Cloud foundry 未能将目标设置为http:// 流浪汉

Cloud foundry 未能将目标设置为http:// 流浪汉,cloud-foundry,vagrant,Cloud Foundry,Vagrant,我已经在我的Ubuntu 12.04 64位上遵循了指令 然后在我执行下面的命令之后: 领班起跑 我收到的日志信息如下: 06:25:19 nats.1 | started with pid 29659 06:25:19 warden.1 | started with pid 29667 06:25:19 uaa.1 | started with pid 29672 06:25:19 dir_server.1 | started

我已经在我的Ubuntu 12.04 64位上遵循了指令




06:25:19 nats.1           | started with pid 29659
06:25:19 warden.1         | started with pid 29667
06:25:19 uaa.1            | started with pid 29672
06:25:19 dir_server.1     | started with pid 29676
06:25:19 file_server.1    | started with pid 29679
06:25:19 dea_ng.1         | started with pid 29682
06:25:19 gorouter.1       | started with pid 29685
06:25:19 cc_ng.1          | started with pid 29688
06:25:19 health_manager.1 | started with pid 29691
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | panic: listen tcp address already in use
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | 
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | goroutine 13 [running]:
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | router/common.(*VcapComponent).ListenAndServe(0xf8400bd1e0, 0x0)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/router/common/component.go:171 +0x337
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | created by router/common.Register
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/router/common/component.go:104 +0x52f
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | 
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | goroutine 1 [chan receive]:
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |*Client).AcquireConnection(0xf8400d5550, 0x0, 0x8, 0x4b6077)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/ +0x37
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |*subscriptionRegistry).Subscribe(0xf8400d5550, 0xf8400d5b90, 0x4bc7c9, 0xf8400d5b90)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/ +0x29
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |*Subscription).Subscribe(0xf8400d5b90, 0x6b2b34)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/ +0x2d
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | router/common.Register(0xf8400bd1e0, 0xf8400d5550, 0x686934, 0x756f722f00000007)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/router/common/component.go:108 +0x58c
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | router.NewRouter(0xf8400a0b40, 0x13, 0xf8400a0b40, 0xf8400a0b40)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/router/router.go:75 +0x537
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | main.main()
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/router/router/main.go:25 +0x64
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | 
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | goroutine 2 [syscall]:
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | created by runtime.main
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /usr/local/go/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c:221
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | 
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | goroutine 3 [syscall]:
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | syscall.Syscall6()
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /usr/local/go/src/pkg/syscall/asm_linux_amd64.s:40 +0x5
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | syscall.EpollWait(0xf800000006, 0xf8400cb0c0, 0xa0000000a, 0xffffffff, 0xc, ...)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /usr/local/go/src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_linux_amd64.go:1846 +0xa1
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | net.(*pollster).WaitFD(0xf8400cb0b0, 0xf8400c51c0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/fd_linux.go:146 +0x110
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | exited with code 2
06:25:21 system           | sending SIGTERM to all processes
06:25:21                  | net.(*pollServer).Run(0xf8400c51c0, 0x0)
06:25:21                  |     /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/fd.go:236 +0xe4
06:25:21                  | created by net.newPollServer
06:25:21                  |     /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/newpollserver.go:35 +0x382
06:25:21                  | 
06:25:21                  | goroutine 4 [running]:
06:25:21                  | router._func_009(0xf84009b858, 0xf8400d7400, 0xf8400d7410, 0xf8400d7420, 0x0, ...)
06:25:21                  |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/router/router.go:237
06:25:21                  | created by router.(*Router).establishNATS
06:25:21                  |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/router/router.go:237 +0xff
06:25:21 nats.1           | terminated by SIGTERM
06:25:21 warden.1         | terminated by SIGTERM
06:25:21 uaa.1            | terminated by SIGTERM
06:25:21 dir_server.1     | terminated by SIGTERM
06:25:21 file_server.1    | terminated by SIGTERM
06:25:21 dea_ng.1         | terminated by SIGTERM
06:25:21 cc_ng.1          | terminated by SIGTERM
06:25:21 health_manager.1 | terminated by SIGTERM
==> Initializing cf CLI
Setting target to FAILED
Target refused connection.

