C# 如何显示公司各部门的培训统计?

C# 如何显示公司各部门的培训统计?,c#,asp.net,sql,sql-server,asp.net-charts,C#,Asp.net,Sql,Sql Server,Asp.net Charts,我是一名新的ASP.NET开发人员,现在我正在开发一个web应用程序,作为公司的培训管理系统。我现在正在进行最后一项任务,这项任务是开发一个仪表板,其中显示两个图表,显示以下内容: Courses Table consists of: CourseName, CourseID, GroupID Groups Table consists of: ID, GroupName Employee Table consists of: Name, SSN, Department Employee_Cou


Courses Table consists of: CourseName, CourseID, GroupID
Groups Table consists of: ID, GroupName
Employee Table consists of: Name, SSN, Department
Employee_Course Table consists of: employeeId, courseId
  • 图表显示了每个部门有多少员工参加了三种必修课程的统计数据

  • 另一张图表显示了公司每月每周培训的整体百分比

  • 我知道如何使用ASP.NET图表控件,并且我已经开发了两个不同的图表,这两个图表是剩余的



    Courses Table consists of: CourseName, CourseID, GroupID
    Groups Table consists of: ID, GroupName
    Employee Table consists of: Name, SSN, Department
    Employee_Course Table consists of: employeeId, courseId

    SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.employee.Department, dbo.employee.Name, T1.SSN
       , courses_2.CourseName
       , CASE
            WHEN dbo.employee_courses.courseId IS NULL THEN ' '
            ELSE 'Yes'
         END AS CourseId
    FROM dbo.employee_courses
    RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.courses AS courses_2
       SELECT employee_1.SSN, courses_1.CourseID
       FROM dbo.employee AS employee_1
       CROSS JOIN dbo.courses AS courses_1
    ) AS T1 ON courses_2.CourseID = T1.CourseID
    INNER JOIN dbo.employee ON T1.SSN = dbo.employee.SSN
       ON dbo.employee_courses.employeeId = T1.SSN
       AND dbo.employee_courses.courseId = T1.CourseID

    为了澄清这个问题,让我们假设我们有两种类型/组的课程;强制性和选择性。我们也有部门,;A、 B和C.假设每个部门完成必修课程的员工人数如下: A部门:105名员工中有55名, B部门:114名员工中有78人, C部门:147名员工中有98人




    SELECT COUNT(*), CourseID, Department
    FROM Courses c
    INNER JOIN Employee_Course ec ON c.CourseID = ec.CourseID
    INNER JOIN Employee e ON ec.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID
    HAVING CourseID IN (requiredCourseIDs)
    GROUP BY CourseID, GroupID



    ;with EmployeesWithRequiredCourses as
        select *
        from Employee
        where not exists
            select CourseID
            from Courses
            inner join GroupTable on GroupTable.GroupID = Courses.GroupID
            where GroupTable.GroupName = 'Required'
            select Employee_Course.CourseID
            from Employee_Course
            inner join Courses on Courses.CourseID = Employee_Course.CourseID
            inner join GroupTable on GroupTable.GroupID = Courses.GroupID
            where Employee_Course.EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID
            and GroupTable.GroupName = 'Required'
    EmployeesWithOptionalCourses as
        select *
        from Employee
        where not exists
            select CourseID
            from Courses
            inner join GroupTable on GroupTable.GroupID = Courses.GroupID
            where GroupTable.GroupName = 'Optional'
            select Employee_Course.CourseID
            from Employee_Course
            inner join Courses on Courses.CourseID = Employee_Course.CourseID
            inner join GroupTable on GroupTable.GroupID = Courses.GroupID
            where Employee_Course.EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID
            and GroupTable.GroupName = 'Optional'
    select  Employee.Department, 
            COUNT(EmployeesWithRequiredCourses.EmployeeID) as RequiredCourseCount,
            COUNT(EmployeesWithOptionalCourses.EmployeeID) as OptionalCourseCount,
            COUNT(Employee.EmployeeID) as EmployeeCount,
            CAST(COUNT(EmployeesWithRequiredCourses.EmployeeID) as real)/CAST(COUNT(Employee.EmployeeID) as real) as RequiredCoursePercentage,
            CAST(COUNT(EmployeesWithOptionalCourses.EmployeeID) as real)/CAST(COUNT(Employee.EmployeeID) as real) as OptionalCoursePercentage
    from Employee
    left outer join EmployeesWithRequiredCourses on EmployeesWithRequiredCourses.EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID
    left outer join EmployeesWithOptionalCourses on EmployeesWithOptionalCourses.EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID
    group by Employee.Department

