通过门户从Azure Cosmos DB删除所有/多个文档

通过门户从Azure Cosmos DB删除所有/多个文档,azure,azure-cosmosdb,Azure,Azure Cosmosdb,是否可以通过azure门户、azure cosmos SQL查询或power shell脚本删除集合中的所有/多个可用文档?根据我的经验,删除所有文档的最快方法是将容器上的生存时间设置为1秒。这将删除所有文档。但请注意,此过程需要一些时间,因此如果您太快将“生存时间”设置为“无限”,尚未删除的文档将重新出现 您可以设置容器的缩放和设置下的生存时间:url-> 您还可以在容器中创建一个存储过程并运行该..url-> 存储过程: /** * A Cosmos DB stored procedure

是否可以通过azure门户、azure cosmos SQL查询或power shell脚本删除集合中的所有/多个可用文档?





 * A Cosmos DB stored procedure that bulk deletes documents for a given query.<br/>
 * Note: You may need to execute this stored procedure multiple times (depending whether the stored procedure is able to delete every document within the execution timeout limit).
 * @function
 * @param {string} query - A query that provides the documents to be deleted (e.g. "SELECT c._self FROM c WHERE c.founded_year = 2008"). Note: For best performance, reduce the # of properties returned per document in the query to only what's required (e.g. prefer SELECT c._self over SELECT * )
 * @returns {Object.<number, boolean>} Returns an object with the two properties:<br/>
 *   deleted - contains a count of documents deleted<br/>
 *   continuation - a boolean whether you should execute the stored procedure again (true if there are more documents to delete; false otherwise).
function bulkDeleteStoredProcedure(query) {
    var collection = getContext().getCollection();
    var collectionLink = collection.getSelfLink();
    var response = getContext().getResponse();
    var responseBody = {
        deleted: 0,
        continuation: true

    // Validate input.
    if (!query) throw new Error("The query is undefined or null.");


    // Recursively runs the query w/ support for continuation tokens.
    // Calls tryDelete(documents) as soon as the query returns documents.
    function tryQueryAndDelete(continuation) {
        var requestOptions = {continuation: continuation};

        var isAccepted = collection.queryDocuments(collectionLink, query, requestOptions, function (err, retrievedDocs, responseOptions) {
            if (err) throw err;

            if (retrievedDocs.length > 0) {
                // Begin deleting documents as soon as documents are returned form the query results.
                // tryDelete() resumes querying after deleting; no need to page through continuation tokens.
                //  - this is to prioritize writes over reads given timeout constraints.
            } else if (responseOptions.continuation) {
                // Else if the query came back empty, but with a continuation token; repeat the query w/ the token.
            } else {
                // Else if there are no more documents and no continuation token - we are finished deleting documents.
                responseBody.continuation = false;

        // If we hit execution bounds - return continuation: true.
        if (!isAccepted) {

    // Recursively deletes documents passed in as an array argument.
    // Attempts to query for more on empty array.
    function tryDelete(documents) {
        if (documents.length > 0) {
            // Delete the first document in the array.
            var isAccepted = collection.deleteDocument(documents[0]._self, {}, function (err, responseOptions) {
                if (err) throw err;

                // Delete the next document in the array.

            // If we hit execution bounds - return continuation: true.
            if (!isAccepted) {
        } else {
            // If the document array is empty, query for more documents.


