C# 列表中每个项上的条件序列化

C# 列表中每个项上的条件序列化,c#,xml-serialization,conditional,C#,Xml Serialization,Conditional,我想控制列表中每一项的Xml序列化,假设您有: public class Item { [XmlElement("id")] public int Id { get; set; } [XmlElement("label")] public string Label { get; set; } #region Conditional serialization public bool ShouldSerializeLabe


public class Item { 
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Label { get; set; }

    #region Conditional serialization
        public bool ShouldSerializeLabel()
            return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Label);

public class Root {
    public List<Item> Items { get; set; }

    #region Conditional serialization
    // Suppose I have two items but one has no label, 
    // How to avoid this :
    // <items>
    //   <item>
    //     <id>5</id>
    //     <label>5</label>
    //   </item>
    //   <item> // I don't want items without label in my collection, how to tell the XmlSerializer not to serialize them
    //     <id>4</id>
    //   </item>
    // </items>
    // But I still want to have to possibility to do that :
    // <product>
    //  <item> // this item has no label and it's ok
    //    <id>42</id>
    //  </item>
    //  <price>1.99</price>
    // </product>


您应该研究在类上实现IXmlSerializable,并进行自定义序列化/反序列化,以便跳过该项。XmlSerializer的语言中没有用于执行此操作的条件属性。另一个选项是循环项目集合并忽略带有空标签的项目。第二个选项是我当前的解决方法:在某个点上你是对的。我添加了以下内容:public void writexmlwriter writer{if!string.IsNullOrEmptyLabel{writer.WriteElementStringid,Id;writer.WriteElementStringlabel,Label;}}虽然它适用于我的集合,但也意味着没有标签的单个项将不再序列化。因此,使用IXmlSerializable具有全局影响,这是我不希望看到的