优化web映像(C#和ASP.NET MVC)

优化web映像(C#和ASP.NET MVC),c#,asp.net-mvc,image,C#,Asp.net Mvc,Image,我正在寻找一种方法,以有效地准备大量的图片网站在.NET 图像通常是大型的、未经编辑的、2-5MB 4000x8000px的手机摄像头拍摄的怪物图像 我想快速生成缩略图,并尽可能高效。(不降低CPU速度)或用户的性能 我也必须考虑缓存。 现代CMS系统使用图像预处理器,您可以通过前端调用。所以我也想做这样的东西,但是我自己的。因为在我的情况下,我不能在这里使用CMS 这是我的代码:我有一个来自helper类的静态helper方法。 每次需要渲染图像时,我都会在razor中调用它 public s


图像通常是大型的、未经编辑的、2-5MB 4000x8000px的手机摄像头拍摄的怪物图像




类的静态helper方法。 每次需要渲染图像时,我都会在razor中调用它

public static string GetImgThumbnail(string web_path, int _width = 0, int _height = 0)
        //Default parameters
        Image image;
        Image thumbnail;
        string thumb_url = "/img/noimg.png";

            // web_path example input "/images/helloworld.jpg"
            //system_path returns system path of Ogirinal image in the system f.e.: "C:\projects\websites\mysite\images\helloworld.jpg"
            string system_path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(web_path);
            image = Image.FromFile(system_path);

            //Original image dimensions
            int width = image.Width;
            int height = image.Height;

            //Get New image dimensions
            if(_height == 0)
                if(_width == 0)
                    _width = 700;
                _height = (_width * height) / width;

            if (_width == 0)
                if (_height == 0)
                    _height = 700;
                _width = (_height * width) / height;

            //Generate Thumbnail, passing in new dimensions
            thumbnail = image.GetThumbnailImage(_width, _height, null, IntPtr.Zero);

            //Find out how to call newly created thumbnail.
            //Original image example name = "/images/helloworld.jpg" thumbnail would be "/images/helloworld_thumb_700x250.jpg" or analogical with .png or JPEG etc...
            //Suffix should be "_thumb_{width}x{height}"
            string suffix = string.Format("_thumb_{0}x{1}", _width.ToString(),_height.ToString());

            var bigImgFilename = String.Format("{0}{1}",
                     Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(system_path), Path.GetExtension(system_path));

            var newImgFilename = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}",
                     Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(system_path), suffix, Path.GetExtension(system_path));

            //New system path of new Thumbnail example: "C:\projects\websites\mysite\images\helloworld_thumb_700x250.jpg"
            var newpath = system_path.Replace(bigImgFilename, newImgFilename);

            //Set new web path, expect this to be: "/images/helloworld_thumb_700x250.jpg"
            thumb_url = web_path.Replace(bigImgFilename, newImgFilename);

            //Check if file exists, no need to overrite if file exists.
            if (!File.Exists(newpath)) 

        catch (Exception exc)
            // If something goes wrong, just return backup image.
            thumb_url = "/img/noimg.png";

        // return thumbnail 
        return thumb_url;




  • 加载图像(因为您需要它来计算新的文件名)
  • 计算新文件名
  • 检查文件是否已经存在
  • 如果文件已经存在,请使用它
  • 如果没有,则生成缩略图
  • 在代码中,大致如下所示:

    public static string GetImgThumbnail(string web_path, int _width = 0, int _height = 0)
        string system_path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(web_path);
        image = Image.FromFile(system_path);
        // calculate new width and height
        // calculate new filename
            //New system path of new Thumbnail example: "C:\projects\websites\mysite\images\helloworld_thumb_700x250.jpg"
            var newpath = system_path.Replace(bigImgFilename, newImgFilename);
            //Set new web path, expect this to be: "/images/helloworld_thumb_700x250.jpg"
            thumb_url = web_path.Replace(bigImgFilename, newImgFilename);
            //Check if file exists, no need to overrite if file exists.
            if (!File.Exists(newpath)) 
                //Generate Thumbnail, passing in new dimensions
                thumbnail = image.GetThumbnailImage(_width, _height, null, IntPtr.Zero);



