Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/2/csharp/314.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
C# Android任务线程和UI_C#_Android_Multithreading_Asynchronous - Fatal编程技术网

C# Android任务线程和UI

C# Android任务线程和UI,c#,android,multithreading,asynchronous,C#,Android,Multithreading,Asynchronous,我正在尝试在后台/异步/运行大型XML文件的导入-换句话说,我正试图让它脱离UI线程 我的代码如下: private string ImportXML() { string returnFile = null; ParseXML.ParseXML parsexml = new ParseXML.ParseXML (chosenFile); ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog(this)



private string ImportXML()
        string returnFile = null;
        ParseXML.ParseXML parsexml = new ParseXML.ParseXML (chosenFile);

        ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog(this);
        progress.Indeterminate = true;

        Task xmlTask = new Task (() => returnFile = parsexml.ProcessXML());


        while (!(xmlTask.IsCompleted || xmlTask.IsCanceled || xmlTask.IsFaulted))



        return returnFile;






WeakReference<TextView> textViewReference = new WeakReference<TextView>(textView);
TextView textView = textViewReference.get();
TextView textView = textViewReference.get();
if(textView != null) {
   // TextView still exists. 
} else {
   // TextView doesn't exist anymore. Most likely he has already been garbage collected.

WeakReference<TextView> textViewReference = new WeakReference<TextView>(textView);
TextView textView = textViewReference.get();
TextView textView = textViewReference.get();
if(textView != null) {
   // TextView still exists. 
} else {
   // TextView doesn't exist anymore. Most likely he has already been garbage collected.

public class ExampleTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, String> {

    // We use WeakReferences for all complex objects to prevent memory leaks
    private final WeakReference<TextView> textViewRefernece;
    private final WeakReference<Context> contextReference;

    // Primitives are fine. WeakReferences are not needed here.
    private int resourceId;

    public ExampleTask(Context context, TextView textView, int resourceId) {

        // We create the WeakReferences to our Context and to the TextView in which we want the result to appear.
        this.contextReference = new WeakReference<Context>(context);
        this.textViewRefernece = new WeakReference<TextView>(textView);

        this.resourceId = resourceId;

    protected void onPreExecute() {

        // This method is executed on the ui thread just before the background thread starts.
        // You can perform some inital setup here but mostly you can leave this empty

    protected String doInBackground(Void... params) {

        // This method is executed in a background thread. Here we can do our work.
        // First we have to get the context from the WeakReference
        Context context = contextReference.get();

        // Now we check if the Context still exists. If the context is null it has already been garbage collected.
        // That would happen for example if the app has been closed or even if it crashed.
        if(context != null) {

            // The context is not null which means it still exists we can continue and load the required String and return it
            return context.getString(this.resourceId);

        // If something went wrong we return null.
        return null;

    protected void onPostExecute(String result) {

        // This method is executed on the ui thread after the background thread is finished.
        // Here we get our final result and can set it to our TextView

        // First we check if the String result is null. If it is not null the background thread has finished successfully and we can continue.
        if(result != null) {

            // Here we get our TextView from the WeakReference
            TextView textView = textViewRefernece.get();

            // Now we check if the TextView still exists. If it is null it has already been garbage collected.
            // That would happen for example if the app has been closed while the AsyncTask has been running.
            // Or simply if the Fragment has been replaced or the Activity has changed.
            if(textView != null) {

                // The TextView is not null which means it still exists. We can now set our text.



private Task<string> ImportXML()
    ParseXML.ParseXML parsexml = new ParseXML.ParseXML(chosenFile);

    ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog(this);
    progress.Indeterminate = true;
    var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => parsexml.ProcessXML());
    task.ContinueWith(t => progress.Hide());
    return task;


使用异步任务,它非常适合于此。您确定您的代码正在单独的线程中运行吗?我的意思是ImportXML方法是否在单独的线程中运行?当然,您不会看到使用非UI线程更新进度的更新。。。您必须调用UI线程才能执行此操作。@XaverKapeller感谢您的回复。我对Android和c开发有点陌生,所以我有这样的印象,通过以这种方式调用ImportXML,我会强制它位于一个单独的线程中。从你的回答来看,我想情况不是这样的?不,不是。我将用一个示例AsyncTask发布一个答案。@XaverKapeller所以它使用的是C1.0?为什么lambda不能工作?谢谢@Servy-我已经对ImportXML方法做了这些修改,使之成为一项任务。在调用此任务的方法中,我有以下内容:如果chosenFile.EndsWith.xml,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase dbFile=ImportXML.Result;但是通过追踪,我似乎再次通过这样做阻塞了线程。@Yromulus,这是正确的;结果块,直到有结果为止。您应该将需要使用此任务结果本身的工作作为此方法任务的延续。这就是异步程序的含义。谢谢@Servy-通过您的建议和更多的研究,我现在有了一个可行的解决方案-我非常感谢您的帮助。问题的标签是C,而不是Java。这是Java代码。我对这个问题看得不够清楚。他从来没有提到他正在使用Xamarin或任何类似的药物。但是,一旦您在获取后持有引用,它就不能再被垃圾收集,因为您再次直接持有引用。谢谢@XaverKapeller-很抱歉,我没有更详细地解释我使用的是Xamarin和C。我将尝试Servy之前给出的C示例 我尝试一下您给我的异步任务示例。