C# DateTime.Now在foreach循环中有一些副作用需要注意。当您处理项目时,您将与“随您移动”进行比较的时间,对于这样的快速循环可能没有多大关系,但如果这用于处理可能需要很长时间的循环,则取决于您想要的行为,您可能希望将其移动到循环之外的var n

C# DateTime.Now在foreach循环中有一些副作用需要注意。当您处理项目时,您将与“随您移动”进行比较的时间,对于这样的快速循环可能没有多大关系,但如果这用于处理可能需要很长时间的循环,则取决于您想要的行为,您可能希望将其移动到循环之外的var n,c#,list,function,C#,List,Function,DateTime.Now在foreach循环中有一些副作用需要注意。当您处理项目时,您将与“随您移动”进行比较的时间,对于这样的快速循环可能没有多大关系,但如果这用于处理可能需要很长时间的循环,则取决于您想要的行为,您可能希望将其移动到循环之外的var now=DateTime.now并使用now.Subtract。(…在循环中。(这更多是针对未来的读者,而不是答案的海报)请参阅关于使用DateTime时实现者应注意的事项。现在,在循环中使用。谢谢,这使我走上了正确的道路。我只是不知道如何才能做

var now=DateTime.now
class RestartData
        public string ProgramLocation { get; set; }
        public bool Active { get; set; }
        public int RestarInterval { get; set; }
        public bool RestartIfRunning { get; set; }
        public string ProgramServer { get; set; }
        public string ProcessName { get; set; }
        public DateTime LastRestartTime { get; set; }

 namespace ApplicationWatcher
        public class RestartApplicationTask
            public Int32 SleepInterval { get; set; }
            public String Status { get; set; }
            public String Error { get; set; }
            public bool Stopping { get; set; }
            public static log4net.ILog log { get; set; }

        public void Start()
            Stopping = false;
            Error = "";
            Status = "Starting";
            if (SleepInterval == 0)
                SleepInterval = 3600;

            //make sure there is a logger
            if (log == null)
                log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(new System.IO.FileInfo(System.IO.Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["log4net"])));

                log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

            //This calls a method within the class. The name of the class is not needed, but the list and name of list is needed.
            List<RestartData> restartWorkList = AppRestartList();

            catch (Exception e)
                //Replace with logging
                log.Info("Error: could not process " + restartWorkList);

        public static Happy.Common.HappyTools.DB GetCurrentlyRunningApplications(bool Active)

        String qry= "SELECT ProgramLocation, Active, RestartIfRunning FROM any_database.dbo.AppWatcher WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Active = 1";
        //qry = qry.Replace("<Active>", Active.ToString());
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(qry, (SqlConnection)DB.MakeConnection("any_database"));
        DataTable dt;

        Happy.Common.HappyTools.DB returnValue = new Happy.Common.HappyTools.DB();
            dt = DB.ExecuteTable(cmd, "any_database");

            DataRow thisRow = dt.Rows[0];
        catch (Exception e)
            //do something
        finally { }
        return returnValue;

        static List<RestartData> AppRestartList()
            List<RestartData> restartDatas = new List<RestartData>();

            //Don't need to create a new instance but does need to be assigned to at least null
            RestartData restartData = null;

            //This is an actual SQL Query that would be the same as in a SQL manager.
            string sqlQuery = "Select RestartTime, ProgramLocation, LastRestartTime, RestartInterval, ProgramServer, RestartIfRunning, ProcessName from dbo.AppWatcher where active=1;";

            //execute sql query
            //execute database reader
            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery, (SqlConnection)DB.MakeConnection("any_database"));
            DataTable dt;  


            dt = DB.ExecuteTable(command, "any_database");

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                //move stuff from reader into log data, and exp
                //not RestartData restartData = new RestartData();  The RestartData() method is already declared
                restartData = new RestartData();
                restartData.ProgramLocation = Misc.NullSafeString(row["programLocation"]);
                //restartData.Active = Misc.NullSafeBool(row["active"]);
                restartData.RestarInterval = Misc.NullSafeInt(row["restartInterval"]);
                restartData.RestartIfRunning = Misc.NullSafeBool(row["restartIfRunning"]);
                restartData.ProcessName = Misc.NullSafeString(row["processName"]);
                restartData.LastRestartTime = Misc.NullSafeDateTime(row["lastRestartTime"]);

                //add restartData to list

            return restartDatas;

        static void processRestartList(List<RestartData>restartJob)

            //i represents all the properties in LogData
            **foreach(RestartData i in restartJob)
                if (i <= RestartData())

foreach(var data in restartJob.Where(x=> DateTime.Now.Subtract(x.LastRestartTime).TotalSeconds > x.RestarInterval))
// Check what LastRestartTime is and if it is greater that RestartInterval, kill the process and restart it.
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; // Keep DateTime static.
foreach(RestartData restartData in restartJob)
    if (dt >= restartData.LastRestartTime.AddHours(restartData.RestarInterval))
        restartData.LastRestartTime = dt;
        // restart process