    public static string GetImgThumbnail(string web_path, int _width = 0, int _height = 0)
            //Default parameters
            Image image;
            Image thumbnail;
            string thumb_url = "/img/noimg.png";
                // web_path example input "/images/helloworld.jpg"
                //system_path returns system path of Ogirinal image in the system f.e.: "C:\projects\websites\mysite\images\helloworld.jpg"
                string system_path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(web_path);
                image = Image.FromFile(system_path);
                //Original image dimensions
                int width = image.Width;
                int height = image.Height;
                //Get New image dimensions
                if(_height == 0)
                    if(_width == 0)
                        _width = 700;
                    _height = (_width * height) / width;
                if (_width == 0)
                    if (_height == 0)
                        _height = 700;
                    _width = (_height * width) / height;
                //Generate Thumbnail, passing in new dimensions
                thumbnail = image.GetThumbnailImage(_width, _height, null, IntPtr.Zero);
                //Find out how to call newly created thumbnail.
                //Original image example name = "/images/helloworld.jpg" thumbnail would be "/images/helloworld_thumb_700x250.jpg" or analogical with .png or JPEG etc...
                //Suffix should be "_thumb_{width}x{height}"
                string suffix = string.Format("_thumb_{0}x{1}", _width.ToString(),_height.ToString());
                var bigImgFilename = String.Format("{0}{1}",
                         Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(system_path), Path.GetExtension(system_path));
                var newImgFilename = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}",
                         Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(system_path), suffix, Path.GetExtension(system_path));
                //New system path of new Thumbnail example: "C:\projects\websites\mysite\images\helloworld_thumb_700x250.jpg"
                var newpath = system_path.Replace(bigImgFilename, newImgFilename);
                //Set new web path, expect this to be: "/images/helloworld_thumb_700x250.jpg"
                thumb_url = web_path.Replace(bigImgFilename, newImgFilename);
                //Check if file exists, no need to overrite if file exists.
                if (!File.Exists(newpath)) 
            catch (Exception exc)
                // If something goes wrong, just return backup image.
                thumb_url = "/img/noimg.png";
            // return thumbnail 
            return thumb_url;





  • 加载图像(因为您需要它来计算新的文件名)
  • 计算新文件名
  • 检查文件是否已经存在
  • 如果文件已经存在,请使用它
  • 如果没有,则生成缩略图
  • 在代码中,大致如下所示:

    public static string GetImgThumbnail(string web_path, int _width = 0, int _height = 0)
        string system_path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(web_path);
        image = Image.FromFile(system_path);
        // calculate new width and height
        // calculate new filename
            //New system path of new Thumbnail example: "C:\projects\websites\mysite\images\helloworld_thumb_700x250.jpg"
            var newpath = system_path.Replace(bigImgFilename, newImgFilename);
            //Set new web path, expect this to be: "/images/helloworld_thumb_700x250.jpg"
            thumb_url = web_path.Replace(bigImgFilename, newImgFilename);
            //Check if file exists, no need to overrite if file exists.
            if (!File.Exists(newpath)) 
                //Generate Thumbnail, passing in new dimensions
                thumbnail = image.GetThumbnailImage(_width, _height, null, IntPtr.Zero);



