C# c如何用sql填充包含列表的复杂对象

C# c如何用sql填充包含列表的复杂对象,c#,sql,list,object,join,C#,Sql,List,Object,Join,我目前有一个使用实体框架的对象模型,它包含一个复杂的对象,其属性是列表。我使用此处建议的第二个选项将其存储在DB中: 但总而言之: Person() { long Id;//primary key string Name; List<long> ResponsibleFor; //list of id } 现在我有点困惑于如何重新填充Person对象。我目前的做法如下: from p in db.Persons join r in db.Responsibi



  long Id;//primary key
  string Name;
  List<long> ResponsibleFor; //list of id    

 from p in db.Persons
 join r in db.Responsibilities on p.Id equals r.PersonId
 where p.Id == IdImSearchingFor
 select new Person
  Id = p.Id
  ResponsibileFor = ?



假设您想要获取个人Id 1

from p in db.Persons
 join r in db.Responsibilities on p.Id equals r.PersonId
 where p.Id == 1
 select new Person
  Id = p.Id
  ResponsibileFor = p.ReponsibleFor 





class Person
    public long Id;//primary key
    public string Name;

class Responsibility
    public long Id;//primary key
    public long PersonId;
    public long ResponsibleForId; 

List<Person> Persons = new List<Person>() { new Person() { Id = 1, Name = "Samar" } };
List<Responsibility> Responsibilities = new List<Responsibility>() { new Responsibility() { Id = 1, PersonId = 1, ResponsibleForId = 1 }, new Responsibility() { Id = 2, PersonId = 1, ResponsibleForId = 2 } };



from p in db.Persons
where p.Id == IdImSearchingFor
join r in db.Responsibilities on p.Id equals r.ParentId into pr
select new Person
    Id = p.Id,
    name = p.Name,
    ResponsibleFor = ( from a in pr
                       where a.ParentId == IdImSearchingFor
                       select new Person
                           Id = a.Id


public class Person()
  public long Id { get; set; }
  public string Name { get; set;}
  private Lazy<List<long>> _responsibleFor;
  public List<long> ResponsibleFor
    get { return _responsibleFor.Value; }

  public void SetResponsibleFor(Func<long, List<long>> getResponsibleFor)
    _responsibleFor = new Lazy<List<long>>( () => getResponsibleFor(Id) );

  public Person():base() { }
  public Person(long id, string name)
    Id = id;
    Name = name


   // Implementation
   var p = new Person(1,"John Doe");
   p.SetResponsibleFor(GetResponsibleForPerson); //Pass a function/method which takes the long for input parameter and outputs List<long>

var allPeople = from p in Persons
                join r in Responsibilities on p.Id equals r.PersonId into g
                where p.Id == 1
                select new
                    Id = p.Id,
                    ReponsibleFor = g.Select(x => x.ResponsibleForId).ToList()
from p in db.Persons
where p.Id == IdImSearchingFor
join r in db.Responsibilities on p.Id equals r.ParentId into pr
select new Person
    Id = p.Id,
    name = p.Name,
    ResponsibleFor = ( from a in pr
                       where a.ParentId == IdImSearchingFor
                       select new Person
                           Id = a.Id
public class Person()
  public long Id { get; set; }
  public string Name { get; set;}
  private Lazy<List<long>> _responsibleFor;
  public List<long> ResponsibleFor
    get { return _responsibleFor.Value; }

  public void SetResponsibleFor(Func<long, List<long>> getResponsibleFor)
    _responsibleFor = new Lazy<List<long>>( () => getResponsibleFor(Id) );

  public Person():base() { }
  public Person(long id, string name)
    Id = id;
    Name = name


   // Implementation
   var p = new Person(1,"John Doe");
   p.SetResponsibleFor(GetResponsibleForPerson); //Pass a function/method which takes the long for input parameter and outputs List<long>