C# C语言中的节点/边寻路#

C# C语言中的节点/边寻路#,c#,path-finding,C#,Path Finding,我有以下节点的字典结构: Dictionary<int, List<int>> edges 这在技术上是可行的,但我的图表是: 节点:5431 电话:11962 而且速度有点慢。我看到过使用QuickGraph.Net库的建议,但我似乎找不到太多文档,我也不太明白我在读什么 类似地,我也看到过一些针对基于C#的算法的“优化”建议,比如这样,但我还不够聪明,无法理解他们在说什么 有人能帮忙优化或建议替代方案吗?我的数据结构本身不是固定的,但我希望理想情况下保持这种格式


Dictionary<int, List<int>> edges

  • 节点:5431
  • 电话:11962



new Dictionary<int, List<int>>() {
    { "A" = new [] { "B", "C", "D" },
    { "B" = new [] { "A", "C" },
    { "C" = new [] { "A", "B" },
    { "D" = new [] { "A" },
public class Dijkstra<TNode>
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculates the shortest route from a source node to a target node given a set of nodes and connections. Will only work for graphs with non-negative path weights.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="connections">All the nodes, as well as the list of their connections.</param>
    /// <param name="sourceNode">The node to start from.</param>
    /// <param name="targetNode">The node we should seek.</param>
    /// <param name="fnEquals">A function used for testing if two nodes are equal.</param>
    /// <param name="fnDistance">A function used for calculating the distance/weight between two nodes.</param>
    /// <returns>An ordered list of nodes from source->target giving the shortest path from the source to the target node. Returns null if no path is possible.</returns>
    public static List<TNode> ShortestPath(IDictionary<TNode, List<TNode>> connections, TNode sourceNode, TNode targetNode, Func<TNode, TNode, bool> fnEquals, Func<TNode, TNode, double> fnDistance)
        // Initialize values
        Dictionary<TNode, double> distance = new Dictionary<TNode, double>(); ;
        Dictionary<TNode, TNode> previous = new Dictionary<TNode, TNode>(); ;
        List<TNode> localNodes = new List<TNode>();

        // For all nodes, copy it to our local list as well as set it's distance to null as it's unknown
        foreach (TNode node in connections.Keys)
            distance.Add(node, double.PositiveInfinity);

        // We know the distance from source->source is 0 by definition
        distance[sourceNode] = 0;

        while (localNodes.Count > 0)
            // Return and remove best vertex (that is, connection with minimum distance
            TNode minNode = localNodes.OrderBy(n => distance[n]).First();

            // Loop all connected nodes
            foreach (TNode neighbor in connections[minNode])
                // The positive distance between node and it's neighbor, added to the distance of the current node
                double dist = distance[minNode] + fnDistance(minNode, neighbor);

                if (dist < distance[neighbor])
                    distance[neighbor] = dist;
                    previous[neighbor] = minNode;

            // If we're at the target node, break
            if (fnEquals(minNode, targetNode))

        // Construct a list containing the complete path. We'll start by looking at the previous node of the target and then making our way to the beginning.
        // We'll reverse it to get a source->target list instead of the other way around. The source node is manually added.
        List<TNode> result = new List<TNode>();
        TNode target = targetNode;
        while (previous.ContainsKey(target))
            target = previous[target];

        if (result.Count > 1)
            return result;
            return null;
Node Name|Distance