Botframework 加载包失败无法理解提供的外接程序包。验证提交的文件是否为有效的Office外接程序包

Botframework 加载包失败无法理解提供的外接程序包。验证提交的文件是否为有效的Office外接程序包,botframework,microsoft-teams,appsource,Botframework,Microsoft Teams,Appsource,我试图在应用程序源上发布MS Team聊天机器人,但遇到以下错误 下面是我的manifest.json文件的样子 { "$schema": "", "manifestVersion": "1.5", "version": "1.0.1", "id": "0007-0007-4a9f-8163-0007",

我试图在应用程序源上发布MS Team聊天机器人,但遇到以下错误


  "$schema": "",
  "manifestVersion": "1.5",
  "version": "1.0.1",
  "id": "0007-0007-4a9f-8163-0007",
  "packageName": "MyBOT.Manifest",
  "developer": {
    "name": "MyCompany",
    "websiteUrl": "",
    "privacyUrl": "",
    "termsOfUseUrl": "",
    "mpnId": "0007"
  "localizationInfo": {
    "defaultLanguageTag": "en-us"
  "icons": {
    "color": "icon-color.png",
    "outline": "icon-outline.png"
  "name": {
    "short": "MyBOT",
    "full": "MyBOT Virtual Assistant"
  "description": {
    "short": "MyBOT",
    "full": "I am a Virtual Assistant, continuously in training to enhance my skills. Currently, I can help you by answering inquiries related to COVID-19, Zoom, Webex, Microsoft Office, Adobe, Microsoft Azure and Xbox. For questions that are not currently in my search database, I leverage the web to fetch you those information."
  "accentColor": "#F9F9FA",
  "bots": [
      "botId": "0007-0007-4a9f-8163-0007",
      "needsChannelSelector": false,
      "isNotificationOnly": false,
      "scopes": [ "team", "personal", "groupchat" ],
      "supportsFiles": false,
      "isNotificationOnly": false,
      "commandLists": [
          "scopes": [ "team", "groupchat" ],
          "commands": [
              "title": "help",
              "description": "Provides you the list of commands that you can enter"
              "title": "cancel",
              "description": "Cancels the current operation"
          "scopes": [ "personal", "groupchat" ],
          "commands": [
              "title": "main menu",
              "description": "This command takes you to the main menu"
              "title": "help",
              "description": "Provides you the list of commands that you can enter"
  "permissions": [
  "validDomains": [




假设在应用程序包zip文件中已经有两个文件“icon color.png”和“icon outline.png”以及manifest.json。请验证是否所有三个文件都已添加到zip文件,并且zip包中未创建任何文件夹

有人能给我转发一个我可以构建manifest.json的模板吗 存档



此外,您可能希望尝试从(允许您创建清单的MS Team应用程序)创建清单。


"$schema": "",
"manifestVersion": "1.7",
"version": "1.0.0",
"showLoadingIndicator": true,
"isFullscreen": true,
"id": "80007-8049-0007-8163-e89f9a80007",
"packageName": "com.myCompany.myBOT",
"developer": {
    "name": "myCompany Services",
    "websiteUrl": "",
    "privacyUrl": "",
    "termsOfUseUrl": "",
    "mpnId": "00000"
"icons": {
    "color": "color.png",
    "outline": "outline.png"
"name": {
    "short": "myBOT",
    "full": "myBOT Virtual Assistant"
"description": {
    "short": "myBOT",
    "full": "I am a Virtual Assistant, continuously in training to enhance my skills. Currently, I can help you by answering inquiries related to COVID-19, Zoom, Webex, Microsoft Office, Adobe, Microsoft Azure and Xbox. For questions that are not currently in my search database, I leverage the web to fetch you those information."
"accentColor": "#F9F9FA",
"bots": [
        "botId": "80007-8049-0007-8163-e89f9a890007",
        "scopes": [
        "supportsFiles": false,
        "isNotificationOnly": false
"permissions": [
"validDomains": [] }

@萨辛,我已经更新了答案。请验证这些条件。感谢您的帮助,但我们无法通过您的建议解决问题!但是Dana的推荐很有帮助。谢谢Dana,这个推荐很有帮助。>>此外,您可能希望尝试从App Studio(允许您创建清单的MS Team应用程序)创建清单。