C# Can';t为VisualStudio启动Android仿真器

C# Can';t为VisualStudio启动Android仿真器,c#,android,visual-studio,xamarin,android-emulator,C#,Android,Visual Studio,Xamarin,Android Emulator,实际上,我试图用微软论坛上提供的几个补丁来修复这个问题,但没有任何效果,我不明白一些事情 我试图启动一个测试Xamarin代码,并使其在Android配置文件上运行,但当我尝试安装它时,它停留在复制.vhd文件和创建虚拟机上 然后它会提示我进行管理,并重试。它失败并向我提供以下日志文件: 0> 9/9/2016 10:11:43 PM : [Informational] ===== Session Started ===== 1> 9/9/2016 10:11:43 PM : [In




0> 9/9/2016 10:11:43 PM : [Informational] ===== Session Started =====
1> 9/9/2016 10:11:43 PM : [Informational] Emulator manager version: 1.1.622.2
1> 9/9/2016 10:11:43 PM : [Informational] Emulator manager plugin version: 1.1.622.2
1> 9/9/2016 10:11:43 PM : [Informational] Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.14393.0 Windows 10 Pro
1> 9/9/2016 10:11:43 PM : [Informational] Virtualization type: UnknownOrNotVirtual
1> 9/9/2016 10:11:43 PM : [Informational] Virtualization Version: alaska - 1072009
1> 9/9/2016 10:11:43 PM : [Informational] Virtualization Serial Number: to be filled by o.e.m.
1> 9/9/2016 10:11:43 PM : [Informational] Virtualization Product: z97 killer
1> 9/9/2016 10:11:43 PM : [Informational] Display Adapter 0: Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, Version:
2> 9/9/2016 10:11:43 PM : [Informational] Reinitializing installed profiles.
2> 9/9/2016 10:11:43 PM : [Informational] Installed profiles initialized. Devices: 1 Platforms: 2
2> 9/9/2016 10:11:43 PM : [Informational] Reinitializing installable profiles.
2> 9/9/2016 10:11:45 PM : [Informational] Installable profiles initialized. Devices: 38 Platforms: 5
3> 9/9/2016 10:12:06 PM : [Informational] Waiting to uninstall device...
3> 9/9/2016 10:12:06 PM : [Informational] Uninstalling Device: 10.1" Marshmallow (6.0.0) XHDPI Tablet
3> 9/9/2016 10:12:06 PM : [Informational] Uninstalling virtual machine for 10.1" Marshmallow (6.0.0) XHDPI Tablet
3> 9/9/2016 10:12:06 PM : [Informational] Removing device files
3> 9/9/2016 10:12:06 PM : [Informational] Uninstall complete
2> 9/9/2016 10:12:06 PM : [Informational] Reinitializing installed profiles.
2> 9/9/2016 10:12:06 PM : [Informational] Installed profiles initialized. Devices: 0 Platforms: 2
4> 9/9/2016 10:12:08 PM : [Informational] Waiting to install device...
4> 9/9/2016 10:12:08 PM : [Informational] Installing Device: 5.7" Marshmallow (6.0.0) XHDPI Phone , Version: 1.0.60404.1
4> 9/9/2016 10:12:09 PM : [Informational] Creating device configuration
2> 9/9/2016 10:12:09 PM : [Informational] Reinitializing installed profiles.
2> 9/9/2016 10:12:09 PM : [Informational] Installed profiles initialized. Devices: 1 Platforms: 2
4> 9/9/2016 10:12:10 PM : [Informational] Copying .vhd files and creating virtual machine
4> 9/9/2016 10:14:12 PM : [Informational] Waiting to uninstall device...
4> 9/9/2016 10:14:12 PM : [Informational] Uninstalling Device: 5.7" Marshmallow (6.0.0) XHDPI Phone
4> 9/9/2016 10:14:12 PM : [Informational] Uninstalling virtual machine for 5.7" Marshmallow (6.0.0) XHDPI Phone
4> 9/9/2016 10:14:13 PM : [Informational] Removing device files
4> 9/9/2016 10:14:13 PM : [Informational] Uninstall complete
2> 9/9/2016 10:14:13 PM : [Informational] Reinitializing installed profiles.
2> 9/9/2016 10:14:13 PM : [Informational] Installed profiles initialized. Devices: 0 Platforms: 2
4> 9/9/2016 10:14:14 PM : [Informational] Waiting to install device...
4> 9/9/2016 10:14:14 PM : [Informational] Installing Device: 5.7" Marshmallow (6.0.0) XHDPI Phone , Version: 1.0.60404.1
4> 9/9/2016 10:14:14 PM : [Informational] Creating device configuration
2> 9/9/2016 10:14:14 PM : [Informational] Reinitializing installed profiles.
2> 9/9/2016 10:14:14 PM : [Informational] Installed profiles initialized. Devices: 1 Platforms: 2
4> 9/9/2016 10:14:15 PM : [Informational] Copying .vhd files and creating virtual machine
4> 9/9/2016 10:15:27 PM : [Critical] An internal virtual network switch is required for emulated devices to run.
4> 9/9/2016 10:15:27 PM : [Critical] XDE Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft XDE\10.0.10586.0\xde.exe
4> 9/9/2016 10:15:27 PM : [Critical] XDE Arguments: /sku Android /displayName "VS Emulator 5.7\" Marshmallow (6.0.0) XHDPI Phone" /memSize 3072 /diagonalSize 5.7 /video "1440x2560" /vhd "C:\Users\lbthe\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudioEmulator\Android\Containers\Local\Devices\vhd\5.7_Marshmallow_(6.0.0)_XHDPI_Phone\image.vhd" /name "VS Emulator 5.7-inch Marshmallow (6.0.0) XHDPI Phone.lbthe" /noStart /silent
4> 9/9/2016 10:15:27 PM : [Critical] XDE Exit Code: CouldntCreateInternalSwitch (16)

