ASP.NET MVC-选择要使用的验证批注

ASP.NET MVC-选择要使用的验证批注,,,validation,data-annotations,, Mvc,Validation,Data Annotations,我有一个具有如下属性的模型: public class YourDetails { [Required(ErrorMessage = "Code is required")] [StringLength(10, ErrorMessage = "Code length is wrong", MinimumLength = 2)] [Range(0, int.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Please enter a value bigger than {1}")


public class YourDetails {

  [Required(ErrorMessage = "Code is required")]
  [StringLength(10, ErrorMessage = "Code length is wrong", MinimumLength = 2)]
  [Range(0, int.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Please enter a value bigger than {1}")]
  public int Code { get; set; }









using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Website.Core.Mvc.DataAnnotations
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true)]
    public class RequiredIfAttribute : RequiredAttribute
        public string OtherProperty { get; set; }

        public object OtherPropertyValue { get; set; }

        public RequiredIfAttribute(string otherProperty, object value)
            : base()
            OtherProperty = otherProperty;
            OtherPropertyValue = value;

        private object _TypeId = new object();

        public override object TypeId
                return _TypeId;

        protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            PropertyInfo property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this.OtherProperty);
            if (property == null)
                return new ValidationResult(this.OtherProperty + " not found");

            // Get 
            object actualOtherPropertyValue = property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

            // If the other property matches the expected value then validate as normal
            if (IsRequired(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue))
                // Call base and validate required as normal
                ValidationResult isValid = base.IsValid(value, validationContext);
                return isValid;
            return ValidationResult.Success;

        protected virtual bool IsRequired(object otherPropertyValue, object actualOtherPropertyValue)
            return object.Equals(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue);
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Website.Core.Mvc.DataAnnotations
    public class StringLengthIfAttribute : StringLengthAttribute
        public string OtherProperty { get; set; }

        public object OtherPropertyValue { get; set; }

        public StringLengthIfAttribute(int maximumLength, string otherProperty, object value)
            : base(maximumLength)
            OtherProperty = otherProperty;
            OtherPropertyValue = value;

        protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            PropertyInfo property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this.OtherProperty);
            if (property == null)
                return new ValidationResult(this.OtherProperty + " not found");

            // Get 
            object actualOtherPropertyValue = property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

            // If the other property matches the expected value then validate as normal
            if (object.Equals(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue))
                // Call base and validate required as normal
                return base.IsValid(value, validationContext);
            return null;
public class MyModel
    [RequiredIf("IsBack", false)]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public bool IsBack { get; set; } 

using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Website.Core.Mvc.DataAnnotations
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true)]
    public class RequiredIfAttribute : RequiredAttribute
        public string OtherProperty { get; set; }

        public object OtherPropertyValue { get; set; }

        public RequiredIfAttribute(string otherProperty, object value)
            : base()
            OtherProperty = otherProperty;
            OtherPropertyValue = value;

        private object _TypeId = new object();

        public override object TypeId
                return _TypeId;

        protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            PropertyInfo property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this.OtherProperty);
            if (property == null)
                return new ValidationResult(this.OtherProperty + " not found");

            // Get 
            object actualOtherPropertyValue = property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

            // If the other property matches the expected value then validate as normal
            if (IsRequired(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue))
                // Call base and validate required as normal
                ValidationResult isValid = base.IsValid(value, validationContext);
                return isValid;
            return ValidationResult.Success;

        protected virtual bool IsRequired(object otherPropertyValue, object actualOtherPropertyValue)
            return object.Equals(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue);
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Website.Core.Mvc.DataAnnotations
    public class StringLengthIfAttribute : StringLengthAttribute
        public string OtherProperty { get; set; }

        public object OtherPropertyValue { get; set; }

        public StringLengthIfAttribute(int maximumLength, string otherProperty, object value)
            : base(maximumLength)
            OtherProperty = otherProperty;
            OtherPropertyValue = value;

        protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            PropertyInfo property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this.OtherProperty);
            if (property == null)
                return new ValidationResult(this.OtherProperty + " not found");

