C# 4.0 基于行和列Id替换Datatable中的单列值

C# 4.0 基于行和列Id替换Datatable中的单列值,c#-4.0,model-view-controller,datatable,C# 4.0,Model View Controller,Datatable,我一直在MVC5应用程序中处理DataTable,有一个要求,我需要用新值替换DataTable中某行的特定列值,我已经用更新的值获得了行和列id号。但我需要一种用新值替换旧值的简单方法。 这就是我迄今为止所尝试的: public ActionResult Change(int RowId, int ColId, string NewValue, string OldValue) { if (NewValue != OldValue) {

我一直在MVC5应用程序中处理DataTable,有一个要求,我需要用新值替换DataTable中某行的特定列值,我已经用更新的值获得了行和列id号。但我需要一种用新值替换旧值的简单方法。 这就是我迄今为止所尝试的:

 public ActionResult Change(int RowId, int ColId, string NewValue, string OldValue)
    if (NewValue != OldValue) 
            DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
            //Here i will store value from session
            dataTable = Session["Table"] as DataTable;

            //Here i'll get entire Single Row record from the Data Table based on Row Id
            DataRow dataRow = dataTable.Rows[RowId];

            //Now i want to get column value by providing Column Id
            //DataColumn dataColumn = new DataColumn("ColId");
            //Here i'll store new value for that column
            dataColumn = NewValue;

            //Now Replace or Save new column value back to Datatable
     return View();


public ActionResult Change(int RowId, int ColId, string NewValue, string OldValue)
    if (NewValue != OldValue) 
            DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
            //Here i will store value from session
            dataTable = Session["Table"] as DataTable;

            //Here i'll get entire Single Row record from the Data Table based on Row Id
            DataRow dataRow = dataTable.Rows[RowId];

            //This is what i used to do replace value
         if (Convert.ToString(dataRow[ColId]) == OldValue)
            dataRow[ColId] = NewValue;
            Session["Table"] = dataTable;
     return View();


  • table.Rows[RowId][ColId]=NewValue(可能需要写入table.acceptchanges())