Authenticating... FAILED

$sudo rake cf:init\u cf\u cli


06:25:19 nats.1           | started with pid 29659
06:25:19 warden.1         | started with pid 29667
06:25:19 uaa.1            | started with pid 29672
06:25:19 dir_server.1     | started with pid 29676
06:25:19 file_server.1    | started with pid 29679
06:25:19 dea_ng.1         | started with pid 29682
06:25:19 gorouter.1       | started with pid 29685
06:25:19 cc_ng.1          | started with pid 29688
06:25:19 health_manager.1 | started with pid 29691
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | panic: listen tcp address already in use
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | 
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | goroutine 13 [running]:
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | router/common.(*VcapComponent).ListenAndServe(0xf8400bd1e0, 0x0)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/router/common/component.go:171 +0x337
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | created by router/common.Register
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/router/common/component.go:104 +0x52f
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | 
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | goroutine 1 [chan receive]:
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |*Client).AcquireConnection(0xf8400d5550, 0x0, 0x8, 0x4b6077)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/ +0x37
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |*subscriptionRegistry).Subscribe(0xf8400d5550, 0xf8400d5b90, 0x4bc7c9, 0xf8400d5b90)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/ +0x29
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |*Subscription).Subscribe(0xf8400d5b90, 0x6b2b34)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/ +0x2d
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | router/common.Register(0xf8400bd1e0, 0xf8400d5550, 0x686934, 0x756f722f00000007)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/router/common/component.go:108 +0x58c
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | router.NewRouter(0xf8400a0b40, 0x13, 0xf8400a0b40, 0xf8400a0b40)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/router/router.go:75 +0x537
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | main.main()
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/router/router/main.go:25 +0x64
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | 
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | goroutine 2 [syscall]:
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | created by runtime.main
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /usr/local/go/src/pkg/runtime/proc.c:221
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | 
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | goroutine 3 [syscall]:
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | syscall.Syscall6()
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /usr/local/go/src/pkg/syscall/asm_linux_amd64.s:40 +0x5
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | syscall.EpollWait(0xf800000006, 0xf8400cb0c0, 0xa0000000a, 0xffffffff, 0xc, ...)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /usr/local/go/src/pkg/syscall/zerrors_linux_amd64.go:1846 +0xa1
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | net.(*pollster).WaitFD(0xf8400cb0b0, 0xf8400c51c0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
06:25:21 gorouter.1       |     /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/fd_linux.go:146 +0x110
06:25:21 gorouter.1       | exited with code 2
06:25:21 system           | sending SIGTERM to all processes
06:25:21                  | net.(*pollServer).Run(0xf8400c51c0, 0x0)
06:25:21                  |     /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/fd.go:236 +0xe4
06:25:21                  | created by net.newPollServer
06:25:21                  |     /usr/local/go/src/pkg/net/newpollserver.go:35 +0x382
06:25:21                  | 
06:25:21                  | goroutine 4 [running]:
06:25:21                  | router._func_009(0xf84009b858, 0xf8400d7400, 0xf8400d7410, 0xf8400d7420, 0x0, ...)
06:25:21                  |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/router/router.go:237
06:25:21                  | created by router.(*Router).establishNATS
06:25:21                  |     /vagrant/gorouter/src/router/router.go:237 +0xff
06:25:21 nats.1           | terminated by SIGTERM
06:25:21 warden.1         | terminated by SIGTERM
06:25:21 uaa.1            | terminated by SIGTERM
06:25:21 dir_server.1     | terminated by SIGTERM
06:25:21 file_server.1    | terminated by SIGTERM
06:25:21 dea_ng.1         | terminated by SIGTERM
06:25:21 cc_ng.1          | terminated by SIGTERM
06:25:21 health_manager.1 | terminated by SIGTERM
==> Initializing cf CLI
Setting target to FAILED
Target refused connection.

Authenticating... FAILED

谢谢光临 你应该试试这个