            // Get 
            object actualOtherPropertyValue = property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

            // If the other property matches the expected value then validate as normal
            if (object.Equals(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue))
                // Call base and validate required as normal
                return base.IsValid(value, validationContext);
            return null;
public class MyModel
    [RequiredIf("IsBack", false)]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public bool IsBack { get; set; } 

using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Website.Core.Mvc.DataAnnotations
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true)]
    public class RequiredIfAttribute : RequiredAttribute
        public string OtherProperty { get; set; }

        public object OtherPropertyValue { get; set; }

        public RequiredIfAttribute(string otherProperty, object value)
            : base()
            OtherProperty = otherProperty;
            OtherPropertyValue = value;

        private object _TypeId = new object();

        public override object TypeId
                return _TypeId;

        protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            PropertyInfo property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this.OtherProperty);
            if (property == null)
                return new ValidationResult(this.OtherProperty + " not found");

            // Get 
            object actualOtherPropertyValue = property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

            // If the other property matches the expected value then validate as normal
            if (IsRequired(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue))
                // Call base and validate required as normal
                ValidationResult isValid = base.IsValid(value, validationContext);
                return isValid;
            return ValidationResult.Success;

        protected virtual bool IsRequired(object otherPropertyValue, object actualOtherPropertyValue)
            return object.Equals(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue);
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Website.Core.Mvc.DataAnnotations
    public class StringLengthIfAttribute : StringLengthAttribute
        public string OtherProperty { get; set; }

        public object OtherPropertyValue { get; set; }

        public StringLengthIfAttribute(int maximumLength, string otherProperty, object value)
            : base(maximumLength)
            OtherProperty = otherProperty;
            OtherPropertyValue = value;

        protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            PropertyInfo property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this.OtherProperty);
            if (property == null)
                return new ValidationResult(this.OtherProperty + " not found");

            // Get 
            object actualOtherPropertyValue = property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

            // If the other property matches the expected value then validate as normal
            if (object.Equals(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue))
                // Call base and validate required as normal
                return base.IsValid(value, validationContext);
            return null;
public class MyModel
    [RequiredIf("IsBack", false)]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public bool IsBack { get; set; } 



using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Website.Core.Mvc.DataAnnotations
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true)]
    public class RequiredIfAttribute : RequiredAttribute
        public string OtherProperty { get; set; }

        public object OtherPropertyValue { get; set; }

        public RequiredIfAttribute(string otherProperty, object value)
            : base()
            OtherProperty = otherProperty;
            OtherPropertyValue = value;

        private object _TypeId = new object();

        public override object TypeId
                return _TypeId;

        protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            PropertyInfo property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this.OtherProperty);
            if (property == null)
                return new ValidationResult(this.OtherProperty + " not found");

            // Get 
            object actualOtherPropertyValue = property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

            // If the other property matches the expected value then validate as normal
            if (IsRequired(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue))
                // Call base and validate required as normal
                ValidationResult isValid = base.IsValid(value, validationContext);
                return isValid;
            return ValidationResult.Success;

        protected virtual bool IsRequired(object otherPropertyValue, object actualOtherPropertyValue)
            return object.Equals(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue);
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Website.Core.Mvc.DataAnnotations
    public class StringLengthIfAttribute : StringLengthAttribute
        public string OtherProperty { get; set; }

        public object OtherPropertyValue { get; set; }

        public StringLengthIfAttribute(int maximumLength, string otherProperty, object value)
            : base(maximumLength)
            OtherProperty = otherProperty;
            OtherPropertyValue = value;

        protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            PropertyInfo property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this.OtherProperty);
            if (property == null)
                return new ValidationResult(this.OtherProperty + " not found");

            // Get 
            object actualOtherPropertyValue = property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

