotMappedAttribute);
    if (notMapped != null) // This property has a [Not Mapped] attribute
      continue; // Skip this property 

    // Determine if property is an enum
    Type underlyingType = null;
    if (entityProperty.PropertyType.IsGenericType && entityProperty.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>)))
      underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(entityProperty.PropertyType); ;
      if (underlyingType != null && underlyingType.IsEnum)
        isEnum = true;

    // [Column("tbl_columnname")] Column Name Attribute for mapping
    var columnMapping = entityProperty.GetCustomAttributes(false).FirstOrDefault(attribute => attribute is ColumnAttribute);

    if (columnMapping != null)
      databaseMappings.Add(new MappingPropertyToColumn { PropertyName = entityProperty.Name, ColumnName = ((ColumnAttribute)columnMapping).Name.ToUpper(), IsEnum = isEnum, UnderlyingType = underlyingType }); // SQL case insensitive
      databaseMappings._AddProperty(entityProperty.Name, entityProperty.Name, isEnum); // C# case sensitive

  return databaseMappings;

//====================================== Class for holding column mappings and other info for each property
private class MappingPropertyToColumn
  private string _propertyName;
  public string PropertyName
    get { return _propertyName; }
    set { _propertyName = value; }

  private string _columnName;
  public string ColumnName
    get { return _columnName; }
    set { _columnName = value; }

  private bool _isNullableEnum;
  public bool IsEnum
    get { return _isNullableEnum; }
    set { _isNullableEnum = value; }

  private Type _underlyingType;
  public Type UnderlyingType
    get { return _underlyingType; }
    set { _underlyingType = value; }


//======================================================= List<MappingPropertyToColumn> Extension methods
#region List<MappingPropertyToColumn> Extension methods
private static bool _ContainsKey<T>(this List<T> list, string key) where T : MappingPropertyToColumn
  return list.Any(x => x.PropertyName == key);
private static MappingPropertyToColumn _Find<T>(this List<T> list, string key) where T : MappingPropertyToColumn
  return list.Where(x => x.PropertyName == key).FirstOrDefault();
private static void _AddProperty<T>(this List<T> list, string propertyName, string columnName, bool isEnum, Type underlyingType = null) where T : MappingPropertyToColumn
  list.Add((T)new MappingPropertyToColumn { PropertyName = propertyName, ColumnName = columnName, IsEnum = isEnum, UnderlyingType = underlyingType }); // C# case sensitive

#endregion  }