    public static string GetImgThumbnail(string web_path, int _width = 0, int _height = 0)
            //Default parameters
            Image image;
            Image thumbnail;
            string thumb_url = "/img/noimg.png";
                // web_path example input "/images/helloworld.jpg"
                //system_path returns system path of Ogirinal image in the system f.e.: "C:\projects\websites\mysite\images\helloworld.jpg"
                string system_path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(web_path);
                image = Image.FromFile(system_path);
                //Original image dimensions
                int width = image.Width;
                int height = image.Height;
                //Get New image dimensions
                if(_height == 0)
                    if(_width == 0)
                        _width = 700;
                    _height = (_width * height) / width;
                if (_width == 0)
                    if (_height == 0)
                        _height = 700;
                    _width = (_height * width) / height;
                //Generate Thumbnail, passing in new dimensions
                thumbnail = image.GetThumbnailImage(_width, _height, null, IntPtr.Zero);
                //Find out how to call newly created thumbnail.
                //Original image example name = "/images/helloworld.jpg" thumbnail would be "/images/helloworld_thumb_700x250.jpg" or analogical with .png or JPEG etc...
                //Suffix should be "_thumb_{width}x{height}"
                string suffix = string.Format("_thumb_{0}x{1}", _width.ToString(),_height.ToString());
                var bigImgFilename = String.Format("{0}{1}",
                         Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(system_path), Path.GetExtension(system_path));
                var newImgFilename = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}",
                         Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(system_path), suffix, Path.GetExtension(system_path));
                //New system path of new Thumbnail example: "C:\projects\websites\mysite\images\helloworld_thumb_700x250.jpg"
                var newpath = system_path.Replace(bigImgFilename, newImgFilename);
                //Set new web path, expect this to be: "/images/helloworld_thumb_700x250.jpg"
                thumb_url = web_path.Replace(bigImgFilename, newImgFilename);
                //Check if file exists, no need to overrite if file exists.
                if (!File.Exists(newpath)) 
            catch (Exception exc)
                // If something goes wrong, just return backup image.
                thumb_url = "/img/noimg.png";
            // return thumbnail 
            return thumb_url;



    看看ImageResizer项目,我不明白你的代码在计算宽度和高度时应该做什么,但第二组ifs不可能是正确的,因为它检查宽度是否为0 twiceThanks,这是一个打字错误,我纠正了我的代码示例,但有一些实际的想法:你可以考虑一个云服务。一旦请求,他们将从您的位置下载图像,调整大小(其他可能的操作,如裁剪、应用过滤器、压缩)并返回缓存副本(从现在开始),所有操作都只需更改URL即可完成。我知道,人们可以编写所有程序,但这些服务有时非常有用。看看ImageResizer项目,我不明白你的代码在计算宽度和高度时应该做什么,但第二组ifs不可能是正确的,因为它检查宽度是否为0 twiceThanks,这是一个打字错误,我纠正了我的代码示例,但有一些实际的想法:你可以考虑一个云服务。一旦请求,他们将从您的位置下载图像,调整大小(其他可能的操作,如裁剪、应用过滤器、压缩)并返回缓存副本(从现在开始),所有操作都只需更改URL即可完成。我知道,人们可以对一切进行编程,但这些服务有时非常有用。虽然这些观点可能有效,但这并不试图回答OP的问题。这应该是一个评论,而不是一个回答。嗨,罗尔斯图法赫勒,你有一些好的观点,完全同意。但首先调用File.Exists()的邮件问题是,我需要获取新路径,只有在通过OldPath(也称为web_Path)后才能获取新路径。所以我需要先分解它,然后我知道我需要查找(或创建)什么文件,它有什么扩展名等等。。。因为用户可能会添加TIFF文件格式,这是我完全没有想到的。做了一些修改。“我越来越近了吗?”罗尔施陶法赫你的回答对这个案子很有帮助,它确实解决了我的案子。对此表示衷心的感谢!:)虽然这些观点可能有效,但这并不试图回答OP的问题。这应该是一个评论,而不是一个回答。嗨,罗尔斯图法赫勒,你有一些好的观点,完全同意。但首先调用File.Exists()的邮件问题是,我需要获取新路径,只有在通过OldPath(也称为web_Path)后才能获取新路径。所以我需要先分解它,然后我知道我需要查找(或创建)什么文件,它有什么扩展名等等。。。因为用户可能会添加TIFF文件格式,这是我完全没有想到的。做了一些修改。“我越来越近了吗?”罗尔施陶法赫你的回答对这个案子很有帮助,它确实解决了我的案子。对此表示衷心的感谢!:)