使用Windows 10 Pro如果这对任何事情都有用,如果您需要更多信息,我很乐意提供。







刚刚在Windows设置中启用了开发者模式,但我仍然被困在这里:我的电脑与Hyper-V兼容,我已经检查了各种方式,如Coreinfo,Windows 10上的开发者模式与Android开发和Xamarin没有任何关系。我打电话给微软,他们说唯一的解决办法是使用同步电缆并在我的微软开发者帐户中注册手机。他们还说启用了makedeveloper模式,他们还告诉我重新安装模拟器。。。重新安装windows不会起任何作用。如果bios中有5个hyper-v选项,并且有4个选项可以激活,则模拟器将无法工作,因为所有5个选项都未激活。尝试运行windows phone emulator。。如果您有问题,则您的计算机无法完全支持Hyper-V。。如果windows phone能够正常工作,那么android emulator的下载可能会很糟糕。我刚刚在windows设置中启用了开发者模式,但我仍然被困在这里:我的电脑与Hyper-V兼容,我已经检查了各种方式,如Coreinfo,Windows 10上的开发者模式与Android开发和Xamarin没有任何关系。我打电话给微软,他们说唯一的解决办法是使用同步电缆并在我的微软开发者帐户中注册手机。他们还说启用了makedeveloper模式,他们还告诉我重新安装模拟器。。。重新安装windows不会起任何作用。如果bios中有5个hyper-v选项,并且有4个选项可以激活,则模拟器将无法工作,因为所有5个选项都未激活。尝试运行windows phone emulator。。如果您有问题,则您的计算机无法完全支持Hyper-V。。如果windows phone能够正常工作,那么android emulator的下载可能不好。你似乎对Hyper-V有问题,无法创建虚拟网络交换机你似乎对Hyper-V有问题,无法创建虚拟网络交换机我可能不得不这样做,但问题是我需要半TB的数据,不仅仅是为了编写我不想删除的代码来清理安装。这将是一个太多的麻烦,但这将是最后一步,如果没有其他工作。我可能必须这样做,但问题是我有半TB的数据,我需要,而不仅仅是编码,我不想删除干净安装。这将是一个太多的麻烦,但这将是最后一步,如果没有其他工作。