            // If the other property matches the expected value then validate as normal
            if (object.Equals(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue))
                // Call base and validate required as normal
                return base.IsValid(value, validationContext);
            return null;
public class MyModel
    [RequiredIf("IsBack", false)]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public bool IsBack { get; set; } 

using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Website.Core.Mvc.DataAnnotations
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true)]
    public class RequiredIfAttribute : RequiredAttribute
        public string OtherProperty { get; set; }

        public object OtherPropertyValue { get; set; }

        public RequiredIfAttribute(string otherProperty, object value)
            : base()
            OtherProperty = otherProperty;
            OtherPropertyValue = value;

        private object _TypeId = new object();

        public override object TypeId
                return _TypeId;

        protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            PropertyInfo property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this.OtherProperty);
            if (property == null)
                return new ValidationResult(this.OtherProperty + " not found");

            // Get 
            object actualOtherPropertyValue = property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

            // If the other property matches the expected value then validate as normal
            if (IsRequired(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue))
                // Call base and validate required as normal
                ValidationResult isValid = base.IsValid(value, validationContext);
                return isValid;
            return ValidationResult.Success;

        protected virtual bool IsRequired(object otherPropertyValue, object actualOtherPropertyValue)
            return object.Equals(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue);
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Website.Core.Mvc.DataAnnotations
    public class StringLengthIfAttribute : StringLengthAttribute
        public string OtherProperty { get; set; }

        public object OtherPropertyValue { get; set; }

        public StringLengthIfAttribute(int maximumLength, string otherProperty, object value)
            : base(maximumLength)
            OtherProperty = otherProperty;
            OtherPropertyValue = value;

        protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            PropertyInfo property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this.OtherProperty);
            if (property == null)
                return new ValidationResult(this.OtherProperty + " not found");

            // Get 
            object actualOtherPropertyValue = property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

            // If the other property matches the expected value then validate as normal
            if (object.Equals(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue))
                // Call base and validate required as normal
                return base.IsValid(value, validationContext);
            return null;
public class MyModel
    [RequiredIf("IsBack", false)]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public bool IsBack { get; set; } 

using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Website.Core.Mvc.DataAnnotations
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true)]
    public class RequiredIfAttribute : RequiredAttribute
        public string OtherProperty { get; set; }

        public object OtherPropertyValue { get; set; }

        public RequiredIfAttribute(string otherProperty, object value)
            : base()
            OtherProperty = otherProperty;
            OtherPropertyValue = value;

        private object _TypeId = new object();

        public override object TypeId
                return _TypeId;

        protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            PropertyInfo property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this.OtherProperty);
            if (property == null)
                return new ValidationResult(this.OtherProperty + " not found");

            // Get 
            object actualOtherPropertyValue = property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

            // If the other property matches the expected value then validate as normal
            if (IsRequired(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue))
                // Call base and validate required as normal
                ValidationResult isValid = base.IsValid(value, validationContext);
                return isValid;
            return ValidationResult.Success;

        protected virtual bool IsRequired(object otherPropertyValue, object actualOtherPropertyValue)
            return object.Equals(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue);
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Website.Core.Mvc.DataAnnotations
    public class StringLengthIfAttribute : StringLengthAttribute
        public string OtherProperty { get; set; }

        public object OtherPropertyValue { get; set; }

        public StringLengthIfAttribute(int maximumLength, string otherProperty, object value)
            : base(maximumLength)
            OtherProperty = otherProperty;
            OtherPropertyValue = value;

        protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
            PropertyInfo property = validationContext.ObjectType.GetProperty(this.OtherProperty);
            if (property == null)
                return new ValidationResult(this.OtherProperty + " not found");

            // Get 
            object actualOtherPropertyValue = property.GetValue(validationContext.ObjectInstance, null);

            // If the other property matches the expected value then validate as normal
            if (object.Equals(OtherPropertyValue, actualOtherPropertyValue))
                // Call base and validate required as normal
                return base.IsValid(value, validationContext);
            return null;
public class MyModel
    [RequiredIf("IsBack", false)]
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public bool IsBack { get; set; } 
