C# C Outlook Attachment.SaveAsFile在.msg文件类型上失败

C# C Outlook Attachment.SaveAsFile在.msg文件类型上失败,c#,outlook,attachment,msg,C#,Outlook,Attachment,Msg,因此,我有以下代码,它从驻留在共享文件夹中的联系人项目中提取所有附件: Outlook._Application objOutlook; //declare Outlook application objOutlook = new Outlook.Application(); //create it Outlook._NameSpace objNS = objOutlook.Session; //create new ses


            Outlook._Application objOutlook; //declare Outlook application
            objOutlook = new Outlook.Application(); //create it
            Outlook._NameSpace objNS = objOutlook.Session; //create new session
            Outlook.MAPIFolder oAllPublicFolders; //what it says on the tin
            Outlook.MAPIFolder oPublicFolders; // as above
            Outlook.MAPIFolder objContacts; //as above
            Outlook.Items itmsFiltered; //the filtered items list
            oPublicFolders = objNS.Folders["Public Folders"];
            oAllPublicFolders = oPublicFolders.Folders["All Public Folders"];
            objContacts = oAllPublicFolders.Folders["Global Contacts"];

            itmsFiltered = objContacts.Items.Restrict(strFilter);//restrict the search to our filter terms

            for (int i = 1; i <= itmsFiltered.Count; i++) //loop through filtered items
                var item = itmsFiltered[i];

                Contact ctctNew = new Contact(); //create new contact

                foreach (Outlook.Attachment oa in item.Attachments)
                { ctctNew.ImportedAttachments.Add(oa); }

                lstContacts.Add(ctctNew); // add to the list that will be displayed in the OLV

            return lstContacts;

An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in Event Management System.exe

Additional information: Cannot save the attachment. Could not complete the operation. One or more parameter values are not valid.





An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in Event Management System.exe

Additional information: Cannot save the attachment. Could not complete the operation. One or more parameter values are not valid.