C# 需要重构大型类的建议吗

C# 需要重构大型类的建议吗,c#,refactoring,C#,Refactoring,我们的C#应用程序生成各种类型的报告。每种类型的报告都有一个xml模式,定义了可用的选项和功能,因此用户可以创建一个xml文档来描述他们想要的报告。存在多个报表类型通用的元素,并且某些元素之间存在相互依赖关系 目前,我们有一个完整的静态方法类来处理xml的解析。它将获取一个经过模式验证的文档,并返回一个表示报告类型及其配置选项的对象。这个类看起来像这样: public class ReportFactory { //let's say 4 types of reports pub



public class ReportFactory
    //let's say 4 types of reports
    public static ReportType1 CreateReportType1(XDocument document)
        //logic to create this type of report, calling private methods in this class

    public static ReportTypeN CreateReportTypeN(XDocument document)
        //logic to create this type of report

    //several dozen private methods, which get called from the public methods or from each other
    private static Feature1 CreateFeature1(XElement element)
        //create some feature of a report 

    private static FeatureN CreateFeatureN(XElement element, FeatureM m)
        //create some feature which relies on another previously built feature

    private static FeatureX CreateFeatureX(ReportType2 report, XElement elementForX, XElement elementRelatedToX)
        //create some feature, which relies on 
        //more than one element and/or a partially built report of a given type

    private static void UpdateFeatureNWithStuffFromFeatureM(FeatureN n, FeatureM m)
        //modify parts of the built report, based on some other parts of the report 
public class Report
  protected Report(XDocument document)
     // Any code common to creating the majority of reports

  protected class Feature
     private XElement element;
     public Feature(XElement element)
        // Any code common to creating the majority of features

     public Feature(Feature feature)
        element = feature.element;
        // Any code common to creating features from other features

  public class Feature1 : Feature
     public Feature1(XElement element)
        : base(element)
        // Any code specific to creating Feature1

  public class FeatureN : Feature
     public FeatureN(FeatureM feature) : base(feature)
        // Any code specific to creating a featureN from a featureM

     public void UpdateFromFeatureM(FeatureM feature)
        //modify parts of the built report, based on some other parts of the report

  public class FeatureM : Feature

public class ReportType1 : Report
  public ReportType1(XDocument document)
     : base(document)
     // Code specific to creating ReportType1

public class ReportType2 : Report
  public ReportType2(XDocument document)
     : base(document)
     // Code specific to creating ReportType2

  public class FeatureX
     public FeatureX(ReportType2 report, XElement element, XElement relatedElement)
        //create some feature, which relies on 
        //more than one element and/or a partially built report of a given type







public class ReportFactory
    //let's say 4 types of reports
    public static ReportType1 CreateReportType1(XDocument document)
        //logic to create this type of report, calling private methods in this class

    public static ReportTypeN CreateReportTypeN(XDocument document)
        //logic to create this type of report

    //several dozen private methods, which get called from the public methods or from each other
    private static Feature1 CreateFeature1(XElement element)
        //create some feature of a report 

    private static FeatureN CreateFeatureN(XElement element, FeatureM m)
        //create some feature which relies on another previously built feature

    private static FeatureX CreateFeatureX(ReportType2 report, XElement elementForX, XElement elementRelatedToX)
        //create some feature, which relies on 
        //more than one element and/or a partially built report of a given type

    private static void UpdateFeatureNWithStuffFromFeatureM(FeatureN n, FeatureM m)
        //modify parts of the built report, based on some other parts of the report 
public class Report
  protected Report(XDocument document)
     // Any code common to creating the majority of reports

  protected class Feature
     private XElement element;
     public Feature(XElement element)
        // Any code common to creating the majority of features

     public Feature(Feature feature)
        element = feature.element;
        // Any code common to creating features from other features

  public class Feature1 : Feature
     public Feature1(XElement element)
        : base(element)
        // Any code specific to creating Feature1

  public class FeatureN : Feature
     public FeatureN(FeatureM feature) : base(feature)
        // Any code specific to creating a featureN from a featureM

     public void UpdateFromFeatureM(FeatureM feature)
        //modify parts of the built report, based on some other parts of the report

  public class FeatureM : Feature

public class ReportType1 : Report
  public ReportType1(XDocument document)
     : base(document)
     // Code specific to creating ReportType1

public class ReportType2 : Report
  public ReportType2(XDocument document)
     : base(document)
     // Code specific to creating ReportType2

  public class FeatureX
     public FeatureX(ReportType2 report, XElement element, XElement relatedElement)
        //create some feature, which relies on 
        //more than one element and/or a partially built report of a given type




  • 创建
  • 类似地,
  • ReportFactory

  • 您将其拆分为多个类的计划是否包括使用包含公共代码的基类的继承?我会看的。但这取决于你需要什么样的逻辑才能使它变得干净。另一个不错的方法是,如果可以创建一个包含每个XML结构实例数据的结构或类,然后编写一个泛型类,从该数据生成正确的结果。