    ;with Departments as
        select Department, COUNT(*) as DepartmentEmployeeCount
        from Employee
        group by Department
    DepartmentCourse as
        select Department, CourseName, DepartmentEmployeeCount
        from Departments
        cross join Courses
    CompletedCourses as
        select Department, CourseName, COUNT(*) as CourseCompletedCount
        from Employee
        inner join Employee_Course on Employee_Course.EmployeeID = Employee.EmployeeID
        inner join Courses on Courses.CourseID = Employee_Course.CourseID
        group by Department, CourseName
    select  DepartmentCourse.Department, 
            CAST(ISNULL(CourseCompletedCount,0) as real)/CAST(DepartmentEmployeeCount as real) as CourseCompletionPercentage
    from DepartmentCourse
    left outer join CompletedCourses on CompletedCourses.Department = DepartmentCourse.Department and CompletedCourses.CourseName = DepartmentCourse.CourseName

    create table GroupTable
        GroupID int not null,
        GroupName varchar(50)
    create table Courses
        CourseID int not null,
        GroupID int,
        CourseName varchar(50)
    create table Employee
        EmployeeID int not null,
        Name varchar(50),
        SSN varchar(11),
        Department varchar(50)
    create table Employee_Course
        EmployeeID int not null,
        CourseID int not null
    insert into GroupTable values (1, 'Required')
    insert into GroupTable values (2, 'Optional')
    insert into Courses values (1, 1, 'Course1')
    insert into Courses values (2, 1, 'Course2')
    insert into Courses values (3, 1, 'Course3')
    insert into Courses values (4, 2, 'Course4')
    insert into Courses values (5, 2, 'Course5')
    insert into Courses values (6, 2, 'Course6')
    insert into Employee values (1, 'Bob','122-45-1111', 'A')
    insert into Employee values (2, 'Peter','124-45-2222', 'A')
    insert into Employee values (3, 'Joe','125-45-3333', 'A')
    insert into Employee values (4, 'Jimmy','126-45-4444', 'A')
    insert into Employee values (5, 'Mary','127-45-5555', 'A')
    insert into Employee values (6, 'Alice','122-45-6666', 'B')
    insert into Employee values (7, 'Jennifer','124-45-7777', 'B')
    insert into Employee values (8, 'Carter','125-45-8888', 'B')
    insert into Employee values (9, 'Mason','126-45-9999', 'C')
    insert into Employee values (10, 'Irina','127-45-0000', 'C')
    insert into Employee_Course values (1,1)
    insert into Employee_Course values (1,2)
    insert into Employee_Course values (1,3)
    insert into Employee_Course values (1,4)
    insert into Employee_Course values (1,5)
    insert into Employee_Course values (1,6)
    insert into Employee_Course values (2,1)
    insert into Employee_Course values (2,2)
    insert into Employee_Course values (2,4)
    insert into Employee_Course values (2,5)
    insert into Employee_Course values (3,1)
    insert into Employee_Course values (3,4)
    insert into Employee_Course values (4,1)
    insert into Employee_Course values (4,2)
    insert into Employee_Course values (4,3)
    insert into Employee_Course values (5,4)
    insert into Employee_Course values (5,5)
    insert into Employee_Course values (5,6)
    insert into Employee_Course values (6,1)
    insert into Employee_Course values (6,2)
    insert into Employee_Course values (6,3)
    insert into Employee_Course values (6,4)
    insert into Employee_Course values (6,5)
    insert into Employee_Course values (7,4)
    insert into Employee_Course values (8,1)
    insert into Employee_Course values (9,2)
    insert into Employee_Course values (9,3)
    insert into Employee_Course values (9,4)
    insert into Employee_Course values (9,5)
    insert into Employee_Course values (9,6)
    insert into Employee_Course values (10,1)
    insert into Employee_Course values (10,2)
    insert into Employee_Course values (10,3)
    insert into Employee_Course values (10,4)
    insert into Employee_Course values (10,5)
    insert into Employee_Course values (10,6)
